Unique ideas, insights and themes from diverse disciplines- from engineering, science and medicine to arts, design, and music- have the potential to enrich and deepen our understanding of entrepreneurship. This book brings together contributions from an eclectic set of entrepreneurship scholars and educators from different fields to advance cross-disciplinary entrepreneurial thinking.Embracing Entrepreneurship Across Disciplines draws on case studies and examples to provide a rich illustration of key themes and concepts, providing an opportunity to share lessons and best practices. It describes innovative programs and practices that could serve as templates for entrepreneurship educators and informs the development and evaluation of policies, programs and educational materials that cross or impact multiple fields.The creative, accessible ideas and insights offered in this book will appeal to a broad set of audience interested in entrepreneurship-from scholars and educators to practitioners and policy makers.
Contents:AcknowledgementsIntroduction Peter J. Boettke and Peter T. LeesonPART I CLASSICAL ARGUMENTS FOR LAISSEZ FAIRE 1. David Hume (1985 [1777]), 'Of the Independency of Parliament', in Eugene F. Miller (ed.), Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary, Essay VI, Indianapolis, IN, USA: Liberty Fund, Inc., 42-46 2. David Hume (2000), 'Of the Origin of Justice and Property', 'Of the Rules, Which Determine Property' and 'Of the Transference of Property By Consent', in David Fate Norton and Mary J. Norton (eds), A Treatise of Human Nature, Book 3: Part 2: Section 2, Section 3 and Section 4, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press, 311-31 3. Adam Smith (1961 [1776]), 'Of the Sources of the General or Public Revenue of the Society', in Edwin Cannan (ed.), An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth Of Nations, Book V, Chapter II, London, UK: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 341-440 4. Frederic Bastiat (1850 [2007]), The Law, Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1-55 5. Jean-Baptiste Say (2001 [1880]), 'Of the Effect of Government Regulations Intended to Influence Production', in A Treatise on Political Economy, Book I, Chapter XVII, Ontario, Canada: Batoche Books, [translated by C.R. Prinsep], 60-83 6. Simon Newcomb (1870), 'The Let-Alone Principle', North American Review, CCXXVI (226), January, 1-33 7. Herbert Spencer (1981 [1843]), 'The Proper Sphere of Government', in The Man Versus the State: With Six Essays on Government, Society, and Freedom, Indianapolis, IN, USA: Liberty Fund, Inc., 181-263 PART II CRITICS OF LAISSEZ FAIRE 8. John Stuart Mill (1909 [1848]), 'Of the Grounds and Limits of the Laisser-faire or Non-interference Principle', in Principals of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy, Book IV, Chapter XI, London, UK: Longmans, Green and Co., 304-46 9. John Maynard Keynes (2012 [1926]), 'The End of Laissez-Faire', in Elizabeth Johnson and Donald Moggridge (eds), The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. Volume IX: Essays in Persuasion, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 272-94 10. R.G. Tugwell (1932), 'The Principle of Planning and the Institution of Laissez Faire', American Economic Review, 22 (1), March, 75-92 11. J.E. Meade (1954), 'External Economies and Diseconomies in a Competitive Situation', Economic Journal, 62 (245), March, 54-67 12. Paul A. Samuelson (1954), 'The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure', Review of Economics and Statistics, 36 (4), November, 387-913. Francis M. Bator (1958), 'The Anatomy of Market Failure', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 72 (3), August, 351-79 14. George J. Stigler and Paul A. Samuelson (1963), 'A Dialogue on the Proper Economic Role of the State', Selected Papers No. 7, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, 3-39 PART III THE RESTATEMENT OF LAISSEZ FAIRE 15. Ludwig von Mises (2005), 'Liberal Economic Policy', Liberalism: The Classical Tradition, Chapter 2, Indianapolis, IN, USA: Liberty Fund, Inc., 37-75 16. Friedrich A. Hayek (1980), 'Individualism: True and False', in Individualism and