Joaquim Gomis (1902-1911) was the first president of the Fundació Joan翻訳 - Joaquim Gomis (1902-1911) was the first president of the Fundació Joan日本語言う方法

Joaquim Gomis (1902-1911) was the f

Joaquim Gomis (1902-1911) was the first president of the Fundació Joan Miró and a good friend of Joan Miró. As such, he was able to follow the construction of Sert's building up close. From 1973, Gomis used his camera to document the work leading up to the opening of the Fundació in 1975, delighting in all the details, in the composition of the elements, the surface of the materials... From the many albums in the Gomis archive, the exhibition presents eleven negatives that are characteristic of his gaze and emblematic of the architectural origins of the Fundació forty years ago.

Coinciding with the photography exhibition Joaquim Gomis. Under Construction 1973-1975 and with the start of the commemorative year, the Fundació Joan Miró invites the people of Barcelona - particularly residents of the Sants-Montjuïc district - to unearth photographs of the mountain as it was in the seventies and create a communal anniversary album by sharing them on the Fundació's Pinterest account.
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Joaquim Gomis (1902-1911) was the first president of the Fundació Joan Miró and a good friend of Joan Miró. As such, he was able to follow the construction of Sert's building up close. From 1973, Gomis used his camera to document the work leading up to the opening of the Fundació in 1975, delighting in all the details, in the composition of the elements, the surface of the materials... From the many albums in the Gomis archive, the exhibition presents eleven negatives that are characteristic of his gaze and emblematic of the architectural origins of the Fundació forty years ago.Coinciding with the photography exhibition Joaquim Gomis. Under Construction 1973-1975 and with the start of the commemorative year, the Fundació Joan Miró invites the people of Barcelona - particularly residents of the Sants-Montjuïc district - to unearth photographs of the mountain as it was in the seventies and create a communal anniversary album by sharing them on the Fundació's Pinterest account.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
ホアキン・ゴミス(1902-1911)は、ミロ美術館の初代大統領とジョアン・ミロの良い友人でした。このように、彼はセルトの建物を間近の建設をたどることができました。1973年からは、ゴミスはゴミスの多くのアルバムから...、元素の組成で、すべての詳細に喜ば、1975年にFundacióの開口部に至るまでの作業を文書化するために材料の表面を彼のカメラを使用しましたアーカイブ、展覧会は彼の視線の特性と40年前にFundacióの建築の起源を象徴している11のネガを提示している。写真展ホアキン・ゴミスと一致します。サンツ-モンジュイック地区の特に住民- -それは70年代にあったように、山の写真を発掘し、共同周年を作成するために建設1973年から1975年の下で記念の年の開始と、ミロ美術館、バルセロナの人々を招待FundacióのPinterestアカウントでそれらを共有することによりアルバム。

結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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