1. 设备概述1.1. 基本信息设备名称:汽车座椅三工位头枕靠背静强度试验台设备型号:ZYQD-3使用范围:主要用于测试座椅头枕静态试验。本翻訳 - 1. 设备概述1.1. 基本信息设备名称:汽车座椅三工位头枕靠背静强度试验台设备型号:ZYQD-3使用范围:主要用于测试座椅头枕静态试验。本英語言う方法

1. 设备概述1.1. 基本信息设备名称:汽车座椅三工位头枕靠背静强度

1. 设备概述
1.1. 基本信息
参考标准:试验台参考并能满足 GB11550-2009《汽车座椅头枕强度要求和试验方
法》 、GB15083-2006《 汽车座椅、座椅固定装置及头枕强度要求和试验方法》 、ECE R17
《关于就座椅、座椅固定点及头枕方面批准车辆的统一规定》 、ECE R25《关于座椅认
1.2. 技术指标
1.2.1. 外形尺寸
1) 主机外形尺寸(横向×纵向×高) :3000×2000×1880(mm) ;
2) 电气柜:800×600×1400(mm) ;
3) 控制机柜:800×600×1700(mm) 。
1.2.2. 主机框架
1) 三工位间间距可调;
2) 三工位前后独立可调;
3) 三工位高低独立可调;
4) 方向调整采用电机方式。
1.2.3. 头枕加载缸
1) 最大推拉力:2000N;
2) 行程:600mm;
3) 速度调节范围:1mm/min 至 400mm/min;
4) 高度单独可调。
1.2.4. 靠背加载缸
1) 最大推拉力:2000N;
2) 行程:400mm;
3) 速度调节范围:1mm/min 至 400mm/min。
1.2.5. 负荷测量
- 3 -
1) 使用范围:20 至 1800(N) ;
2) 测量精度:±1%。
1.2.6. 位移测量
1) 使用范围:依据加载缸行程;
2) 测量精度:0.05%F·S。
1.3. 性能 特点
1.3.1. 机械系统
1) 试验平台带有纵横 T 型槽,可以固定不同型号的试样底座;
2) 具有头枕加载缸高度定位装置,简化试验操作;
3) 具有工位初始角度定位装置,一键定位工位初始角度;
4) 具有移位躯干线零位位置定位装置,一键定位移位躯干线零位;
5) 具有 H 点对准装置,简化试验操作。
1.3.2. 控制系统
1) 试验采集与控制都使用基于研华工控机的美国 NI PCI 板卡完成,采集与控制
2) 依托板卡独立的硬件毫秒级定时进行 PID 闭环控制,控制精度高,同步性好;
3) 使用 PLC 进行系统调度,可使用软件集中控制设备供电及所有移动机构的执
4) 通过 PLC 完成看门狗功能,在意外情况下保护设备及操作人员安全;
5) 所有主要部件及板卡均采购自市场上主流大品牌,后期维护操作简单,维护费
2. 设备结构
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图 2-1 主机示意图
2.1. 机械系统
机械系统由纵向 T 型槽的铸铁平台、头枕加载缸、靠背加载缸、H 点对准装置及高
2.1.1. 铸铁平台
图 2-2 铸铁平台示意图
该平台符合 JB/T7974-1999 规定的平面度公差精度为 2 级。底平台为有纵向 T 型
槽的铸铁平台。该平台采用高强度铸铁 HT250 铸造,平台经过去磁和稳定性处理,该
2.1.2. 头枕加载缸
- 5 -
图 2-3 头枕加载缸示意图
图 2-4 电动伺服缸示意图
速高响应,最高速度响应频率可达 1kHz。控制方面,该伺服驱动器可接收高达 2Mpps
- 6 -
图 2-5 松下伺服电机示意图
2.1.3. 靠背加载缸
图 2-6 靠背加载缸示意图
图 2-7 靠背尺寸
A=131.5mm B=545.4mm C=487mm D=318.9mm center 235mm
E=388.2mm F=58.4mm
- 7 -
2.1.4. H 点对准装置
H 点对准装置主要用于座椅 R 点和试验台的 H 点对准用。 H 点对准装置主要由手轮、
图 2-8 H 点对准装置示意图
2.1.5. 负荷传感器
图 2-9 负荷传感器示意图
2.1. 电气控制 及采集系统
2.1.1. 电气拖动系统
- 8 -
图 2-10 标准机柜示意图
2.1.2. 采集控制系统
该系统采用美国 NI 多功能卡作为核心元件,配合传感器信号放大器、光电编码器
强,易于售后服务等特点。所有板卡均采用高效稳定的 PCI 总线模式,只需插入计算
机 PCI 插槽并安装驱动程序便可使用,方便,稳定,易于维护。
美国国家仪器的 NI PCI-6221 多功能卡可进行负荷模拟信号高速采集,兼容性好,
图 2-11 NI PCI-6221
 16 位,250 kS/s,16 路模拟输入
 2 路 16 位模拟输出(833 kS/s)
 10 条数字 I/O 线,32 位计数器,数字触发
光电编码器采集使用研华 PCI-1784U(4 个通道)和 NI PCI-6221(2 个通道)同
时进行。研华 PCI-1784U 主要特点有:
 单端或差压输入
 卡上带宽范围时间选择器的 8 位定时器
 可选采样速率的 4 级数字滤波器
 每个编码器循环 x1, x2, x4 计数
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 脉冲/方向和加/减计数器
 光隔离电压 2,500 VDC
 4 个 32 位加/减计数器
图 2-12 研华 PCI-1784U
模拟量输出(控制信号)使用研华 PCI-1723 模拟量输出卡,其主要特点有:
图 2-13 研华 PCI-1723
 16 位,8 路非隔离模拟量输出
 自动校准功能
 每个模拟量输出通道带一个 16 位 DAC
 同步输出功能
 系统重新热启动后保持输出值
 2 端(16 路)用户定义数字量输入/输出
 板卡 ID
为了使用 PCI 接口形式板卡,我们采用研华工控机 IPC-610L(300W 电源)作为
 工业级母板
 主板 AIMB-763VG(5 个 PCI 槽 2 个 PCIE 槽 2 串一并一个网口)
 含 CPUE5300/2G/500G/DVD/KB/MS/
 前端配备 2 个 USB,机箱前面板上的系统状态 LED 指示灯可显示电源、硬盘
 有过滤内吹冷却风扇,可在整个机箱内维持正的空气循环
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 一年上门两年质保
图 2-14 研华工控机示意图
由于这些特点,使得 IPC-610 拥有很强的防干扰、防尘、防震、防扰流的能力,
为 PCI 板卡稳定运行提供了坚实的平台。
2.2. 软件系统
软件系统运行于研华工控机上,通过驱动函数与 PCI 板卡进行交互。其主要特点
 运行于 Windows 操作系统,人机界面友好,操作简便
 隐藏了大部分硬件配置参数,只留有用户需要使用的少量硬件配置参数,简化
 软件启动后实时显示传感器采样瞬时值, 试验时还可显示传感器采样最大值和
 可手动设置传感器保护值(默认为对应传感器量程) ,保护响应时间为 5ms
 试验曲线数据处理方式可配合试验运行参数形成一个整体的试验模块, 各种组
 试验数据以二进制形式存储在文档中,读写速度远高于数据库形式,且大大提
 所有试验数据均支持导出至 EXCEL 表
 可灵活设定多种条件检索试验记录
 可同时显示所有传感器通道的曲线(颜色区分)
 在试验曲线上可进行各种条件下的特征点查找
 在试验曲线上可进行光标任意点查找(可与 EXCEL 导出数据匹配)
 可通过试验报告模板生成定制的试验报告(EXCEL 格式)
 传感器标定操作简单,易学易用
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图 2-15 试验软件主界面示意图
图 2-16 试验软件调试界面示意图
