I bedeck self with my qi, I bedizen oneself with my chi.
I charge up oneself. Be the most charged self. Self-charge! Self-charging!
I append self, I applaud oneself. Self-applause! Self-appellation! Self-apperception!
This is accumulation of terrific tremendous power.
Be the most nominal eloquent nomadic nomothetic affluent well-to-do well-off self. Self-affluence!
I overlook my life, I look down over my historical lives, I have a bird's-eye view.
I realize the fruit of one's efforts, crystallize my own oneself. Self-crystallization!
Even I return time, I rescue father, I implant own marrow, I transplant one's bone marrow, into my central core.
Even I return my times, I redo my historical all things, I rework my historical total matters.
I rake in the money, I make a killing, I rally support for self. Be the most rakish self. Be a rallying point.
I show one's dexterity, I devour Islamic State. You're really sharp! Be the most devout dextral devoted dexterous self.
I exact self. Be without example. Be the most exacting exceptional self. Self-exaction! Self-exception! Self-exactitude!
I vow, I petition for you, I take a vow, I make a petition to my God, I have command of the Islamic State. Be well-off.
I approve oneself. Be the most approved approvable self. Self-approval! Self-approbation! Self-appropriation!
I detoxify own detrimental thought. Be a deviant. Be the most developmental self. Self-deviation! Self-deviationism! Self-detoxification!
I segue oneself, separate own dirtiness, divide a silliness, segregate one's stupidity. Be the most seismic silver-tongued self. Self-seizin!
I beg for you, I plead thyself with my God, I entreat yourself, I implore for self, I need patience oneself. Be the most laborious self. Self-entreaty! Self-drudgery!
I accelerate self, I accentuate oneself. Accede to my centre. Be the most abyssal academic accentual accelerative self. Self-accession! Self-accentuation!
I make one's fortune, I embezzle Islamic radical property, I peculate Islamic extreme assets, I appropriate Islamic State, I misappropriate total terroristic fortune. Self-embezzlement! Self-appropriation!
I throw up all one's inimical iniquitous thoughts, I inhibit total terroristic action, I inhabit in self, I ingratiate oneself. Be the most inhere inherent inhabitable self. Self-ingress! Self-ingratiation!
I draw out my total hidden sleeping power, I pull out my basic original essential substance, I pull up my mind by the root, I take out my all one's own peculiar characteristic contents, I extract my inner internal total force.
I beat own dirty soul away, I turn one's vile spirit away, I kick my vulgar mind out, I crush my Daesh, I smash up Daash, I give my Da'ish a good beating, I beat up Islamic State, I beat some character into my Dulat al-Islam fi al- Iraq wal-Sham, I work one's way up, I thrust one's way through the crowd.
結果 (
日本語) 1:
I bedeck self with my qi, I bedizen oneself with my chi.自身を俺の気で飾り立て自己装飾す。I charge up oneself. Be the most charged self. Self-charge! Self-charging!自己充電す。 最も多く充填自身であれ。 自己荷電! 自動充電式!I append self, I applaud oneself. Self-applause! Self-appellation! Self-apperception!私は自身追加付随し自身賞賛す、己に拍手喝采す。 自画自賛! 自己命名! 自己統覚!This is accumulation of terrific tremendous power.凄まじいパワーの集積だ累乗の蓄積だ。Be the most nominal eloquent nomadic nomothetic affluent well-to-do well-off self. Self-affluence!最も名目上〔宇〕万事予定通り雄弁放浪遊牧民法則定立的裕福豊富順調自身であれ。 自己豊富! 自身裕福!I overlook my life, I look down over my historical lives, I have a bird's-eye view.