Hi guys,
We always appreciate the dialog that occurs on Wilders. Thank you to the supporters and the constructive comments.
AX64 has always worked towards the goal of creating the simplest and fastest disk imager for Windows, for ultimate peace of mind.
In order to achieve this, we set out with a minimalist UI, hourly backups (no schedule) and super fast incremental backups and restores.
Unfortunately, AX64 time and time again fell short on delivering "ultimate peace of mind". Hot restore was a flawed architecture and warm restore failed to achieve the speed we desired.
It has been a topsy turvy ride - AX64 being a small startup has continued to hustle for resources in order to achieve the simple flawless app we set out to make. In this regard, we are immensely grateful to Wilder's for being our testers, guinea pigs and critics. THANK YOU.
It's been a long time coming and it is clear much of the community here is losing patience with us. But today, our team truly feels its on the verge of releasing a build that holds true to our vision of simple, peace of mind.
But before I explain why - let's recap the core issues:
Hot restore: A unique method to restore just the changes on the disk. Results in a restore that can takes just seconds to minutes.
Pros: Super fast restore, comparable to a snap shot program.
Cons: Restores occasionally would fail, as restoring in Windows meant third party apps could interrupt the restore. Thus hot restore, ultimately unreliable.
Warm restore: Slow in comparison to hot restore.
Bare metal restore: V2 left baremetal something to be desired, for a long while. This is now fixed in the latest build.
If these three core issues exist (especially the first two) AX64 fails to be
1. A reliable app that provides peace of mind and
2. Fails to be a super fast disk imager.
A totally new restore method.
We've been working for a long time on a revamped restore method - we called it "Native restore".
Without getting too technical, it has the reliability of warm restore and the speed of hot restore. It runs outside of Windows and is not susceptible to third party app interruptions like hot restore. It also doesn't have to boot into a recovery environment like warm restore, so we don't sacrifice on speed.
When's it available?!
A select few have already had the chance to test it and so far - awesome feedback so far.
There are some issues and we're ironing them out.
Restore from a network drive will not work with native app. Warm restore still works for this.
Sometimes full restores occur. We are aware of why and we're fixing the issue.
Other than the above, it appears restores are fast and work every time.
Issues aside, we are ready to share the latest build to anyone keen to give it a test drive.
Private Beta
If you'd like to test it, we'd love your feedback. The more feedback, the faster we can iron out the issues and get a final release out.
To apply to be a tester, simply mail us at and we'll send you a private link to the native restore build of AX64:
This is big news. We're confident native restore holds the key and is the final step to achieving the consistently fast, simple and reliable disk imager that we always envisioned since the beginning.
Thanks again Wilders for the continued dialog and support.
Best regards,
AX64 Team
結果 (
日本語) 1:
Hi guys, We always appreciate the dialog that occurs on Wilders. Thank you to the supporters and the constructive comments. AX64 has always worked towards the goal of creating the simplest and fastest disk imager for Windows, for ultimate peace of mind. In order to achieve this, we set out with a minimalist UI, hourly backups (no schedule) and super fast incremental backups and restores. Unfortunately, AX64 time and time again fell short on delivering "ultimate peace of mind". Hot restore was a flawed architecture and warm restore failed to achieve the speed we desired. It has been a topsy turvy ride - AX64 being a small startup has continued to hustle for resources in order to achieve the simple flawless app we set out to make. In this regard, we are immensely grateful to Wilder's for being our testers, guinea pigs and critics. THANK YOU. It's been a long time coming and it is clear much of the community here is losing patience with us. But today, our team truly feels its on the verge of releasing a build that holds true to our vision of simple, peace of mind. But before I explain why - let's recap the core issues: Hot restore: A unique method to restore just the changes on the disk. Results in a restore that can takes just seconds to minutes. Pros: Super fast restore, comparable to a snap shot program. Cons: Restores occasionally would fail, as restoring in Windows meant third party apps could interrupt the restore. Thus hot restore, ultimately unreliable.温かみのある復元: ホット復元よりも遅い。ベアメタル復元: V2 左 baremetal 何かを長い間、希望します。これは最新のビルドでは修正されました。AX64 に失敗するこれらの 3 つのコアの問題 (特に、最初の 2 つ) が存在する場合1. 信頼性の高いアプリでは心の平和を提供して2. 超高速ディスク imager に失敗します。全く新しい復元方法。我々 が取り組んできた長い間改良された復元方法 -「ネイティブの復元」と呼ばれます。なし得る専門的過ぎて、暖かい復元の信頼性、ホット リストアの速度しています。それは Windows の外部で実行し、ホットの復元のようなサードパーティ製アプリ中断の影響はありません。それもとても暖かい復元のような回復環境で起動する必要はありません私たちの速度を犠牲にしないでください。いつそれは利用できるか?選択のいくつかはすでにそれをテストするチャンスを持っていた、これまでのところ素晴らしいフィードバック。我々 はそれらを煮詰めているし、いくつかの問題があります。特に。ネットワーク ドライブからの復元はこの暖かい復元まだは、ネイティブ アプリケーションで働かない。時々 完全な復元が発生します。我々 はなぜ知っているし、我々 は問題を修正しています。上記以外は、リストアは高速であり、毎回仕事が表示されます。問題はさておき、誰もがそれをテスト ドライブを与えるために熱心に最新のビルドを共有する準備が整いました。プライベート ベータ版それをテストする場合は、私たちはあなたのフィードバックが大好きです。多くのフィードバックより速く、問題点を解決し、最終的なリリースを出すいきます。テスターに適用するには、単にメールでお問い合わせ、私たちを AX64 のネイティブ復元ビルドにプライベート リンクを送るでしょう。info@ax64.comこれはビッグ ニュースです。我々 は、ネイティブの復元キーを保持し、我々 は常に初めから想定して一貫して高速、シンプルかつ信頼性の高いディスク イメージャを達成する最後の手順は、自信を持っています。おかげで再びワイルダーズ継続的なダイアログのサポート。よろしくお願いいたしますWajamusAX64 チーム