Bulimarexia and MDMA - my experience  I was 19 when I realized that I 翻訳 - Bulimarexia and MDMA - my experience  I was 19 when I realized that I 日本語言う方法

Bulimarexia and MDMA - my experienc

Bulimarexia and MDMA - my experience

I was 19 when I realized that I developed an eating disorder. I subsequently bought every book and scoured every website available on the subject. I diagnosed myself with bulimarexia.

Bulimarexia is an eating disorder that locks one into a cyclical eating behavior. First comes an inordinate desire for food, then consumption of vast quantities. Subsequently, one purges to get rid of the food via forced vomiting (often several times per day), fasting, constant dieting, laxative or diuretic abuse. Those suffering from bulimarexia also exhibit a distorted body image, low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, helplessness, and despair. Often isolated, the bulimarexic feels rejected and distrustful, and feels an enormous amount of shame connected with her/his behavior.

I stopped short only of forcing myself to vomit (this is why I refer to myself as bulimarexic rather than bulimic), otherwise the above paragraph describes my behavior and emotional life exactly. I did not pursue therapy; everything I read said that short of inpatient treatment there wasn't any therapy available for bulimarexia. Long term therapy was shown to help with changing eating habits, anti-depressants seemed to help some people with the emotional side of the disorder, but for the most part 1 in 15 people still die from the disorder, most have their lives significantly shortened, and only 3 out of 15 ever recover completely. I struggled for the next three years to overcome it, but my efforts only seemed to exaggerate the cycle.

I first took MDMA at age 21. I did not take it with a cure for bulimarexia in mind. I took it because I was involved in the electronic dance music scene, and was curious about the experience my friends were having. I took it alone and at home. I did not leave my apartment during the experience. I do not know what the dosage was because I bought the MDMA on the black market. I had never consumed drugs at this point aside from occasional alcohol and marijuana.

My first MDMA experience was what has been called a 'peak experience'. Every experience I've had with MDMA has been multidimensional. I could speak on the benefits it has had on the rest of my psychology for pages. Here I will relay only the parts of it that apply to my eating disorder.

The first realization I had under the influence of MDMA was that I had never physically felt that good in my life. I had never understood why people were so excited about drugs. I realized that without experiencing MDMA it was impossible to understand how good it actually feels. It was not the drug that amazed me; it was that my own body had the receptors for MDMA. I got that my body had the capacity for this experience, and was therefore holy. I had previously related to my body as a shell - one that was disgusting, flabby, and loathed. Now I realized the complexity of my nervous system, cellular makeup, sense organs, and, perhaps most importantly, my digestive system. In the space of thirty minutes my relationship to my body was permanently changed.

As the experience continued I examined my behavioral disorder without the disgust that I usually attach to it. Being able to view my emotions without getting caught up in them allowed me to see my disorder in its entirety for the first time. I realized that for the most part my bulimarexia is a physical disorder. I realized that the pattern of bingeing on sugar and simple carbohydrates is a cycle wholly dictated by the body, and that I was not weak or gross for falling into that trap. I realized that I did not have a host of emotional issues to clear up before I could begin curing myself. Instead, I had two parents who did not model correct eating habits, I grew up in the time of 'heroin chic' and 98-lb. supermodels, and I lived in Los Angeles, where 1 in 4 women suffer from eating disorders. Now that my relationship with my body had been fundamentally changed, I wasn't sick or disordered, just very susceptible to a particular cycle of eating.

Next, I realized that I was not isolated from people because of bulimarexia, but that I was isolating myself because of it. I had created a melodrama where I had had a big secret problem and my relationships to other people were reflections of how much they didn't know about me. There is a childish selfishness to bulimarexia, - I'm going to do this to my body and you can't stop me. No bulimarexic is truly in touch with the impact their behavior has on others, we are much too caught up in our projections to allow that in. MDMA filled me with a sudden compassion for my friends who had put up with me canceling due to 'illness', my parents who had paid for much of the wasted food, my best friend who knew and called to check on me all the time, what I must have put her through! I called a few friends and talked to them, all of them were loving and kind and supportive. I stopped externalizing (for good) on realizing that I was the one creating my life.

