Suspected Ebola patient hospitalised in Denmark Big News Network (IANS翻訳 - Suspected Ebola patient hospitalised in Denmark Big News Network (IANS日本語言う方法

Suspected Ebola patient hospitalise

Suspected Ebola patient hospitalised in Denmark Big News Network (IANS)Thursday 16th October, 2014
A person with suspected Ebola infection has been hospitalised at Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark's capital Copenhagen for observation, sources with the hospital confirmed to Xinhua Thursday.
The Danish Health and Medicines Authority said Thursday that the patient's blood sample would be analysed at the State Serum Institute (SSI) and the results were expected to be available later Thursday.
The patient, who is a member of the aid group Doctors Without Borders, returned from West Africa recently with fever symptoms, according to the Danish news agency Ritzau.
If confirmed, it would be the first Ebola case reported in Denmark.
Since March this year, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has killed nearly 4,500 people and there have been confirmed or suspected cases of Ebola in the US, Spain, Germany and Norway after people have returned from affected countries in Africa.
The Ebola virus can cause fever, bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea and is spread through
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
疑われるエボラ出血熱患者の入院のデンマーク ビッグ ニュース ネットワーク (IANS) 木曜日 2014 年 10 月 16 日感染症エボラ出血熱疑いを持つ人が入院しビズオウア病院で観察、木曜日新華社に確認された病院とソースのためのデンマークの首都コペンハーゲンで。デンマーク健康及び薬の権限は、患者の血液サンプルは状態血清研究所 (SSI) で分析されるだろうし、結果は木曜日に利用できる後で期待されていましたが木曜日に言いました。国境なき医師団の援助団体のメンバーでは、患者から返される西アフリカ最近熱の症状は、デンマークのニュースエージェンシー Ritzau によると。確認された場合、デンマークで報告された最初のエボラ出血熱のケースだと思います。今年 3 月以来西アフリカでの Ebola のアウトブレイクほぼ 4,500 人が死亡が確認されているまたは米国、スペイン、ドイツ、ノルウェーの人々 から帰ってきた後でエボラ出血熱の疑い例アフリカの国の影響を受けます。エボラ ウイルス発熱、出血、嘔吐、下痢を引き起こすことができるし、を介して広がる
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Suspected Ebola patient hospitalised in Denmark Big News Network (IANS)Thursday 16th October, 2014
A person with suspected Ebola infection has been hospitalised at Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark's capital Copenhagen for observation, sources with the hospital confirmed to Xinhua Thursday.
The Danish Health and Medicines Authority said Thursday that the patient's blood sample would be analysed at the State Serum Institute (SSI) and the results were expected to be available later Thursday.
The patient, who is a member of the aid group Doctors Without Borders, returned from West Africa recently with fever symptoms, according to the Danish news agency Ritzau.
If confirmed, it would be the first Ebola case reported in Denmark.
Since March this year, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has killed nearly 4,500 people and there have been confirmed or suspected cases of Ebola in the US, Spain, Germany and Norway after people have returned from affected countries in Africa.
The Ebola virus can cause fever, bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea and is spread through
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
Suspected Ebola patient hospitalised in Denmark Big News Network (IANS)Thursday 16th October, 2014
A person with suspected Ebola infection has been hospitalised at Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark's capital Copenhagen for observation, sources with the hospital confirmed to Xinhua Thursday.
The Danish Health and Medicines Authority said Thursday that the patient's blood sample would be analysed at the State Serum Institute (SSI) and the results were expected to be available later Thursday.
The patient, who is a member of the aid group Doctors Without Borders, returned from West Africa recently with fever symptoms, according to the Danish news agency Ritzau.
If confirmed,それはデンマークで最初のエボラのケースでしょう。この年3月から、西のアフリカでエボラ発生約4500人を殺したと確認されたか、米国、スペインにおけるエボラの疑われる症例がありました、人々は、アフリカで影響を受けた国から帰った後にドイツとノルウェー。エボラウイルスができるフィーバー出血の原因は、嘔吐と下痢と普及を通して
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