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3. 设备配置
表 3-1 详细配置表
4. 安装调试
4.1. 现场条件
1) 电源要求:三相电源 AC3800±10%V,10kW;
2) 应具有不大于 3Ω的地线;
序号 类别 项目 供应商 数量 备注
1 1 机械 铸铁平台 河北沧州 1 张
采用 HT250 材质,含 T
型 槽 , 3000 × 2000 ×
2 2 机械 主机框架 智舒 3 套
3 3 机械 头枕加载缸 上海 3 套 2kN
4 4 机械 假背加载缸 上海 3 套 2kN
5 5 机械 伺服电机及减速机 日本松下 6 套 配头模及背模使用
6 6 机械 头模 智舒 3 套
7 7 机械 背模 智舒 3 套 SAE J826
8 8 机械 H 点对准装置 智舒 3 套
9 9 机械 电机及减速机 台研 6 套 上下左右调整尺寸使用
10 机械 标准机柜 智舒 2 只
11 机械 座椅治具 智舒 3 套
压板 智舒

13 测量 高精度负荷传感器 6 套
14 测量 信号放大调理仪 南京 6 套
15 控制 工控机 研华 1 台
16 控制 模拟量采集卡 NI 1 套 PCI6221
16 控制 编码器计数卡 研华 1 套 PCI1784U
17 控制 模拟量输出卡 研华 1 套 PCI1723
18 控制 打印机 HP 公司 1 台 A4 喷墨
19 控制 拖动系统 智舒 1 套
含 PLC、开关电源、继电

20 控制 试验软件 智舒 1 套
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3) 设备占地面积:4000×3000×1800(mm) 。
4.2. 安装调试
1) 用户方应提供充足的被测试件用于设备调试及验收;
2) 发货前我方确保设备的安装调试合格。
5. 操作培训
1) 我方对客户方人员进行为期 2 天的培训,培训地点在国内。培训内容包括机械
2) 用户方应派出固定的人员参加培训, 我方保证用户参与培训人员能够独立完成
6. 随机资料
1) 设备零部件清单及备品备件清单;
2) 设备操作说明书(含维护保养) 。
7. 设备验收
1) 设备由我方运往用户方前,需由客户方到我方对设备进行发货前的设备验收,
验收试样应不少于 2 件(次) ,经用客方验收确认后我方方可发运。
8. 售后服务
1) 保质期为最终验收合格日起一年;
2) 在保质期内除因人为因素(用户人员使用和操作不当、无许可操作授权等)或不
3) 我方在收到用户的设备故障通知后,在 8 小时内给予解决方案(电话或者电子
邮件沟通) ,如果不能解决我公司将派专业维修工程师到现场进行服务;
9. 报价及交期
1) 报价:人民币 49 万元/台;
2) 交货周期:合同生效后 120 天。
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10. 参考图片
公司地址:上海市浦东川沙经济园区川六公路 918 号
公司电话:+86 (21)50610004
公司传真:+86 (21)50610040
联 系 人: 丁素兰
公司网址: www.shzhishu.com/ www.zs126.com
ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
1. unit overview1.1. basic informationDevice name: three-position the car seat headrest back static strength testModel: ZYQD-3Use: mainly for testing head restraints static tests. This machine is suitable for the following scenarios: headPillow evaluation of static strength test, new design, changing technology, changing material, source identification, product quality inspectionCondition.Reference standard: test desk reference and can meet the GB11550-2009 of the car seat head rest the strength requirements and test methodsAct, GB15083-2006 the car seats and head restraints, seat fixing device-requirements and test methods for strength, ECE R17On the seat, of the seat anchorage points and headrest uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles, ECE R25 on seat recognitionCard in the consolidated regulations of head restraints static test methods.1.2. technical specifications1.2.1. the external dimension1) overall dimensions (horizontal x vertical x height): 3000x2000x1880 (mm);2) electric cabinet: 800x600x1400 (mm);3) control cabinet: 800x600x1700 (mm).1.2.2. main frame1) spacing between three-position adjustable;2) adjustable three-position front/rear;3) independent three-position height adjustable;4) adjust motor ways.1.2.3. the head load cylinder1) maximum force: 2000N;2) £ 600mm;3) speed adjustment range: 1mm/min to 400mm/min;4) height can be adjusted separately.1.2.4. the back loaded cylinders1) maximum force: 2000N;2) £ 400mm;3) speed adjustment range: from 1mm/min to 400mm/min.1.2.5. load measurementShanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd- 3 -1) range: from 20 to 1800 (n);2) measuring accuracy: ± 1%.1.2.6. the displacement measurement1) use: according to the cylinder stroke is loaded;2) measuring accuracy: 0.05%F · S。