At the peak of the experience I went beyond the body, humanity, and the world into the universe. I ceased to exist as a soul within a body and became stretched across all the stars in the sky. I 'felt' what the universe 'felt' and I joined the ebb and flow of the ancient rhythm. Given that sort of context, the whole eating disorder thing seemed rather silly.

Today, six years later, I still have difficulty with my eating habits. I do, however, love my body, and have ever since that day I first took MDMA. I rarely have the sort of pain and exasperation I used to experience around eating and body image. I have never purged since the first time I took MDMA.

I know other recovering bulimarexics. Those who have taken MDMA have also disappeared the hatred of their bodies. Some of them permanently, some of them only for the 4-6 hours they are under the influence (this does happen every time they take MDMA). The bulimarexics I know that have not taken MDMA cannot possibly fathom that their body image and worldview will ever change. Those that have had traditional therapy concentrate on monitoring their eating habits and pay close attention to the emotional states that they are in, as well as the emotions they are suppressing. For the most part, I've noticed that these bulimarexics may be more self-realized, but it doesn't seem to do anything to fix their disorder.

I think that MDMA would be incredibly valuable as a treatment for bulimarexia. I cannot imagine anyone with a body image or eating disorder not benefiting from MDMA. I also think it needs to be approached with caution. I have taken MDMA about 15 times in the last 6 years. Not all of those times were helpful for my bulimarexia. MDMA is an appetite suppressant and a stimulant. Each time I take it, I lose about 5 pounds (mostly water weight, but the bulimarexic doesn't distinguish this difference). There have been 2 times when I have taken it only for this reason, and I consider myself wise and disciplined when it comes to these things. This is not healthy, nor does it further any sort of therapy. I could definitely see a bulimarexic becoming 'addicted' to the release of loving oneself and one's body, coupled with a quick reduction in size.

It has been almost two years since I have taken MDMA and although I will certainly take it again, it is not something I feel I need to maintain the changes I've made. Once I got the message, it was very easy to hang up the phone.

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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Bulimarexia と MDMA - 私の経験

私は 19 私は摂食障害を開発したことを実現。私はその後あらゆる本を買って、件名に使用可能なすべてのサイトを徹底的に。私は bulimarexia と自分の診断。

Bulimarexia は循環的な食行動に 1 つをロック、摂食障害です。食品、そして広大な量の消費のための法外な欲求は最初に来る。その後、1 つが強制嘔吐 (しばしば 1 日数回)、断食、定数ダイエット、利尿薬や下剤の乱用を介して食品を取り除くためにパージされます。Bulimarexia からも苦しんでいる人は歪んだボディ イメージ、低自尊心、不備、無力感、絶望の感情を表わします。しばしば孤立した bulimarexic 感じている拒否および疑い深いです、彼女/彼の行動に関係する恥の膨大な量を感じています。

嘔吐を余儀なくさだけの短いを停止 (これはなぜ bulimarexic のではなく、過食症として自分自身を参照してください)、それ以外の場合、上記の項について説明します私の行動および感情的な生活正確。療法を追求しなかった私が読んだすべて短い入院治療 bulimarexia の利用可能な任意の治療はではなかったと述べた。長期療法の食習慣を変更するのに役立つことが示された、抗うつ剤だった人々 を支援するいくつかの障害の感情的な側面が 1 で 15 人がまだ無秩序から死ぬ、ほとんどの部分、ほとんど彼らの生活を大幅に短縮だけ 3 のうち 15 は、今まで完全に回復します。、それを克服するのに今後 3 年間苦労してしかし私の努力だけのサイクルを誇張するように見えた。

