Begyndte at vaccinere december 2012. Har i alt modtaget 918 indberetni翻訳 - Begyndte at vaccinere december 2012. Har i alt modtaget 918 indberetni英語言う方法

Begyndte at vaccinere december 2012

Begyndte at vaccinere december 2012. Har i alt modtaget 918 indberetninger om alvorlige bivirkninger. Men tre måneder senere, i marts 2013, trak myndighederne deres anbefaling tilbage på grund af 1.968 rapporterede bivirkninger. Heraf blev de 106 karakteriserede som alvorlige smerter, kramper, spasmer, udmattethed, besvimelser og besvær med at gå, ifølge Japan Times. Regeringen undersøger 2.000 indberetninger, hvoraf 357 er alvorlige. Forsvarerne for vaccinen har siden sagt, at vaccinen er sikker, og at pigerne er psykisk syge. Men i september 2015 fastslog regeringen en fysisk sammenhæng mellem vaccinen og de syge og fastholdt ikke at anbefale vaccinen. En række japanske læger har publiceret videnskabelige artikler, som advarer mod, at vaccinen kan have alvorlige bivirkninger som smertesyndromer og POTS. Japan har oprettet særlige centre for HPV-skadede, og i september fik japanske læger at vide, at de ikke må afvise skaderne som blot funktionelle lidelser, men skal undersøge og behandle symptomerne som udtryk for systemiske skader af kroppen.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Began to vaccinate december 2012. Has received 918 reports of serious side effects. But three months later, in March 2013, authorities withdrew their recommendation because of 1968 reported side effects. Hence they were 106 characterized as severe pain, cramps, spasms, put, faints and difficulty walking, according to the Japan Times. The Government is investigating 2,000 reports, of which 357 is serious. Defenders of the vaccine has since said that the vaccine is safe, and that the girls are mentally ill. But in september 2015, the Government held a physical link between the vaccine and the disease and maintained not to recommend the vaccine. A number of Japanese doctors have published scientific papers, which warns against that the vaccine may have serious side effects such as pain syndromes and POTS. Japan has set up special centres for HPV-injured, and in september got Japanese doctors told that they must not dismiss the damage which simply functional disorders, but to examine and treat the symptoms as a manifestation of systemic damage of the body.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Began to vaccinate December 2012. Has a total of 918 reports of serious side effects. But three months later, in March 2013, drew the authorities their recommendation back because of 1,968 adverse events reported. Of these, 106 are characterized as severe pain, cramps, spasms, fatigue, fainting and difficulty walking, according to the Japan Times. Government investigating 2,000 reports, of which 357 are severe. The defenders of the vaccine has since said that the vaccine is safe and that the girls are mentally ill. But in September 2015 stated the government a physical link between the vaccine and the sick and insisted not to recommend the vaccine. A number of Japanese doctors have published scientific articles, which warns that the vaccine can have serious side effects such as pain syndromes and POTS. Japan has set up special centers for HPV-damaged, and in September, Japanese doctors to know that they will not turn damage as merely functional disorders, but to examine and treat the symptoms as an expression of systemic damage of the body.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
started to vaccinate december 2012. in all, received 918 reports of serious side effects. but three months later, in march 2013, the authorities withdrew their recommendation back because of 1.968 reported side effects. of the 106 characterized as severe pain, convulsions, spasm, fatigue, fainting and difficulty in walking, according to the japan times. the government examines 2000 reports, of whom 357 is serious. defenders of the vaccine has since said that the vaccine is safe and that the girls are mentally ill. but in september 2015, the government established a physical link between the vaccine and the sick and maintained not to recommend the vaccine. a number of doctors in japan has published scientific articles, warning that the vaccine can have serious side effects as smertesyndromer and pots. japan has set up special centres for hpv, injured, and in september was japanese doctors to know that they must not reject the only functional disorders, but must examine and treat the symptoms as an expression of systemic injuries of the body.
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