I educe one's true worthy value, edify self, educate oneself. Be the most educated self. Self-edification! Self-education!
Be the most verdurous veritable veridical self.
I carry my mind to my heaven, I transport one's consciousness to the edge of the universe. Be the most conscious self. Self-carriage! Self-transportation!
I vivify you, revivify yourself, revolve around self, revolutionize oneself, make the one's revolution. Be the most vivacious revolutionary self.
I ram across, I ram into my central self, I ralph up one's low spirits, I rambo my all terrorists of the world. Be the most rammy rambling rambunctious Ramboesque self.
I deduce from self, deduct one's vulgarity, dedicate oneself. Be the most deducible self. Self-deduction! Self-dedication!
結果 (
日本語) 1:
I educe one's true worthy value, edify self, educate oneself. Be the most educated self. Self-edification! Self-education!俺が人の進化を推定演繹し引き出す、自己教化し独学自学自習す。 最も教養ある自身であれ。 自己啓発! 自己教化! 独学! 自学自習!Be the most verdurous veritable veridical self.最新生鮮新緑生気真実偽らざる全く本当自身であれ。I carry my mind to my heaven, I transport one's consciousness to the edge of the universe. Be the most conscious self. Self-carriage! Self-transportation!私は私の心を天国に運び人の意識を宇宙の果てへ輸送す。 最も多くの意識的自身であれ。 自身運搬! 自身交通! 自己運送! 自身輸送!I vivify you, revivify yourself, revolve around self, revolutionize oneself, make the one's revolution. Be the most vivacious revolutionary self.私は貴方を活気づけ生気を与え貴方自身蘇生し甦らせ生き返らせる、自己中心回転し、己に革新を齎す、革命を起こす。 最活発快活革命的自身であれ。I ram across, I ram into my central self, I ralph up one's low spirits, I rambo my all terrorists of the world. Be the most rammy rambling rambunctious Ramboesque self.俺が強行採決し中央自身に打ち込み卑しい魂を吐き出し世界テロリスト全員滅茶苦茶に打ち壊す[やっつける]。 最も欲情した蔓延り騒々しいランボー様自身であれ。I deduce from self, deduct one's vulgarity, dedicate oneself. Be the most deducible self. Self-deduction! Self-dedication!私は自身から推論演繹し人の卑劣俗悪を差し引き控除す、自身専念す、己を捧ぐ、自己奉納す、自己献身す、自身献呈す。 最も推定演繹可能自身であれ。 自身推論! 自己演繹! 自己献身! 自己奉納! 自己献身! 自己献呈! 自己奉献!