私は最初の 21 歳で MDMA を取った。私は心で bulimarexia のための治療とそれを取らなかった。エレクトロニック ダンス ミュージック シーンに関与していたし、私の友人が持っていた経験について興味があったので、私はそれを取った。私は単独で、自宅でそれを取った。私は経験の間に私のアパートを残していません。投与量が闇市場で MDMA を買ったので何とはわからない。この時点で時折アルコールおよびマリファナは別の薬を食べたことがない

私の最初の MDMA の経験は何のピーク経験' と呼ばれています。MDMA ときたすべての経験は、多次元されています。ページの私の心理学の残りの部分にいたが利点に話せた。ここで私は私の摂食障害に適用、それの部分だけが中継されます。

MDMA の影響を受けていた最初の実現は決して物理的に感じていた私の人生で良いです。私はなぜ人々 薬物について興奮していた理解していなかった。MDMA を経験することがなくそれがどのように良いそれは実際に感じを理解することを実現しました。それは驚いた; 薬ではなかった自分の体が MDMA の受容器を持っていたことだった。私の体この経験のための容量があった、従って神聖だったなった。私は以前シェル - 嫌なされ、たるんだワイルドターキー嫌い一つとして私の体に関連していた。今私の神経系、細胞化粧、感覚器官の複雑性を実現し、おそらく最も重要なは、私の消化器系。30 分のスペースで私の体に私の関係が永久に変更されました。

経験続けて私は通常それを添付してください嫌悪感ない私の行動障害を調べた。初めて完全に私の障害を見ることができました彼らに巻き込ませずに自分の感情を表示することができるされています。ほとんどの部分私 bulimarexia が物理的な障害を実現しました。砂糖と単純な炭水化物で bingeing のパターンは完全に体によって決まるサイクルそして、私は弱いまたは総そのわなに陥るを実現しました。自分自身を硬化を始めることができる前に明らかに感情的な問題のホストを持たなかったことに気づいた。代わりに、2 人は正しい食生活モデルの親を持っていた、'シックなヘロイン' の時間で育った、98 ポンドのスーパー モデルと私は場所 1 に 4 の女性は摂食障害に苦しむ、ロサンゼルスに住んでいた。今では私の体と私の関係が根本的に変更されていた私はちょうど非常に食べることの特定のサイクルに影響を受けやすい、病気または無秩序ではなかった。

次に、私がない人々 から分離された bulimarexia、のためしかし、それのため自分自身を分離したことに気づいた。ここで秘密の大きな問題を持っていたし、私の関係を他の人が私について知らないどのくらいの反射のメロドラマを作成していた。Bulimarexia に幼稚な利己心がある - これを行うに私の体をするつもりと私を停止することはできません。いいえ bulimarexic は、本当に彼らの行動が他の人に与える影響との接触、我々 はあまりにできるように私たちの予測にも巻き込まで。MDMA は '病気' のためキャンセル私を我慢していた私の友人の突然の思いやりで私をいっぱい私の親友は知っていたし、私に何私はする必要がありますがを通じて彼女を入れて、すべての時間を確認すると呼ばれる無駄にされた食糧の多くを支払っていた私の両親 !数人の友人とそれらに話を聞いた、彼らはみんな愛情、親切で協力的です。私が私の人生を作成する 1 つの実現について (良い) の外在化を停止します。

体、人間性、超えていた経験のピーク時に宇宙に世界。ボディ内の精神として存在を停止し、空のすべての星をまたぐとなった。'感じ' '感じ' どのような宇宙および古代リズムの盛衰に参加します。コンテキストの種を考えると、全体の摂食障害物だったむしろ愚かな

今日では、6 年後、まだ困難である私の食習慣。私は、しかし、私の体が大好き以来、その日私は最初 MDMA を取った。私はほとんど一種の苦痛および激怒の食事と身体イメージの周りを経験するために使用があります。初めて私が取った MDMA。 ので決してパージいる

