◆中国に媚びへつらう朱立倫 台湾の朱立倫国民党主席と中国の習近平国家主席が去る5月4日、北京で会見した。日本のマスコミはこの「会見」を「会談翻訳 - ◆中国に媚びへつらう朱立倫 台湾の朱立倫国民党主席と中国の習近平国家主席が去る5月4日、北京で会見した。日本のマスコミはこの「会見」を「会談英語言う方法

◆中国に媚びへつらう朱立倫 台湾の朱立倫国民党主席と中国の習近平国家主

















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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
◆ Chu standing, kowtowing to China 5/4 leave Taiwan's Chu standing, Kuomintang Chairman and national President XI Jinping of China met in Beijing. Masco JapanMichalis was reportedly "Summit"Conference", the"Conference, isn't in talks"stated ChinaThere are. It is often used in Japan does not discuss but do meet the coerciveThat attitude put a psychological pressure against China diplomatic tactic. And LUN Zhu standing against, Jinping "meetings yo" that suit vs. Taiwan machine tool Guide, party's visit to ChinaMade up. And "all" small, middle-class, people of the southern "blue one" youth refers to, this"All blue one", also the DPP's support base. For the Chinese Communist Party Taiwan enterprises are already in a cageBirds until now excluded in the vs Taiwan machine tools as good as the next "meetings yo" to focus on. In JinpingTaking "meetings yo ' to the last milestone to 併呑 Taiwan's machine tools in. XI Jinping's Taiwan policy toAccording Zhu standing, the accompanying financial top had in practice, stop "all blue one" in made up. Its the territory fieldIs despised Zhu standing Rin tries to impress other playful truisms, but more funny?The Zhu standing, one-line expenses China's all with China. In this Chinese henchmen and declare themselvesLike, it will be nothing, nothing more than a folly.◆ to make 併呑 China Taiwan and "cross-strait congeneric in (1) Can't stand to see Zhu standing and XI Jinping Conference therefore made 5/4 miserable. Near XINo peace and defend the premise that "one China" in 1992 consensus was blatantly threatening TaiwanWas. Rather than refute LUN Zhu standing against the threat of this XI Jinping was speaking, "cross-strait congeneric 1 (unitsGulf and China belong to the same China) that were pandering to XI Jinping in terms used in the Chinese "anti-secession law"Of that. This is like "my fortune is your property in your name" is equal toIt's ludicrous statement. As expected, Zhu standing, "cross-strait congeneric 1 remark strongly criticized in Taiwan. In the meantime fresh leadersZhu stand, people who had that was labelled the traitor. AP in the United States and otherMedia from around the world to "cross-strait congeneric 1 remarks, reported eventualreunification (final unification) and Zhu of Rin's stance. This criticism Zhu standing, at a press conference after returning home "congeneric in (1)" in meaning of "Republic of China" with theAnd it was a lame excuse, but "who believe""say in front of why XI Jinping?'" TaiwanTo fool people "and had just escalated the criticism. Too much criticism from AP is standing, ZhuProtest and communication, withdraw the article as requested. However, Zhu falling, protest against the AP how to writeAnd to describe the change more, stand, Zhu final unity or, even more clearly its stanceTo you. This protest has been instantly impress of Jinping I bought in China, and blisters. Bijin happou Zhu standing 1The yellowman result after all the laugh of the brick wall's. Zhu Zhu standing, is naturally, to the universal values of democracy, freedom and human rights mention should, but no guts no KakeraStand 1 is XI Jinping ago couldn't say a Word. He gingerly mentioned it's seeking the respect different (as asked for,To respect the different), that just begged to assimilate while respecting the different institutional and XI Jinping. ItsAnd is even juraku assimilate different is XI Jinping (same strengthen, eliminate different) and Chu State, appeal dismissed, sayingIt was. XI Jinping to respect democracy and desire is.◆ "Taiwan 23 million people that matter." Another episode shows the Chu State, weakness; During the visit, continental car dealer association (China States Taiwan CommerceSociety) women entrepreneurs at a party organized by the "important cooperating national party and the Communist Party units.Bay 23 million people that matter! "and made a speech. Taiwan people badmouth speechIn, did not argue that what is LUN Zhu standing. Interesting is the undercover participants of this speech, DPP officials video transmission.That's. That was 見兼nete weak attitude this Zhu standing, even Taiwan entrepreneurs doing business in ChinaWould be. In Taiwan, became a focus of the Chu State, China happened at this party, women entrepreneurs ' developmentTold in was strictly pursue the LUN Zhu standing did not refute. Is not an excuse to Zhu standing ethics about this matter?The was on the other hand, could not escape. In China