1.3. performance characteristics1.3.1. the mechanical system1) test platform with vertical and horizontal t-Groove, base can be fixed in different types of samples;2) has a head loaded cylinder height positioning device, simplify test operations;3) has stations starting angle positioning device, a key position-position of initial angle;4) has zero position shift trunk line positioning device, a key position shift trunk line zero bits;5) with h-point alignment device simplifies operation.1.3.2. control systems1) collected and controlled use Advantech IPC-based United States NI PCI Boards completed acquisition and controlFast speed, high stability;2) relies on hardware millisecond timing for the Board independent PID closed-loop control, high precision, synchronicity is good;3) scheduling system using PLC, software can be used to control equipment power supply and all medical practitioners in moving bodiesNo problem;4) through PLC complete a watchdog function in accident cases, protective equipment and operator safety;5) all main components and boards are sourced from mainstream brands on the market, simple maintenance operation, and maintenanceWith cheap.2. the structure of the equipmentEquipment mainly by the test platform, a host at the end of the frame back die head mold, backrest, head load cylinder loaded cylinders,Horizontal moving device, vertical mobile device and computer control and data acquisition systems and other components.Shanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd- 4 -Figure 2-1 sketch of host2.1. mechanical systemsMechanical system consists of vertical t-slot loading platform, head of cast iron cylinder, cylinder back loaded, high h-point alignment device andPrecision load sensors, and so on is composed.2.1.1. cast iron platformFigure 2-2 sketch map of cast iron platformThe platform comply with flatness tolerance for the JB/T7974-1999 2. Platform at the end of the vertical t-Grooved cast iron platform. HT250 the platform adopts high-strength cast iron foundry, after demagnetization and the stability of the platform, whichPlatform high precision, good resistance to abrasion.2.1.2. the head load cylinderShanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd- 5 -Figure 2-3 sketch of cylinder head loadedLoaded cylinder adopts electrical servo cylinder, low noise, energy saving, clean, high stiffness, impact resistance, longLife, simple operation and maintenance and so on. Inductive limit switches can also be installed, with the servo systems, improvingSecurity of the system.Figure 2-4 sketch map of electric servo cylinderElectric servo cylinder with Panasonic servo motor and servo drives, can be easily adjusted parameters, monitoring and analysisFailure. The powerful intelligent Auto-adjust features can replace the usual professional complex debugging process, easily completed highHigh response speed, maximum speed up to 1kHz. Control of the servo drive receives up to 2MppsPulse commands and built-in instantaneous speed observer, you can quickly detect motor speed, high resolution. ActualIn the front of the servo motor reducers are installed through reducer connected to the electric cylinder.Shanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd- 6 -Figure 2-5 diagram Panasonic servo motor2.1.3. the back loaded cylindersBack loaded cylinder in Figure 2-6 sketch mapFigure 2-7 back sizeA=131.5mm B=545.4mm C=487mm D=318.9mm center 235mmE=388.2mm