This note is long overdue and is something that I should have written 翻訳 - This note is long overdue and is something that I should have written 日本語言う方法

This note is long overdue and is so

This note is long overdue and is something that I should have written a long time ago - to let my dad know of how proud I am of him.

I am proud of what he does, in spite of him not being around for almost half of my life.

I am so sorry for being ashamed to tell my friends that you are indeed a pilot. A good one at that.

I am so sorry for telling my new friends that you are a driver.

I did not want to come across as a privileged kid.

We are after all, living a normal life.

I am part of the extended Malaysia Airlines family.

I have flown with them ever since I was an infant.

My first trip with my dad, my favorite pilot was Kota Kinabalu.

Apparently, I was told that I was less than pleasant and I was being a difficult (but adorable?) kid.
Nevertheless, I grew up loving airports and flying.

My father, just like the missing Captain, has worked for Malaysia Airlines ever since he left school.

Many times we urged him to work with different airlines but he refused because he wanted to be close to his family and be around us as often as possible.

We could have enjoyed the perks that were offered - free education at international schools, all living expenses paid, a chauffeur to drive us around if he had accepted job offers from other airlines.

That's how much MAS pilots are sought after.

Being a pilot's daughter, you are bound to have just your mother flying solo, attending your first day at school, your academic prize giving ceremonies, your sports days, your birthdays and even those Raya celebration.

The worst incident that occurred while Ayah was not around was when our house was robbed by 3 masked robbers.

On top of that, my mother was then 7 months pregnant. My dad was not around and my mother had to handle everything by herself.

She refused to call my dad and worry him as he was to fly back to Kuala Lumpur the following day.

My mother understood the burden that he carries on his shoulders and the importance of having a full, undivided focus while he is flying as he is responsible for hundreds of lives, and not just his own family back home.

I remember being choked with tears when our English teacher in college asked us one by one, 'What do you remember most about your dad?'

I stood up, and answered, "I remember that he wasn't around for half of the time".

He is far from a bad father. He is just working hard to support our family.

We have come to accept that, especially when people asked us, "Ayah mana? (where's your dad)"

I would answer them "Entah, somewhere around the world. Not sure. Have to check his roster."

All his life, his presence has been determined by a single sheet of paper which he would share with us at the beginning of each month. He would sometimes be annoyed when I ask him about his whereabouts because I should have checked his roster first before asking him that.

Before he leaves for work, each one of us would send him off without fail and watch his airport transfer pick him up and drive off.

Sometimes in the wee hours of the morning, other times in the middle of the night. We would "salam" him in advance before we go to bed.

And whenever he returns from work, everyone in the house would come to the front door, and greet him.

And I never realised how significant these rituals are until the MH370 incident occurred.

Each time he leaves for work, he will be responsible for hundreds of lives, he will be responsible in connecting families together, he will be responsible in helping businessmen seal the deal, he will be responsible in realising wanderlust dreams of travellers.

I remember once, a very old passenger in a wheelchair, waited for Ayah to meet him personally after a London-KL flight, he gave Ayah a thumbs up said, "Are you the Captain? Very smooth landing just now. Thank you!"

I beamed with pride inside.

But deep inside, our family knew, everytime he leaves for work, there is always a possibility of getting that fateful phone call, the possibility of him never returning home.

We have accepted that as part of our lives, every single day.

He underwent rigorous training to be where he is right now.

He has annual health checkup to ensure if he is fit to fly.

He has exams, just like students.

His flight manuals are as thick as my medical books.

He is as 'OCD' (meticulous as some would say) as you would want in any pilot flying your flight, ensuring everything is in place.

Even when it comes to punctuality, he isn't a minute late nor a minute early if he says he's reaching a particular time. ... 'I'm reaching there in seven minutes. Standby'.

This, is a snippet of a life of a cabin crew's family.

Cabin crew sacrificed a lot just so they could help the world connect from point A to point B.

Let us give the families affected by flight MH370 our support, prayers and some privacy.

Before you pass judgement, point fingers, or even spread theories and speculations, remember that you will not only hurt the missing cabin crew's families, but you will hurt our feelings as an extended MAS family.
- See more at:
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
このメモは長い延滞と前 - 長い時間が書いたどのように誇りに思って私は彼の知っている私のお父さんのようにする必要があるものです。





我々 はすべての後に住んでいる普通の生活



私のお父さんは、私のお気に入りのパイロットと私の最初旅行だったコタ キナバル

どうやら、私は言われたこと未満楽しかった私はされている困難な (しかし、愛らしい? 子供。


何度も我々 は彼の別の航空会社と仕事を促したが彼は断った彼の家族の近くになり私たちの周り可能な限り頻繁にたかったので

- 国際学校無料教育提供された特典を楽しんでいる可能性があります,すべての生活費を支払った、彼は他の航空会社からの仕事のオファーを受け入れた場合、私たちの周りを運転する運転者

