“NOTE: Players who currently own Don't Starve on Steam will get Don't Starve Together for free when it exits Early-Access.
When we opened up the initial Beta signups in September, we were overwhelmed with the demand, and in a few days we received over 80,000 registrations. Since then, we’ve steadily sent out keys to people who signed up.
As part of the Beta signup process, we’ve found that there are a lot of people who really want into the Beta, and even while giving out a hundreds of keys every day, it became clear to us that we needed a release valve for the demand. Specifically, people were starting to buy keys in back channels, with varying success. That's why we're now providing the Frontier Pack: a clear, official channel for access.”
“We have a plan to complete our core set of content in 2015, and we will be adjusting our plan based on feedback. The game is already fully playable today.”
“The full version will have a lot more content, including: new Don't Starve Together-specific content, the ability to host large dedicated servers, support for Reign of Giants content, and much more!”
“Don’t Starve Together currently supports up to six players on player hosted servers, and up to 20 on dedicated online servers. It has both “Survival”, "Wilderness", and “Endless” game modes, support for Mod Workshop, and six playable characters.”
“Current owners of Don’t Starve will be given free access to Don’t Starve Together upon its exit from Early-Access. In purchasing the Frontier Pack, players get Early-Access, and a bonus copy for a friend. For more information on post-launch pricing plans, visit http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/46183-dont-starve-and-dont-starve-together/”
“We're continually talking to our community about our game process, and keep them informed of our progress and decisions with regular updates. Please join the discussion on our forums at http://forums.kleientertainment.com”
“NOTE: Players who currently own Don't Starve on Steam will get Don't Starve Together for free when it exits Early-Access.
When we opened up the initial Beta signups in September, we were overwhelmed with the demand, and in a few days we received over 80,000 registrations. Since then, we’ve steadily sent out keys to people who signed up.
As part of the Beta signup process, we’ve found that there are a lot of people who really want into the Beta, and even while giving out a hundreds of keys every day, it became clear to us that we needed a release valve for the demand. Specifically, people were starting to buy keys in back channels, with varying success. That's why we're now providing the Frontier Pack: a clear, official channel for access.”
“We have a plan to complete our core set of content in 2015, and we will be adjusting our plan based on feedback. The game is already fully playable today.”
“The full version will have a lot more content, including: new Don't Starve Together-specific content, the ability to host large dedicated servers, support for Reign of Giants content, and much more!”
“Don’t Starve Together currently supports up to six players on player hosted servers, and up to 20 on dedicated online servers. It has both “Survival”, "Wilderness", and “Endless” game modes, support for Mod Workshop, and six playable characters.”
“Current owners of Don’t Starve will be given free access to Don’t Starve Together upon its exit from Early-Access. In purchasing the Frontier Pack, players get Early-Access, and a bonus copy for a friend. For more information on post-launch pricing plans, visit http://forums.kleientertainment.com/topic/46183-dont-starve-and-dont-starve-together/”
“We're continually talking to our community about our game process, and keep them informed of our progress and decisions with regular updates. Please join the discussion on our forums at http://forums.kleientertainment.com”