F=58.4mmShanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd- 7 -2.1.4. the h-point alignment deviceH-point alignment equipment seat r-point and point h test bench alignment. H-point alignment device consists of hand wheel,Lights, moving beams, chassis and other components.Figure 2-8 sketch of h-point alignment device2.1.5. the load cellUsing wheel sensors, special design for dual-use sensors in tension and compression, to meet different test requirements for accuracy,High precision, low distortion, stable and reliable performance, good lateral resistance, wide range, and easy to install.Figure 2-9 sketch of load cell2.1. electrical control and acquisition systemElectrical control and collection system as a whole can be divided into: electric drive system and control system is in two parts.2.1.1. the electric drive systemElectric drive systems rely on standard cabinets is the whole core of the logical control device and electric power rationing. ByHas a signal wire connections are complete this section, their use in key parts of photoelectric isolated solid-state relay and high qualityQuality shielded cables reduce the servo motor system for the effective functioning of control signals and signal interference.Placement of IPC standard rack, display, electric drive systems, data acquisition systems, control systems,Neat layout, dust-proof properties, and to provide a smooth and safe operation of the system environment.Shanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd- 8 -Figure 2-10 Cabinet diagram2.1.2. the acquisition and control systemThis system uses the United States NI multifunction cards as a core element, with the sensor signal amplifier, optical encoderFunctions such as capture cards, analog output card templates and standardized design, flexible configuration, compatibilityStrong, easy to service and so on. All boards are highly efficient and stable PCI bus mode, simply insert the calculatedPCI slot and install the driver to use, convenient, stable and easy to maintain.United States national instruments NI PCI-6221 cards can be load simulated high-speed signal acquisition, compatibility,Excellent stability, its main features are:2-11 NI PCI-6221 16-bit, 250 kS/s,16 analog input 2-channel 16-bit analog outputs (833 kS/s) 10 digital I/O lines, 32-bit counters, digital triggeringAcquisition of optical encoder with Advantech PCI-1784U (4 channels) and NI PCI-6221 (2 channels)When. Advantech PCI-1784U the main features are: single-ended or differential input bandwidth time picker on the card of 8-bit timers to level 4 of the selected sampling rate digital filter each encoder loop, X1, X2, X4 countShanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd- 9 - Pulse/direction, and adding/subtracting counters optically isolated voltage 2,500 VDC 4 32-bit adding/subtracting counters2-12 Advantech PCI-1784UAnalog output (control signal) use Advantech PCI-1723 analog output card, its main features are:Figure 2-13 Advantech PCI-1723 16-bit, 8-channel non-isolated analog output automatic calibration function each analog output channels with a 16-bit DAC synchronous output function maintain output after system reboot 2 end (16) user-defined digital input/output card IDIn order to use the PCI interface card, we use Advantech industrial computer IPC-610L (300W power supply)Its