this is LUN Zhu standing receiving of his own incompetence and weak. Duly nationalist party, after all, in theTo be pawns of the Communist Party, and to 併呑 in China Taiwan advance party had recognized Taiwan people. In fact people.In the poll conducted by the progressive party 66.7 percent of Taiwan people oppose Zhu standing, "cross-strait congeneric 1 theory and massZhu standing ethics criticism Isshiki's reviews. Zhu falling, China's unified local elections since last year's sluggish national party approval ratingsLowered further. In this situation inevitable defeat of the KMT in next year's presidential elections and parliamentary elections inMight be. First work of Zhu standing, became national party leader seems to be a national party apparently passing glory.◆ wanted China's concessions Agency. However, Zhu standing, political settlement announces that nickname enough to calculate the high hell why Chinese gone?? Ostensibly because the meeting with XI Jinping authoritativeness that is seeing from the result, near the AcademyInterview with flat ones would be a plus for LUN Zhu of what one did. Really, this prior toThat contradiction? Also Conference with a servile attitude XI Jinping, all increased theirOf not enough and it's not hard to imagine the Chu State, imagination is poor?. Zhu standing ethics is just politicsIt's met with XI Jinping in the intently wanted larger, more pragmatic than a clinical scoring. In other words, what he wanted's interest in China, such as his own authority, but, as Lien Chan's agentIn said position. Damian put, broker between China and Taiwan and economic standpoint,. ZhuStanding, is high in my father-in-law, KMT elders faithfully defended the breeding Jin Chinese concession lines only in. MyWill had instructed his wife sold to China at Taiwan Zhu standing LUN, a Henpecked husband and confessed in front of XI Jinping. But Zhu standing, the only have contributed only one. Hardcoded Zhu of Rin's KMT in China play.The national party for 70 years in Taiwan did wrong as long as peoples, is put out from this planet's. ItsAnd the democracy Mr. Lee Teng former feat couldn't even with the President in.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
◆ flattery fawning Shu-ritsurin to China Taiwan Shu-ritsu Lun KMT chairman and China Xi Jinping Jintao leaves May 4, it was conference in Beijing. Masco of Japan but Mi have reported this "conference" and "talks", China has made ​​it clear as "a conference, not the talks" are. It "Although do to meet, discuss not do" is often used in Japan that, a high-handed but conventional means of Chinese diplomacy to put psychological pressure on the opponent in attitude. Speaking of Zhu standing phosphorus against, according to the pair Taiwan work guideline of "San-chu Hitoto" of Xi Jinping, a line of visit to China was constructed. SMEs "under three", middle class, the middle-southern residents, refers to the young man as "Hitoto", this "San-chu Hitoto" is also a support base of the Democratic Progressive Party. Taiwan of large companies already in the basket for the Chinese Communist Party is also good as a bird, was focused on the following Naru versus Taiwan machine tool and it was excluded until now "San-chu Hitoto". To Xi Jinping work of taking to the "San-chu Hitoto" will of a last milestone for annexation of Taiwan. If the Taiwan policy of Xi Jinping Shu-ritsurin Te Align quit the entourage of the business world top was a convention, it was configured in "San-chu Hitoto". In its territory field but the Zhu stand phosphorus to buy the favor of the other party with a heart is contempt is a sense of self-evident, the more funny , the Chinese stay cost of Shu-ritsurin row thing with the whole China. In this, the declared himself and some in China henchman to be such that, it would be nothing more than folly. ◆ we are swallowing up the the "cross-strait congeners in one" Taiwan to China , therefore it, Shu-ritsurin-Xi Jinping conference held on May 4 was a miserable that can not bear to see. 習近flat threatened Taiwan explicit and there is no peace if you do not observe the '92 consensus to assume the "one China" was. Speaking against the threat of this Xi Jinping and that was Zhu stand phosphorus, let alone refute "in cross-strait congeners one" (stand terminology used in the Gulf and China belong to the same China) Chinese called "anti-secession law" in was pandering to Xi Jinping is the. This is like "My property is also your property is also your name" equal to saying that 's remarks were absurd. Sure enough, "in cross-strait genus one" remark of Shu-ritsurin was criticized severely in Taiwan. Fresh stomach until it it's Shu-ritsu phosphorus had been no image, but was branded a traitor. Including the American AP