◆ Chu standing, kowtowing to China 5/4 leave Taiwan's Chu standing, Kuomintang Chairman and national President XI Jinping of China met in Beijing. Masco JapanMichalis was reportedly "Summit"Conference", the"Conference, isn't in talks"stated ChinaThere are. It is often used in Japan does not discuss but do meet the coerciveThat attitude put a psychological pressure against China diplomatic tactic. And LUN Zhu standing against, Jinping "meetings yo" that suit vs. Taiwan machine tool Guide, party's visit to ChinaMade up. And "all" small, middle-class, people of the southern "blue one" youth refers to, this"All blue one", also the DPP's support base. For the Chinese Communist Party Taiwan enterprises are already in a cageBirds until now excluded in the vs Taiwan machine tools as good as the next "meetings yo" to focus on. In JinpingTaking "meetings yo ' to the last milestone to 併呑 Taiwan's machine tools in. XI Jinping's Taiwan policy toAccording Zhu standing, the accompanying financial top had in practice, stop "all blue one" in made up. Its the territory fieldIs despised Zhu standing Rin tries to impress other playful truisms, but more funny?The Zhu standing, one-line expenses China's all with China. In this Chinese henchmen and declare themselvesLike, it will be nothing, nothing more than a folly.◆ to make 併呑 China Taiwan and "cross-strait congeneric in (1) Can't stand to see Zhu standing and XI Jinping Conference therefore made 5/4 miserable. Near XINo peace and defend the premise that "one China" in 1992 consensus was blatantly threatening TaiwanWas. Rather than refute LUN Zhu standing against the threat of this XI Jinping was speaking, "cross-strait congeneric 1 (unitsGulf and China belong to the same China) that were pandering to XI Jinping in terms used in the Chinese "anti-secession law"Of that. This is like "my fortune is your property in your name" is equal toIt's ludicrous statement. As expected, Zhu standing, "cross-strait congeneric 1 remark strongly criticized in Taiwan. In the meantime fresh leadersZhu stand, people who had that was labelled the traitor. AP in the United States and otherMedia from around the world to "cross-strait congeneric 1 remarks, reported eventualreunification (final unification) and Zhu of Rin's stance. This criticism Zhu standing, at a press conference after returning home "congeneric in (1)" in meaning of "Republic of China" with theAnd it was a lame excuse, but "who believe""say in front of why XI Jinping?'" TaiwanTo fool people "and had just escalated the criticism. Too much criticism from AP is standing, ZhuProtest and communication, withdraw the article as requested. However, Zhu falling, protest against the AP how to writeAnd to describe the change more, stand, Zhu final unity or, even more clearly its stanceTo you. This protest has been instantly impress of Jinping I bought in China, and blisters. Bijin happou Zhu standing 1The yellowman result after all the laugh of the brick wall's. Zhu Zhu standing, is naturally, to the universal values of democracy, freedom and human rights mention should, but no guts no KakeraStand 1 is XI Jinping ago couldn't say a Word. He gingerly mentioned it's seeking the respect different (as asked for,To respect the different), that just begged to assimilate while respecting the different institutional and XI Jinping. ItsAnd is even juraku assimilate different is XI Jinping (same strengthen, eliminate different) and Chu State, appeal dismissed, sayingIt was. XI Jinping to respect democracy and desire is.◆ "Taiwan 23 million people that matter." Another episode shows the Chu State, weakness; During the visit, continental car dealer association (China States Taiwan CommerceSociety) women entrepreneurs at a party organized by the "important cooperating national party and the Communist Party units.Bay 23 million people that matter! "and made a speech. Taiwan people badmouth speechIn, did not argue that what is LUN Zhu standing. Interesting is the undercover participants of this speech, DPP officials video transmission.That's. That was 見兼nete weak attitude this Zhu standing, even Taiwan entrepreneurs doing business in ChinaWould be. In Taiwan, became a focus of the Chu State, China happened at this party, women entrepreneurs ' developmentTold in was strictly pursue the LUN Zhu standing did not refute. Is not an excuse to Zhu standing ethics about this matter?The was on the other hand, could not escape. In China this is LUN Zhu standing receiving of his own incompetence and weak. Duly nationalist party, after all, in theTo be pawns of the Communist Party, and to 併呑 in China Taiwan advance party had recognized Taiwan people. In fact people.In the poll conducted by the progressive party 66.7 percent of Taiwan people oppose Zhu standing, "cross-strait congeneric 1 theory and massZhu standing ethics criticism Isshiki's reviews. Zhu falling, China's unified local elections since last year's sluggish national party approval ratingsLowered further. In this situation inevitable defeat of the KMT in next year's presidential elections and parliamentary elections inMight be. First work of Zhu standing, became national party leader seems to be a national party apparently passing glory.◆ wanted China's concessions Agency. However, Zhu standing, political settlement announces that nickname enough to calculate the high hell why Chinese gone?? Ostensibly because the meeting with XI Jinping authoritativeness that is seeing from the result, near the AcademyInterview with flat ones would be a plus for LUN Zhu of what one did. Really, this prior toThat contradiction? Also Conference with a servile attitude XI Jinping, all increased theirOf not enough and it's not hard to imagine the Chu State, imagination is poor?. Zhu standing ethics is just politicsIt's met with XI Jinping in the intently wanted larger, more pragmatic than a clinical scoring. In other words, what he wanted's interest in China, such as his own authority, but, as Lien Chan's agentIn said position. Damian put, broker between China and Taiwan and economic standpoint,. ZhuStanding, is high in my father-in-law, KMT elders faithfully defended the breeding Jin Chinese concession lines only in. MyWill had instructed his wife sold to China at Taiwan Zhu standing LUN, a Henpecked husband and confessed in front of XI Jinping. But Zhu standing, the only have contributed only one. Hardcoded Zhu of Rin's KMT in China play.The national party for 70 years in Taiwan did wrong as long as peoples, is put out from this planet's. ItsAnd the democracy Mr. Lee Teng former feat couldn't even with the President in.