La pietra è il mezzo che ha dato vita al risveglio della manualità dell'uomo.
L'essere umano, ormai capace di reggersi sulle proprie gambe e libero di muoversi, ha conosciuto così la pietra. Si può ipotizzare che la pietra abbia fatto risvegliare quel bisogno intrinseco di creare dell'uomo, forse per il suo peso, per la sua attitudine ad essere lavorata o per la forza che ne scaturisce quando si scontra contro qualche altro elemento.
In principio può essere partito tutto da una pietra che si è scontrata contro un'altra pietra ed ecco che una sua parte mancante o una scheggia si sono rivelate all'uomo sotto forma di punta o di lama. L'uomo si è così avvicinato passo dopo passo alla lavorazione degli strumenti litici.
Durante l'età della pietra, periodo storico dalla straordinaria lunghezza, la lavorazione della pietra è stata perfezionata.
La mano degli esseri umani, con le sue cinque dita, era perfetta per impugnare le pietre. La mano era destinata grazie alla sua forma ad impugnare la pietra e il loro incontro era inevitabile, sebbene ci sia voluto un lungo periodo di tempo perché avvenisse.
Come i minerali sono arrivati nelle mani dell'uomo attraverso fenomeni come gravità, movimenti tettonici ed idrici, la pietra era destinata ad essere presa in mano dall'uomo. Non è stato l'uomo a “prendere in mano” la pietra, è stata la pietra a conferire all'uomo la capacità di “prendere” e ad insegnarli a “creare”. In questo momento è cominciata “l'era della manualità dell'uomo”.
The stone is the medium that gave birth to the awakening of human dexterity.The human being now able to stand on its own feet and free to move, he met stone. It can be assumed that the stone did awaken that need to create intrinsic of man, perhaps for its weight, its ability to be processed or for the strength that comes from when clashes against something else.In principle it can be snowballed from a stone that clashed against another stone and here a part missing or a splinter proved to man in the form of tip or blade. The man has approached step by step processing of stone tools.During the stone age, period of extraordinary length, the stone work was completed.The hand of humans, with its five fingers, was perfect to hold the stones. The hand was used due to its shape to hold the stone and their encounter was inevitable, although it took a long time because it took place.How are minerals arrived in the hands of man through phenomena such as gravity, plate tectonics and the water was meant to be taken in hand by the man. It was not the man to "take over" the stone, the stone was to give the man the ability to "take" and to teach them to "create". Now began "the era of human craftsmanship."

The stone is the medium that gave life to the awakening of human dexterity.
The human being, is now able to stand on their own feet and free to move, so he knew the stone. It can be assumed that the stone did awaken the inherent need to create man, perhaps for its weight, for its ability to be machined or the force that emerges when it clashes against some other element.
In principle can be all started from a stone that collided against another stone and here's a missing part or a splinter proved to man in the form of tip or blade. The man is so approached step by step to the processing of stone tools.
During the Stone Age, historical period of extraordinary length, the stone work was completed.
The hand of human beings, with its five fingers, was perfect to hold the stones. The hand was doomed due to its shape to challenge the stone and their meeting was inevitable, although it took a long time to make it occur.
As minerals arrived in the hands of man through phenomena such as gravity, tectonic movements and water The stone was meant to be taken in hand by the man. He was not the man to "take over" the stone, the stone was to give man the ability to "take" and to teach them to "create". At this time began the "era of manual work of man."

the stone is the method that gave life to the awakening of the skills of man. "the human being, now able to stand on its own feet and free to move, she met the rock. it can be assumed that the stone has been awaken the intrinsic need to create the man, perhaps because of his weight.for its ability to be processed or the strength that emerges when collides against another element.) in principle may be started from a rock that has come up against another rock and there's a missing part or a splinter proved to be the man in the form of a tip or blade.the man is approached step by step in the processing of political instruments. (during the stone age, historical period of extraordinary length, processing of the stone has been perfected. the hands of human beings, with its five fingers, it was perfect to hold the stones.the hand was bound by the type to hold the stone and their meeting was inevitable, although it took a long period of time because it happened. "as the minerals are in the hands of man through phenomena such as gravity, tectonic movements and water, the rock was intended to be taken in hand by the man. it was not the man to "take over" the stone.was the stone to give to man the ability to "take", and to teach him how to "create". at this time, began the era of skills of man ".