Distrito Área de Reserva Ecológica – AREÁreas que por su carácter ambi翻訳 - Distrito Área de Reserva Ecológica – AREÁreas que por su carácter ambi英語言う方法

Distrito Área de Reserva Ecológica

Distrito Área de Reserva Ecológica – ARE
Áreas que por su carácter ambiental, su configuración física y su dinámica evolutiva, dan lugar a la conformación de ambientes naturales donde las distintas especies de su flora y fauna puedan mantenerse a perpetuidad o incluso aumentar su densidad, ya sea mediante el mantenimiento de las condiciones naturales o con el aporte de un manejo científico.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
District Area of ecological reserve - AREAreas that give rise to the creation of natural environments where different species of flora and fauna can be maintained in perpetuity by its environmental character, its physical configuration and its evolutionary dynamics, or even increase its density, either through the maintenance of natural conditions or with the contribution of scientific management.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
District Area of Ecological Reserve - ARE
Areas for its environmental character, its physical configuration and its evolutionary dynamics, give rise to the formation of natural environments where different species of flora and fauna can be maintained in perpetuity or even increase its density, and either by maintaining natural conditions or with the contribution of scientific management.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The district area of Ecological Reserve - areAreas for its environmental physical configuration, su y Su dynamical evolution, Dan place La conformación natural environments where different species of them can mantenerse flora and fauna Su the perpetuidad the included increase Su densidad, Ya sea through the maintenance of Las condiciones Naturales o con El intake of a scientific management.
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