carrier. Its characteristics are: Industrial Motherboard Board AIMB-763VG (5 PCI slots 2 PCIE slots 2 strings together a network port) CPUE5300/2G/500G/DVD/KB/MS/ front end is equipped with 2 USB, on the chassis front panel system status LED indicator to show power, hard driveAnd the operation of the system voltage filtered cooling fan blowing in, can be maintained throughout the entire chassis was air circulationShanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd-10- one door two years warrantyFigure 2-14 sketch of Advantech IPCBecause of these characteristics, making IPC-610 with strong anti-interference, dust-proof, shock-proof, spoiler,For the PCI card provides a solid platform for stable operation.2.2. software systemSoftware running on the Advantech IPC through the drive function interacts with the PCI card. Its main featuresHave: runs on Windows operating systems, friendly, easy to hide most of the hardware configuration parameters, and there is only you need to use a small amount of hardware configuration parameters, simplifyingUser action software starts sampling instant real-time display sensor values test can also display the sensor samples the maximum andMinimum value sensor values can be set manually (the default for the corresponding sensor), protective response time 5ms tests data processing method can be used with test parameters test modules form a whole, a variety of groupsSet up flexible, calling convenience, can realize all the parameter file and read test data is stored in binary form in the document, read and write speed is much higher than the database form, and greatlyHigh continuously record data capacity, reducing long-running software storage failure rate all experimental data support the export to EXCEL tables flexible set multiple criteria to retrieve records You can display all sensor channel curves (color) tests can be carried out under a variety of conditions on feature search the cursor at any point on the curve to find (you can export EXCEL data matching) You can generate customized test report the test report template (EXCEL format) sensor calibration operation is simple, easy to learn and useShanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd-11-Figure 2-15 sketch map of the main interface of the softwareFigure 2-16 sketch of software debugging interfacesShanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd-12-3. equipment configurationDetailed in table 3-1 table4. installation and commissioning4.1. site conditions1) power requirements: three-phase power AC3800 ± 10%V,10kW;2) should have the ground wire of less than 3 ω;Serial number vendor number of category projects notesHebei Cangzhou 1 1 1 mechanical cast iron platformHT250 material, containing tGroove, 3000x2000x200(mm)2 2 machines hosting framework Zhi Shu 3Shanghai 3 3 3 mechanical cylinder head loaded 2kN4 Shanghai 3 sets of 4 mechanical back-loaded cylinder 2kN5 5 mechanical servo motor and reducer Japan Panasonic 6 head model and back blending mode6 6 mechanical mould Zhi Shu 3Zhi Shu 3 sets of 7 7 mechanical back die SAE J826Zhi Shu 3 h 8 8 machinery alignment device9 9 mechanical motor and reducer yan 6 next size around10 mechanical Cabinet Zhi Shu 211 mechanical seat fixture Zhi Shu 312MachineryPlate Zhi Shu15Set13 measurement of high accuracy load cell 6Nanjing 6 14 