Economic Order, Chapter I, Chicago, IL, USA and London, UK: University of Chicago Press, 1-32 17. R.H. Coase (1959), 'The Federal Communications Commission', Journal of Law and Economics, II, October, 1-40 18. R.H. Coase (1960), 'The Problem of Social Cost', Journal of Law and Economics, III, October, 1-44 19. Murray N. Rothbard (1974), 'The Anatomy of the State', in Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays, Washington, DC, USA: Libertarian Review Press, 34-53 20. James M. Buchanan (1976), 'The Justice of Natural Liberty', Journal of Legal Studies, 5 (1), January, 1-16 21. Gordon Tullock (1967), 'The Welfare Costs of Tariffs, Monopolies, and Theft', Western Economic Journal, 5 (3), June, 224-32 22. Armen A. Alchian (2006), 'Some Economics of Property Rights', in The Collected Works of Armen A. Alchian, Volume 2: Property Rights and Economic Behavior, Part 1, Indianapolis, IN, USA: Liberty Fund, Inc., 52-67 23. Mancur Olson (1993), 'Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development', American Political Science Review, 87 (3), September, 567-76PART IV MODERN POLITICAL ECONOMY OF LAISSEZ FAIRE 24. David Friedman (1989), 'What is Anarchy? What is Government?', in The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism, Chapter 28, New Rochelle, NY, USA: Arlington Publishers, 151-4 25. Jack Hirshleifer (1995), 'Anarchy and its Breakdown', Journal of Political Economy, 103 (1), February, 26-52 26. Avinash K. Dixit (2004), 'Economics With and Without the Law', in Lawlessness and Economics: Alternative Modes of Governance, Chapter 1, Princeton, NJ, USA and Oxford, UK: Princeton University Press, 1-23, references 27. James E. Rauch (2005), 'Getting the Properties Right to Secure Property Rights: Dixit's Lawlessness and Economics', Journal of Economic Literature, XLIII (2), June, 480-7 28. Timothy Frye and Andrei Shleifer (1997), 'The Invisible Hand and the Grabbing Hand', American Economic Review, 87 (2), May, 354-8 29. Andrei Shleifer (2009), 'The Age of Milton Friedman', Journal of Economic Literature, XLVII (1), March, 123-35 30. Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson (2005), 'Unbundling Institutions', Journal of Political Economy, 113 (5), October, 949-95 31. Barry R. Weingast (1995), 'The Economic Role of Political Institutions: Market-Preserving Federalism and Economic Development', Journal of Law and Economic Organization, 11 (1), April, 1-31 Index
結果 (
日本語) 1:
独自のアイデア、洞察力と多様な分野-エンジニア リング、科学、医学から芸術、デザイン、音楽からの主題を豊かに、起業家精神の理解を深める可能性があります。この本は、起業家精神学者の折衷的なセットからの貢献と横断的起業家の考え方を事前に異分野の教育者に一緒にもたらします。ケーススタディと例の主要なテーマや概念、教訓とベストプラクティスを共有する機会を提供する豊富なイラストを提供する分野で起業家精神を受け入れる描画します。革新的なプログラムや起業家教育のためのテンプレートとして役立つことができる方法を説明し、開発と政策、プログラム、交差したり、複数のフィールドに影響を与える教材の評価を通知します。創造的なアクセス可能なアイデアや洞察力はこの本で提供される広範な起業に興味を持って視聴者にアピールするだろう-学者や実務家や政策立案者の教育者から。目次Contents:AcknowledgementsIntroduction Peter J. Boettke and Peter T. LeesonPART I CLASSICAL ARGUMENTS FOR LAISSEZ FAIRE 1. David Hume (1985 [1777]), 'Of the Independency of Parliament', in Eugene F. Miller (ed.), Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary, Essay VI, Indianapolis, IN, USA: Liberty Fund, Inc., 42-46 2. David Hume (2000), 'Of the Origin of Justice and Property', 'Of the Rules, Which Determine Property' and 'Of the Transference of Property By Consent', in David Fate Norton and Mary J. Norton (eds), A Treatise of Human Nature, Book 3: Part 2: Section 2, Section 3 and Section 4, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press, 311-31 3. Adam Smith (1961 [1776]), 'Of the Sources of the General or Public Revenue of the Society', in Edwin Cannan (ed.), An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth Of Nations, Book V, Chapter II, London, UK: Methuen & Co. Ltd, 341-440 4. Frederic Bastiat (1850 [2007]), The Law, Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1-55 5. Jean-Baptiste Say (2001 [1880]), 'Of the Effect of Government Regulations Intended to Influence Production', in A Treatise on Political Economy, Book I, Chapter XVII, Ontario, Canada: Batoche Books, [translated by C.R. Prinsep], 60-83 6. Simon Newcomb (1870), 'The Let-Alone Principle', North American Review, CCXXVI (226), January, 1-33 7. Herbert