communication of the world media to be in the "cross-strait congeners in one" remark, versus mid-stance of Shu-ritsurin was reported that "eventualreunification" (final unification). Shu-ritsurin to this criticism, the meaning of a press conference after returning home with the "medium" of "the same genus in one" is "Republic of China" but to the felt they were painful excuse, but before the "who believe", "Why Xi Jinping and whether "," Taiwan not say in person was only allowed to escalate the accused and whether "to fool. Shu-ritsurin from much of the criticism AP protested in communication, it was required to withdraw the article. But, AP communication to protest Shu-ritsurin how to write and change the, to be more detail Shu-ritsurin to explain whether the "final unification", the stance more vivid was in. This protest was precious Xi Jinping bought in China favor also be considered as blisters in an instant. Zhu stand phosphorus everybody's friend after all, it had led to results that do not laugh of blocked Happo. Shu-ritsurin originally, but should we refer to the universal values ​​of democracy, freedom and human rights, but there is no Zhu courage of pieces Tatsurin did not say a word before the Xi Jinping. is (to obtain the same, "asked the preciousness different" that he had to gingerly mouth to respect the different) that, it is only begged to Let the Xi Jinping to assimilation while respecting the different system. Its Resae also Xi Jinping is (to strengthen the same, to solve the different) "聚同Kakoto" had dismissed the appeal of Zhu stand phosphorus to say was. Xi Jinping is not such as to not in the least to respect the democratic system. ◆ "I hope even if it of Taiwan twenty-three million people" episode that shows the weakness of the Shu-ritsurin is another. During his visit, "the continent stand Commercial Association" (standing China Taiwan Commerce Association) at a party organizer, a woman entrepreneur is "The important thing is that the Communist Party Kuomintang cooperate, stand things twenty-three million people of the Gulf It was speech and How I wish even ". This speech trounce the Taiwan people for, Shu-ritsurin is did nothing of rebuttal. Interestingly, take hidden participants in the whole story of this speech, I sent a video to the Democratic Progressive Party officials thing was. Taiwan entrepreneurs have a business in China also that had Mikane a soft attitude of this Zhu standing Lun will. In Taiwan, events in this party becomes the focus of the visit to China of Shu-ritsurin, discovery of this woman entrepreneur Shu-ritsurin that did not refute the saying has been pursued rigorously. There is no Shu-ritsurin try of excuse, what about this was while escaping can not description. Zhu stand phosphorus at this time of the visit to China got and expose their own incompetence and weakness of. It should be noted and KMT after all, the middle is the hand of the country Communist Party, was recognized by the Taiwanese that it is an advance guard to annexation of Taiwan to China. In fact people are and in the public opinion survey Susumuto went 66.7 percent of Taiwanese are opposed to "cross-strait congeners in one" theory of Zhu stand phosphorus, trout Komi also a stand Zhu Lun criticism one color. Visit to China of Shu-ritsurin, the support rate of the Kuomintang that is sluggish since last year's unified local elections was further down the. In next year's presidential elections and national elections in the situation in this state, it suffered a crushing defeat of the KMT inevitably will. The first task of Shu-ritsurin became KMT leader is like a passing the guiding apparently to the KMT. ◆ to the wanted China's concession agency , however, enough to calculate high Zhu standing Lun has the nickname of "political settlement nurse" is, went to heck why China or. Ostensible reason, but that there will be a prestigious pickled by meet with Xi Jinping, and if you look from the results,習近conference with flat was anything not intended to be a plus for Shu-ritsurin. Really, this is in advance of expected or will the things that are contrary. Such as meeting with Xi Jinping facing in a subservient attitude, the first place is also increasing their own or as the imagination of Shu-ritsurin can not even imagine that he is not of the will of the poverty. Shu-ritsurin just, government I was met with Xi Jinping in mind you want to take a pragmatic than Osamu specific score. In other words, he wanted things rather than such as his own authority with, representatives of similar China interests and Lien Chan is a position of that. Speaking in an easy-to-understand, it's China and the position that economic broker between Taiwan. Zhu Tatsurin the law of the father, is the only defended the faithful in China concession routes KoIkuHitoshi is an elder of the KMT. His is the Shu-ritsurin you confess in front of Xi Jinping's submissive husband, was was selling Taiwan to China in accordance with the instructions of his wife. Still, Zhu standing Lun may have contributed only only one. After all Shu-ritsurin is what KMT in this visit to China play stabbed kept to, and he me off the Kuomintang that is doing as much of the evil in Taiwan for 70 years from this earth. Its Re is the feat that could not be even Mr. democracy of Lee Teng-hui former President.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