measuring and signal conditioning instrument15 Advantech industrial computer control 1With monitor16 Control NI Analog acquisition cards 1 set PCI622116 control encoder count card Advantech 1 set PCI1784U17 control analog output card Advantech 1 PCI172318 control HP company 1 A4 inkjet19 control system Chi Shu 1PLC, switching power supply, relayDevices, circuit breakers, wiring TerminalWaitZhi Shu 20 controlled trials software 1 setShanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd-13-3) covers: 4000x3000x1800 (mm).4.2. installation and commissioning1) users shall provide adequate testing for device debugging and acceptance;2) us prior to shipment of equipment installation and commissioning qualified.5. operation training1) for a 2-day training to customer personnel, training locations in the country. Training includes mechanicalOperations, software, safety and machine maintenance;2) users should be sent regular staff training we can ensure users participate in training personnel to complete1) described the training content;6. random information1) spare parts list spare parts list;2) operating instructions (including maintenance).7. equipment acceptance1) equipment transported by us before the user, required by the client to our equipment prior to shipment of equipment buyoff,Acceptance samples shall be not less than 2 (time), # of customer acceptance confirmation after we ship.8. after-sales service1) shelf-life for the end one year from the date of acceptance;2) within the warranty period in addition to the human factors (user improper use and operation, no licensing authority to operate and so on) or notResistance caused by equipment failure, damage, failures and damages the rest of the cost of materials are covered by usAccountability;3) after we receive user fault notification equipment and solutions in 8 hours (telephone or electronicEmail communication), if not I will send professional maintenance engineers to the site services;9. pricing and delivery1) price: 490,000 yuan/Taiwan;2) delivery time: within 120 days of the entry into force of the contract.Shanghai Zhi Shu Automation Ltd-14-10. the reference pictureCompany name: Shanghai Zhi Shu Automation LtdAddress: Shanghai Pudong chuansha economic Park, Chuan-Liu Highway No. 918Tel: + (21) 50610004Fax: + (21) 50610040Contact person: Ding SulanContact phone: 13817760416Contact email: susandsl@163.comEmail: sells@zs126.comWebsite: www.shzhishu.com/www.zs126.com
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
1. Overview of the equipment
1.1. basic information
equipment name: car seat three station head pillow on dorsal strength test rig
equipment types: ZYQD-3
use range: mainly used for testing seat headrest static test. The test machine is suitable for the following situations: the evaluation test, the new design, the change process, the change of material, the source of goods, the product quality sampling, etc.. Reference standard: reference and can meet the GB11550-2009 "car seat head pillow strength requirements and test methods", GB15083-2006 "car seats, seat and seat device and test method of the head strength requirements and test methods", R17
ECEMethod of static test of seat head rest on the uniform provisions of the vehicle for the approval of the seat, the seat of the seat and the head of the R25 ECE.