Spencer (1981 [1843]), 'The Proper Sphere of Government', in The Man Versus the State: With Six Essays on Government, Society, and Freedom, Indianapolis, IN, USA: Liberty Fund, Inc., 181-263 PART II CRITICS OF LAISSEZ FAIRE 8. John Stuart Mill (1909 [1848]), 'Of the Grounds and Limits of the Laisser-faire or Non-interference Principle', in Principals of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy, Book IV, Chapter XI, London, UK: Longmans, Green and Co., 304-46 9. John Maynard Keynes (2012 [1926]), 'The End of Laissez-Faire', in Elizabeth Johnson and Donald Moggridge (eds), The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. Volume IX: Essays in Persuasion, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 272-94 10. R.G. Tugwell (1932), 'The Principle of Planning and the Institution of Laissez Faire', American Economic Review, 22 (1), March, 75-92 11. J.E. Meade (1954), 'External Economies and Diseconomies in a Competitive Situation', Economic Journal, 62 (245), March, 54-67 12. Paul A. Samuelson (1954), 'The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure', Review of Economics and Statistics, 36 (4), November, 387-913. Francis M. Bator (1958), 'The Anatomy of Market Failure', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 72 (3), August, 351-79 14. George J. Stigler and Paul A. Samuelson (1963), 'A Dialogue on the Proper Economic Role of the State', Selected Papers No. 7, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, 3-39 PART III THE RESTATEMENT OF LAISSEZ FAIRE 15. Ludwig von Mises (2005), 'Liberal Economic Policy', Liberalism: The Classical Tradition, Chapter 2, Indianapolis, IN, USA: Liberty Fund, Inc., 37-75 16. Friedrich A. Hayek (1980), 'Individualism: True and False', in Individualism and Economic Order, Chapter I, Chicago, IL, USA and London, UK: University of Chicago Press, 1-32 17. R.H. Coase (1959), 'The Federal Communications Commission', Journal of Law and Economics, II, October, 1-40 18. R.H. Coase (1960), 'The Problem of Social Cost', Journal of Law and Economics, III, October, 1-44 19. Murray N. Rothbard (1974), 'The Anatomy of the State', in Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays, Washington, DC, USA: Libertarian Review Press, 34-53 20. James M. Buchanan (1976), 'The Justice of Natural Liberty', Journal of Legal Studies, 5 (1), January, 1-16 21. Gordon Tullock (1967), 'The Welfare Costs of Tariffs, Monopolies, and Theft', Western Economic Journal, 5 (3), June, 224-32 22. Armen A. Alchian (2006), 'Some Economics of Property Rights', in The Collected Works of Armen A. Alchian, Volume 2: Property Rights and Economic Behavior, Part 1, Indianapolis, IN, USA: Liberty Fund, Inc., 52-67 23. Mancur Olson (1993), 'Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development', American Political Science Review, 87 (3), September, 567-76PART IV MODERN POLITICAL ECONOMY OF LAISSEZ FAIRE 24. David Friedman (1989), 'What is Anarchy? What is Government?', in The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism, Chapter 28, New Rochelle, NY, USA: Arlington Publishers, 151-4 25. Jack Hirshleifer (1995), 'Anarchy and its Breakdown', Journal of Political Economy, 103 (1), February, 26-52 26. Avinash K. Dixit (2004), 'Economics With and Without the Law', in Lawlessness and Economics: Alternative Modes of Governance, Chapter 1, Princeton, NJ, USA and Oxford, UK: Princeton University Press, 1-23, references 27. James E. Rauch (2005), 'Getting the Properties Right to Secure Property Rights: Dixit's Lawlessness and Economics', Journal of Economic Literature, XLIII (2), June, 480-7 28. Timothy Frye and Andrei Shleifer (1997), 'The Invisible Hand and the Grabbing Hand', American Economic Review, 87 (2), May, 354-8 29. Andrei Shleifer (2009), 'The Age of Milton Friedman', Journal of Economic Literature, XLVII (1), March, 123-35 30. Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson (2005), 'Unbundling Institutions', Journal of Political Economy, 113 (5), October, 949-95 31. Barry R. Weingast (1995), 'The Economic Role of Political Institutions: Market-Preserving Federalism and Economic Development', Journal of Law and Economic Organization, 11 (1), April, 1-31 Index