To be disgusted with Eric Chu Lun Chinese Nationalist Party and chairman of Taiwan Zhu Xi Jinping, leaving the president of the people's Republic of China on May 4, in Beijing. The Japanese version of me is reporting that talks "and" conference "," China ", not" at the talks. "I see it is often used in Japan, but not in the discussion, the attitude of Chinese diplomatic pressure and psychological pressure in other conventional means. Speaking to Eric Chu, tooIn accordance with the guidelines for the construction of Jinping Taiwan Issei "during" the Party of China. "During the" small and medium-sized enterprises in the southern part of the middle class, "which means" young Issei Issei,
「 during "the DPP supporters. The Communist Party of China in the big company already Taiwan for birds in cage in the next Taiwan tool for ever be "during the" Issei were focused. Xi Jinping will at last milestone in relation to Taiwan minaka hitoto to "".On Zhu Xi Jinping Taiwan policy together with Li Lun at the convention was to top up his business, Issei during the "". It's obvious contempt by Eric Chu reason to buy something at the heart of the territorial area in its favor, but still funny, Zhu, with all the costs of staying in China. This is the declaration of his is a Chinese man, would be nothing more than folly. Taiwan, Hong

◆「 congeneric "to Taiwan merger in China, hence itThe Eric Chu Xi Jinping, conference and misery may not stand to see done. The study of "peace and flat near to the one China" 1992 consensus is not explicit threat to keep at Taiwan. It could be said that Eric Chu against this threat, Xi Jinping refute "cross-strait" from one bay (and Chinese belong to the same term used in China, is China's "anti - secession law" is a pander to learning Chikara.This is just my property "is equal to your property, your name is" speaking at a stupid remark. Sure enough, too, from both sides of Eric Chu "from" remark was harshly criticized by the Taiwan. Li Zhu until it at the image I have fresh Lun, labeled traitor. American AP including communication and media around the world to "Taiwan", "says one related by the final unification. Eventualreunification Lun Zhu of China stance is reported. TooEric Chu to this criticism, after returning to Japan in the middle of the press conference, from "" "" and "" means the Republic of China was at the lame excuse that, "only to escalate the accused?" "to Taiwan a person who believes in" a fool? "" why not say in front of Xi Jinping. Because of the criticism from Eric Chu AP in protest at the request to withdraw. However, changing the way of communication AP protest against Shu, LunAs will be described in more detail with Eric Chu "unified" at last, more clearly at its stance. This protest in China, a kind of Jinping I bought nothing, and work in an instant. Zhu Li Lun at the end of a flunky, leading to the results there is hemmed in on all sides. The Eric Chu too originally, universal values of freedom, human rights and democracy, it should be mentioned, but did not have a piece of Zhu Li Lun say a word in front of Xi Jinping.He said that "no Mikoto nucleophiles different fearfully as' (for, to respect different), with respect to different system only with Xi Jinping and assimilation. Even at its different group "assimilation" Xi Jinping (to enhance the resolution which was different, and rejected the appeal of Eric Chu. About to respect democratic institutions does not have Xi Jinping. Episode of

◆「 Taiwan two thousand three hundred million people to do better in the soft 」

Eric Chu is in another. During the visitTaiwan Businessmen Association ("Continental" in China at the Taiwan quotient), under the auspices of the party, and the significance of women entrepreneurs of the Communist Party of the Nationalist Party together, two thousand three hundred million units at bay, but "speech. To denounce this speech at the Taiwan, Eric Chu counterargument is what did not. Interesting, participants are all part of this speech shot, the Democratic Progressive Party officials sent to video.
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