1.2. technical specifications
1 (:3000) host size (horizontal x 2000 x 1880 (mm);
2 600 x 1400 (mm);
3 control cabinet: 800 x 600 x 1700 (mm).
1.2.2. host frame
1) three station spacing adjustable;
2) three position before and after adjustable;
3) three position adjustable;
1) the maximum thrust force: 2000N,
2,, 600mm,
3, 1mm/min, 400mm/min, and
1.2.4. back loaded cylinder
1) maximum push pull: 2000N;
2) stroke:
3; 400mm) speed regulation range: 1mm/min to 400mm/min. Using
1.2.5. load measuring
Shu Chi, Shanghai Automation Co., Ltd.
- 3 -
1) range 20 to 1800 (n);
2) measurement accuracy: + 1%.
1.2.6. displacement measurement
1) using range: according to the load cylinder stroke;
2) measuring accuracy: S - 0.05%F.
1.3. performance characteristics
1.3.1.Mechanical system
1) test platform with vertical and horizontal T type groove, can be fixed with different types of specimen base;
2) with a head pillow loading cylinder height positioning device, simplified test operation;
3) with the position of the initial angle positioning device, a key position of the initial point of view,
4) with a shift trunk zero position positioning device, a key position shift trunk zero;
1.3.2. control system
1) test collection and control use based on Advantech IPC of American NI PCI card, acquisition and control
speed is quick, the stability is high;
2) relying on the board independent hardware millisecond timing for PID closed-loop control, control precision, good synchronization,
3) using PLC for system scheduling, the use of software centralized control equipment and all mobile devices,
4) to complete the watchdog function, protect equipment and operating personnel security;
5) all major components and boards are purchased from the market mainstream brands, late maintenance operation is simple, maintenance costs. The structure of the
2. equipment is mainly composed of the experimental platform, the main frame, the head of the back mode, the head of the pillow, the back of the loading cylinder, and the lateral moving device,The vertical movement device and computer control and collection system and so on.
Shu Chi, Shanghai Automation Co., Ltd.
4 Figure 2-1 host sketch figure
2.1. mechanical system

mechanical system consists of longitudinal T type groove cast iron platform, headrest cylinder loading and back loading cylinder, H point alignment device and
high precision load sensor and so on.
2.1.1. cast iron platform
figure 2-2 cast iron platform, the platform is in accordance with the provisions of the JB/T7974-1999 level of the accuracy of the level of 2. The bottom platform is a cast iron platform with a vertical T type. The platform uses high strength cast iron HT250 casting, the platform after going to magnetic and stability, the
Platform with high accuracy, good abrasion resistance.
2.1.2. pillow for head loading cylinder
Shu Chi, Shanghai Automation Co., Ltd.
- 5 -
figure 2-3 headrest loading cylinder schematic diagram
loading cylinder uses the servo electric cylinder, which has low noise, energy saving, clean, high rigidity, shock resistance, long life
, operation and maintenance simple. Before and after the induction type limit switch can be installed with the servo system to improve the safety of the system. The schematic diagram of the 2-4 electric servo cylinder is used to adjust the parameters, monitor the state and analyze the failure of the servo motor and the servo driver of the Panasonic.Its powerful intelligent automatic adjustment function can replace the usual professional complex debugging process, easy to complete the high
fast response, the highest speed response frequency can reach 1kHz. On the control side, the servo drive can receive up to 2Mpps
of the pulse command, and the instantaneous speed observer is built, and the motor speed can be detected quickly and with high resolution. In practical use, the servo motor front end is also installed with a speed reducer, connected to the electric cylinder through the reducer.