他回復 bulimarexics を知っています。MDMA を撮影している人も自分の体の憎悪が消えています。それらのいくつか永久に、彼らは (これは起こるか MDMA を取るたびに) 影響の下で 4-6 時間のためにのみそれらのいくつか。MDMA を取っていないこと bulimarexics 私は知っている可能性が彼らのボディ イメージと世界観は変化を測深できません。彼らの食習慣を監視に集中し、お支払いの伝統的な療法を抱えているものに細心の注意は、感情の状態感情だけでなく、彼らは抑制します。これら bulimarexics 可能性がありますより自己実現する、しかし、その障害を解決する何かをしていないことに気づいたした大部分は、

MDMA bulimarexia の治療として非常に貴重なことだと思います。身体像または摂食障害 MDMA から寄与するいないと誰も想像できません。また、慎重に接近する必要があると思います。MDMA 約 15 倍、過去 6 年間で撮影しました。すべてそれらの時の私の bulimarexia のために有用だった。MDMA は食欲抑制剤と覚醒剤です。たびにそれを取る、約 5 ポンドを失う (主水の重量、しかし、bulimarexic は、この違いを区別します)。この理由のためにだけそれを撮影しているし、思って賢明かつ規律あるこれらの事に来るとき 2 回されています。これは、健康ではないもそれはそれ以上の療法の任意の並べ替え。私は間違いなく、bulimarexic 'ヤミツキ' 愛する自分自身と自分の体のリリースに迅速なサイズが縮小されると相まってを見ることができます。

それ以来ほぼ 2 年間行った変更を維持する必要がありますを感じるものではないが、私は確かに再びそれを取るだろうと MDMA を撮影しました。メッセージを得た私は一度それは非常に簡単に、携帯電話がハングアップ.

結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Bulimarexia and MDMA - my experience

I was 19 when I realized that I developed an eating disorder. I subsequently bought every book and scoured every website available on the subject. I diagnosed myself with bulimarexia.

Bulimarexia is an eating disorder that locks one into a cyclical eating behavior. First comes an inordinate desire for food, then consumption of vast quantities. Subsequently, one purges to get rid of the food via forced vomiting (often several times per day), fasting, constant dieting, laxative or diuretic abuse. Those suffering from bulimarexia also exhibit a distorted body image, low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, helplessness, and despair. Often isolated, the bulimarexic feels rejected and distrustful, and feels an enormous amount of shame connected with her/his behavior.

I stopped short only of forcing myself to vomit (this is why I refer to myself as bulimarexic rather than bulimic), otherwise the above paragraph describes my behavior and emotional life exactly. I did not pursue therapy; everything I read said that short of inpatient treatment there wasn't any therapy available for bulimarexia. Long term therapy was shown to help with changing eating habits, anti-depressants seemed to help some people with the emotional side of the disorder, but for the most part 1 in 15 people still die from the disorder, most have their lives significantly shortened, and only 3 out of 15 ever recover completely. I struggled for the next three years to overcome it, but my efforts only seemed to exaggerate the cycle.

I first took MDMA at age 21. I did not take it with a cure for bulimarexia in mind. I took it because I was involved in the electronic dance music scene, and was curious about the experience my friends were having. I took it alone and at home. I did not leave my apartment during the experience. I do not know what the dosage was because I bought the MDMA on the black market. I had never consumed drugs at this point aside from occasional alcohol and marijuana.

My first MDMA experience was what has been called a 'peak experience'. Every experience I've had with MDMA has been multidimensional. I could speak on the benefits it has had on the rest of my psychology for pages. Here I will relay only the parts of it that apply to my eating disorder.