それはどのように MAS パイロットは引っ張りだこ。


アーヤは中に発生した最悪の事件の周りなかったときに私たちの家は 3 の覆面強盗によって奪われました。

その上で、私の母はそれから妊娠 7 ヶ月。私の父は周りではなかったし、私の母は自分ですべてを処理します。


私の母は彼は彼の肩とフォーカスのある、完全な分裂していない間、彼は彼の生活の何百もの責任は重要性を運ぶの負担を理解し、彼自身の家族だけでなくバックアップ ホーム

涙で大学で英語の先生は私達に 1 つずつを尋ねたとき '何を覚えて最もについてあなたのお父さんですか?'、窒息状態を覚えています。



それを受け入れなければ、特にされたら人々 私たちは、"アーヤ マナ? きた(あなたのお父さんは)"


彼の人生彼の存在は、彼は毎月の初めに私たちと共有するだろうが紙の単一シートで決定されました。彼は時々 悩まされる最初前に彼を求めている彼の名簿をチェックしている必要がありますので私は彼の居所について彼に尋ねるとき




とどのように重要なこれらの儀式は MH370 事件が発生するまで気づいたことはありません。


を覚えています、アーヤ ロンドン KL のフライトの後個人的に彼に会うために待って、車いすの非常に古い乗客彼は親指を与えたアーヤ、最大は言った,"キャプテンですか。ちょうど今非常に滑らかな着陸。ありがとう !」



私たち私たちの生活のあらゆる単一日. の一部としてそれを受け入れた





'OCD の (いくつかの言うように綿密な) としては、彼ようにすべてのフライトの飛行のパイロットにしたいと思いますすべての確保は場所。

時間厳守、するときにも。彼は後期分も分早く場合は彼は、特定の時間に達していると彼は言います。...' 私は 7 分でそこに達しています。スタンバイ '.


客室乗務員をポイント A からポイント B に接続世界を助けることができるので、ちょうどたくさん犠牲に

を捧げましょう私たちサポートは、祈りといくつかのプライバシー、家族飛行 MH370 を受けます

。判断、ポイントに指またはも普及理論および投機を渡す前に覚えている場合のみ傷つけることはありません欠落している客室乗務員の家族として、拡張 MAS 家族私たちの気持ちを傷つけるだろう
-の詳細: #sthash.0OvUelJQ.dpuf
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
This note is long overdue and is something that I should have written a long time ago - to let my dad know of how proud I am of him.

I am proud of what he does, in spite of him not being around for almost half of my life.

I am so sorry for being ashamed to tell my friends that you are indeed a pilot. A good one at that.

I am so sorry for telling my new friends that you are a driver.

I did not want to come across as a privileged kid.

We are after all, living a normal life.

I am part of the extended Malaysia Airlines family.

I have flown with them ever since I was an infant.

My first trip with my dad, my favorite pilot was Kota Kinabalu.

Apparently, I was told that I was less than pleasant and I was being a difficult (but adorable?) kid.
Nevertheless, I grew up loving airports and flying.

My father, just like the missing Captain, has worked for Malaysia Airlines ever since he left school.

Many times we urged him to work with different airlines but he refused because he wanted to be close to his family and be around us as often as possible.

We could have enjoyed the perks that were offered - free education at international schools, all living expenses paid, a chauffeur to drive us around if he had accepted job offers from other airlines.

That's how much MAS pilots are sought after.

Being a pilot's daughter, you are bound to have just your mother flying solo, attending your first day at school, your academic prize giving ceremonies, your sports days, your birthdays and even those Raya celebration.

The worst incident that occurred while Ayah was not around was when our house was robbed by 3 masked robbers.

On top of that, my mother was then 7 months pregnant. My dad was not around and my mother had to handle everything by herself.

She refused to call my dad and worry him as he was to fly back to Kuala Lumpur the following day.

My mother understood the burden that he carries on his shoulders and the importance of having a full, undivided focus while he is flying as he is responsible for hundreds of lives, and not just his own family back home.

I remember being choked with tears when our English teacher in college asked us one by one, 'What do you remember most about your dad?'

I stood up, and answered, "I remember that he wasn't around for half of the time".

He is far from a bad father. He is just working hard to support our family.

We have come to accept that, especially when people asked us, "Ayah mana? (where's your dad)"

I would answer them "Entah, somewhere around the world. Not sure. Have to check his roster."