Shu Chi, Shanghai Automation Co., Ltd.
- 6 -
figure 2-5 Panasonic servo motor schematic diagram
2.1.3. back loading cylinder
figure 2-6 back loaded cylinder schematic
figure 2-7 backrest size
A=131.5mm B=545.4mm C=487mm D=318.9mm center 235mm
E=388.2mm F=58.4mm
Shu Chi, Shanghai Automation Co., Ltd.
- 7 -
2.1.4. H-point alignment device H point alignment device is mainly used for seat r points and test rig H point alignment. H point alignment device is mainly composed of a hand wheel, a lamp, a moving beam, a base, etc..
figure 2-8 H point alignment device illustrations of figure
2.1.5. load sensor
using spoke sensor, special design of dual-use of tension and compression sensor, can meet the test requirements of the different precision, high precision of the
, distortion is small, the performance is stable and reliable, good resistance to lateral force, wide measurement range,Easy to install. 2-9 load sensor schematic diagram
2.1. electrical control and acquisition system
the whole electrical control and acquisition system can be divided into: electric drive system and control system two parts.
2.1.1. electric drive system, which is based on the standard cabinet, is the core of the power distribution and the logic control of the whole equipment. The wire connection of the signal is completed in this part, which is used to reduce the interference of the control signal and the sampling signal in the key parts. The standard cabinet is used for the industrial control computer and display,Electric drive system, collection system, control system, etc., the whole body layout neat, dust performance is good, the system provides a stable, safe operating environment.
Shu Chi, Shanghai Automation Co., Ltd.
8 figure 2-10 standard cabinet schematic figure
2.1.2. acquisition control system
the system by American NI multi-function card as a core component, with the sensor signal amplifier, photoelectric encoder
acquisition card, analog output card and realize the function unit template, standardized design, has a flexible configuration, interchangeability strong
, easy to service and other features. All boards are used in the PCI bus mode with high efficiency and stability, and only need to be inserted into the calculation.Machine PCI slot and install the driver can be used, convenient, stable, easy to maintain.
national instruments PCI-6221 multifunction card load simulation of high speed signal acquisition, good compatibility,
stability is excellent, the main features are:
figure 2-11 Ni PCI-6221
- 16, 250 KS / s, 16 analog input
- 2 16 bit analog output (833 KS / s)
- ten digital I / O lines, a 32-bit counter, digital trigger
photoelectric encoder collected using Advantech PCI-1784U (four of the passage) and Ni PCI-6221 (channel 2)
. Advantech PCI-1784U has the following features:
The single ended or differential input
- card time of bandwidth range selector 8-bit timer
- optional sampling rate of grade 4 digital filter
- each encoder cycle x1, X2, X4 counting
Shu Chi, Shanghai Automation Co., Ltd.
9 - pulse / direction / reduction counter
- optical isolation voltage 2500 VDC
- four 32 bit plus / minus counter
figure 2-12 Advantech PCI-1784U
analog output (control signal) using Advantech PCI-1723 analog output card, the main features are:
figure 2-13 Advantech PCI-1723
- 16 and 8 non isolated analog output
- automatic calibration function
For each analog output channel with a 16 bit DAC
- sync output function
- system thermal re start to maintain the output value
- 2 end (16) user defined digital input / output
- board ID
in order to use the form of PCI interface card, we adopt Advantech IPC IPC-610L (300W power supply)
as its carrier. Characteristic:
- industrial motherboard
- motherboard AIMB-763VG (5 PCI slot 2 PCIe slot 2 string together a network port)
- with the front end of the CPUE5300/2G/500G/DVD/KB/MS/
- equipped with two USB.
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