The first realization I had under the influence of MDMA was that I had never physically felt that good in my life. I had never understood why people were so excited about drugs. I realized that without experiencing MDMA it was impossible to understand how good it actually feels. It was not the drug that amazed me; it was that my own body had the receptors for MDMA. I got that my body had the capacity for this experience, and was therefore holy. I had previously related to my body as a shell - one that was disgusting, flabby, and loathed. Now I realized the complexity of my nervous system, cellular makeup, sense organs, and, perhaps most importantly, my digestive system. In the space of thirty minutes my relationship to my body was permanently changed.

As the experience continued I examined my behavioral disorder without the disgust that I usually attach to it. Being able to view my emotions without getting caught up in them allowed me to see my disorder in its entirety for the first time. I realized that for the most part my bulimarexia is a physical disorder. I realized that the pattern of bingeing on sugar and simple carbohydrates is a cycle wholly dictated by the body, and that I was not weak or gross for falling into that trap. I realized that I did not have a host of emotional issues to clear up before I could begin curing myself. Instead, I had two parents who did not model correct eating habits, I grew up in the time of 'heroin chic' and 98-lb. supermodels, and I lived in Los Angeles, where 1 in 4 women suffer from eating disorders. Now that my relationship with my body had been fundamentally changed, I wasn't sick or disordered, just very susceptible to a particular cycle of eating.

Next, I realized that I was not isolated from people because of bulimarexia, but that I was isolating myself because of it. I had created a melodrama where I had had a big secret problem and my relationships to other people were reflections of how much they didn't know about me. There is a childish selfishness to bulimarexia, - I'm going to do this to my body and you can't stop me. No bulimarexic is truly in touch with the impact their behavior has on others, we are much too caught up in our projections to allow that in. MDMA filled me with a sudden compassion for my friends who had put up with me canceling due to 'illness', my parents who had paid for much of the wasted food, my best friend who knew and called to check on me all the time, what I must have put her through! I called a few friends and talked to them, all of them were loving and kind and supportive. I stopped externalizing (for good) on realizing that I was the one creating my life.

At the peak of the experience I went beyond the body, humanity, and the world into the universe. I ceased to exist as a soul within a body and became stretched across all the stars in the sky. I 'felt' what the universe 'felt' and I joined the ebb and flow of the ancient rhythm. Given that sort of context, the whole eating disorder thing seemed rather silly.

Today, six years later, I still have difficulty with my eating habits. I do, however, love my body, and have ever since that day I first took MDMA. I rarely have the sort of pain and exasperation I used to experience around eating and body image. I have never purged since the first time I took MDMA.

I know other recovering bulimarexics. Those who have taken MDMA have also disappeared the hatred of their bodies. Some of them permanently, some of them only for the 4-6 hours they are under the influence (this does happen every time they take MDMA). The bulimarexics I know that have not taken MDMA cannot possibly fathom that their body image and worldview will ever change. Those that have had traditional therapy concentrate on monitoring their eating habits and pay close attention to the emotional states that they are in, as well as the emotions they are suppressing. For the most part, I've noticed that these bulimarexics may be more self-realized, but it doesn't seem to do anything to fix their disorder.

I think that MDMA would be incredibly valuable as a treatment for bulimarexia. I cannot imagine anyone with a body image or eating disorder not benefiting from MDMA. I also think it needs to be approached with caution. I have taken MDMA about 15 times in the last 6 years. Not all of those times were helpful for my bulimarexia. MDMA is an appetite suppressant and a stimulant. Each time I take it, I lose about 5 pounds (mostly water weight, but the bulimarexic doesn't distinguish this difference). There have been 2 times when I have taken it only for this reason, and I consider myself wise and disciplined when it comes to these things. This is not healthy, nor does it further any sort of therapy. I could definitely see a bulimarexic becoming 'addicted' to the release of loving oneself and one's body, coupled with a quick reduction in size.

It has been almost two years since I have taken MDMA and although I will certainly take it again, it is not something I feel I need to maintain the changes I've made. Once I got the message, it was very easy to hang up the phone.

結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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