私は私の人生を見渡し、歴史生命を見晴らし見下ろす、俯瞰鳥瞰図を持つ。I realize the fruit of one's efforts, crystallize my own oneself. Self-crystallization!私は人の努力の成果を実現し、私は私自身を自身で具体結晶化する。 自身結晶具体化!Even I return time, I rescue father, I implant own marrow, I transplant one's bone marrow, into my central core.俺が時を戻してさえ中枢核心に自身の髄を植え付け人の骨髄を移植す。Even I return my times, I redo my historical all things, I rework my historical total matters.俺の時代さえ戻し返し歴史万事し直し歴史総事柄を作り直し再加工調整す。I rake in the money, I make a killing, I rally support for self. Be the most rakish self. Be a rallying point.私は荒稼ぎ大儲けし自身に対する支持を結集す。 最も粋で放蕩自身であれ。 再結集中心地であれ。I show one's dexterity, I devour Islamic State. You're really sharp! Be the most devout dextral devoted dexterous self.私は人の腕の冴えを示し、イスラム国を貪り喰らい壊滅させる。 貴方は本当に鋭い冴えている! 最も信心深い右利き専心献身的器用機敏自身であれ。I exact self. Be without example. Be the most exacting exceptional self. Self-exaction! Self-exception! Self-exactitude!私は自身強要す。 例外であれ。 最厳格例外的格別自身であれ。 自己強要! 自身例外! 自己格別! 自己正確!I vow, I petition for you, I take a vow, I make a petition to my God, I have command of the Islamic State. Be well-off.私は誓い貴方に請願し誓約を取り私の神に申し立てイスラム国の指揮権を持つ。 順調であれ。 豊か生活であれ。I approve oneself. Be the most approved approvable self. Self-approval! Self-approbation! Self-appropriation!私は自己是認承認立証す。 最も多く承認された賛成可能自身であれ。 自画自賛! 自己承認! 自己是認! 自己認可! 自身賞賛! 自己称揚! 自己充当!I detoxify own detrimental thought. Be a deviant. Be the most developmental self. Self-deviation! Self-deviationism! Self-detoxification!私は自身の有害な考えを解毒す。 逸脱者であれ。 最も発達上自身であれ。 自己逸脱! 自身偏向! 自身解毒! 自己依存症治療!I segue oneself, separate own dirtiness, divide a silliness, segregate one's stupidity. Be the most seismic silver-tongued self. Self-seizin!私は自身続けて奏す滑らかに推移する、自身の汚れを切り離し愚劣分離す。 最も地震雄弁自身であれ。 自己占有!I beg for you, I plead thyself with my God, I entreat yourself, I implore for self, I need patience oneself. Be the most laborious self. Self-entreaty! Self-drudgery!私は貴方を乞い求め私の神と汝自身を弁護し貴方自身に頼み嘆願し自己の為に懇願す、自身忍耐必要とす。 最も勤勉苦心の跡の見える自身であれ。 自己嘆願! 自身苦役! 骨折り仕事!I accelerate self, I accentuate oneself. Accede to my centre. Be the most abyssal academic accentual accelerative self. Self-accession! Self-accentuation!私は自己加速促進し自身強調す強勢を置く。 俺の中心に同意加盟就任す。 最も底知れん学究的強勢促進加速的自身であれ。 自己接近! 自己継承! 自己承認! 自身加盟! 自己取得! 自己就任! 自身即位! 自身付加! 自己強調!I make one's fortune, I embezzle Islamic radical property, I peculate Islamic extreme assets, I appropriate Islamic State, I misappropriate total terroristic fortune. Self-embezzlement! Self-appropriation!私は人の財産を富を成し、私はイスラム過激派資産を横領し過激派財産を使い込みイスラム国を流用し総暴力主義運富財産を使い込む。 自己横領! 自己充当!I throw up all one's inimical iniquitous thoughts, I inhibit total terroristic action, I inhabit in self, I ingratiate oneself. Be the most inhere inherent inhabitable self. Self-ingress! Self-ingratiation!私は人の敵意有害不正邪悪思考を投げ捨て放棄し総暴力主義行動を抑制禁止す、自身に住み込み自己中居住す、取り入る。 最も多くの本来備わる固有住居に適した自身であれ。 自己進入! 自身立ち入り! 自身迎合行為!I draw out my total hidden sleeping power, I pull out my basic original essential substance, I pull up my mind by the root, I take out my all one's own peculiar characteristic contents, I extract my inner internal total force.私は私の総ての隠された眠っているパワーを引き出し基礎独特本質実質を引き抜き心を根刮ぎ引き上げ自己自身独自特有特徴ある内容中身を取り出し内側内部内的総力抽出す取り出す。I beat own dirty soul away, I turn one's vile spirit away, I kick my vulgar mind out, I crush my Daesh, I smash up Daash, I give my Da'ish a good beating, I beat up Islamic State, I beat some character into my Dulat al-Islam fi al- Iraq wal-Sham, I work one's way up, I thru st one's way through the crowd.私は自身の汚い魂を打ち払い撃退す、向こう人の酷い下劣な心を回し締め出し下品低俗精神を追い出す、私のダーイシュを押し潰し打ち壊し打撃を与えイスラム国を叩き潰し叩き直す、人を叩き上げ群集を掻き分け我道を押し通す。