It lies a result that has been inflated by overlapping lie in, what you do not know true of whether China's own
"world's largest foreign exchange reserves", matter of fact's a empty
Chinese disguise boasts foreign exchange reserves of the "world" was peeling.
"There, there," the world of dollar assets that have boasted that there is, disappear as if it were sucked into the barracks hall overnight. It is a possible scenario. There anything, of it because China, if the fraud unprecedented is taking place, it would be highly extremely likely. For some time, foreign currency flowing out from China in the investigation of CIA muscle is a 3 trillion $ 80 billion, because China's foreign exchange reserves 3 trillion 650 billion US dollars of 2015 the end of June, when the deduction, the contents of China's foreign exchange reserves, 5700 billion is not only in dollars. This is a simple subtraction, but the column is more complex elements, short China is a result that has been inflated by overlapping lie to lie, China's own what is the truth, do not know the state, whether the paraphrase this as a "new normal" It is as. The most important foreign exchange reserves index in first is a "current account", looking at the numbers, the statistics of March 2015 to one year of China's $ 214.8 billion. But foreign exchange reserves have decreased $ 263.2 billion in the same period. Since the vast foreign currency has been washed away, it will inconsistency of such numbers are believed to occur. So lie of top coat, that is remake a fictitious number, we do window dressing on top of window dressing. The first place because "GDP world two" is a red lie. Among the GDP, the proportion is 48% that "investment" is tightened, impossible even if think this kind of thing. Silk Road initiative funding is $ 45 billion. Around $ 45 billion is the amount that was invested in Venezuela, there is information that the investment was burnt to the offshore oil to Angola, in Libya 100 pieces of the project was reduced to ashes. Below, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Brazil and so on. It is a century of devastation of projects that China has deployed all over the world. Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, such as the acquisition of iron ore mining area, but had developed, encounters in the steel recession, was discontinued development. Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, the NZ dollar fell in Kooaori. Nevertheless, for example, foreign direct investment balance of the end of the year 2013 in China was a $ 660.5 billion, a sharp increase and the $ 985.8 billion in March 15 is seen. Direct external debt balance of 2015 March 31, investment 2 trillion 751.5 billion US dollars, securities $ 967.6 billion. A total of 3 trillion 719.1 billion US dollars. Now if, as mentioned at the beginning of China's foreign exchange reserves and 3 trillion 650 billion US dollars, subtraction is a negative $ 69.1 billion. It is negative. The actual condition of was fool was a direct investment and portfolio investment from abroad to China. It is, and the Shanghai stock market crash, the RMB devaluation, witnessed the real estate bubble destruction, a translation began to withdraw abroad all at once. Is a cumulative surplus of external current account of by summing the trade as well as trade outside the balance of payments because "foreign reserves". So Japan's reserves of 1 trillion 270 billion US dollars in 2015 seven end of the month, since this most are held in US Treasury bonds, continue to increase steadily in the interest income. But of those referred to as "foreign exchange reserves" of China statistics are given is of a thick, which have entered the borrowing from foreign currency assets and foreign to the "short-term foreign currency assets". Specialty Dodge, it is the essence describes a debt to the "income" orchid. Foreign exchange reserves ratio of 16% with respect to net external assets of Japan, however, the Chinese it is 59% (the numbers are both warrior Ryotsukasa Mr. (JB press, September 2). That is the trick of history unprecedented Ponzi scheme, It can be inferred from the numbers. How can be considered the next would be large crash of the yuan.