All his life, his presence has been determined by a single sheet of paper which he would share with us at the beginning of each month. He would sometimes be annoyed when I ask him about his whereabouts because I should have checked his roster first before asking him that.

Before he leaves for work, each one of us would send him off without fail and watch his airport transfer pick him up and drive off.

Sometimes in the wee hours of the morning, other times in the middle of the night. We would "salam" him in advance before we go to bed.

And whenever he returns from work, everyone in the house would come to the front door, and greet him.

And I never realised how significant these rituals are until the MH370 incident occurred.

Each time he leaves for work, he will be responsible for hundreds of lives, he will be responsible in connecting families together, he will be responsible in helping businessmen seal the deal, he will be responsible in realising wanderlust dreams of travellers.

I remember once, a very old passenger in a wheelchair, waited for Ayah to meet him personally after a London-KL flight, he gave Ayah a thumbs up said, "Are you the Captain? Very smooth landing just now. Thank you!"

I beamed with pride inside.

But deep inside, our family knew, everytime he leaves for work, there is always a possibility of getting that fateful phone call, the possibility of him never returning home.

We have accepted that as part of our lives, every single day.

He underwent rigorous training to be where he is right now.

He has annual health checkup to ensure if he is fit to fly.

He has exams, just like students.

His flight manuals are as thick as my medical books.

He is as 'OCD' (meticulous as some would say) as you would want in any pilot flying your flight, ensuring everything is in place.

Even when it comes to punctuality, he isn't a minute late nor a minute early if he says he's reaching a particular time. ... 'I'm reaching there in seven minutes. Standby'.

This, is a snippet of a life of a cabin crew's family.

Cabin crew sacrificed a lot just so they could help the world connect from point A to point B.

Let us give the families affected by flight MH370 our support, prayers and some privacy.

Before you pass judgement, point fingers, or even spread theories and speculations, remember that you will not only hurt the missing cabin crew's families, but you will hurt our feelings as an extended MAS family.
- See more at:
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
このノートは長く過ぎていると私は私のおとうさんは彼の得意なのか知っているように長い時間前に書かれているべきものだ。私は彼がそうするものを誇り、彼でないことのまわりに私の人生のほぼ半分であるにもかかわらず。私があなたが本当にパイロット私の友人に話すことを恥じてとても残念です良いものである。私があなたがドライバーというのが私の新しい友人に話すことはとても残念です私が出くわした特権的な子供としてしたくなかった。我々は、すべての後に、通常の人生を送ること。私は拡張マレーシア航空の家族の一部です。私が私が幼児であった時から、彼らと飛びました。私のおとうさんとの私の最初の旅行は、私のお気に入りのパイロット・キナバルコタ。明らかに、私は私が楽しい未満だったと話されました、そして、私は難しいことだった(しかし、魅力的な?)キッド。それでも私は愛する空港と飛んで育った私の父は、ちょうど行方不明のキャプテンのように、彼は学校を出てからは、これまでにマレーシア航空のために働きました。多くの時間を私たちは彼を異なる航空会社と仕事をするよう訴えましたしかし、彼は拒絶したかったので、彼は彼の家族に近いとされる私たちの周りにはできるだけ頻繁にします。我々は、特権を提供インターナショナルスクールで無料の教育を楽しむことができ生活費を支払ったすべてを受け入れ、彼は仕事を他の航空会社からの申し込みがあったならば、我々にまわりを運転する運転手します。どのくらいのmasのパイロットの後捜されることのパイロットの娘であることです、あなたはあなたの母はちょうど空飛ぶソロを束縛し、学校であなたの最初の日に出席することは、あなたのアカデミックな賞授賞式を与えているあなたのスポーツの日間、あなたの誕生日とそれらさえラーヤ祝賀です私たちの家であった3つの覆面強盗によって襲われるとき、最悪の事件の乳母は周りの間に起きたということでしたそれの上で、私の母は、それから7ヵ月妊娠していました私のおとうさんは周りと私の母は一人ですべてを取り扱うことにしました彼女は私のおとうさんに電話をして、次の日クアラルンプールへ飛んであったとして、彼を心配することを拒否しましたです私の母は彼が彼の肩と完全なを持つことの重要性を理解して、彼は彼が負担し、何百人もの命に責任があるとして飛ぶ間、全面的な焦点と彼自身の家族の家に戻るだけではない。私が大学であるとき、私たちの英語の先生に尋ねました、一つずつ我々は涙にむせんであることを忘れないで」あなたは何をあなたのおとうさんについて最も覚えていますか?私が立ち上がったと答えました「覚えてませんでした、彼が周りの半分の時間」の。彼は悪い父親から遠いです彼は私たちの家族を養うのにはちょうど難しいです。我々はそれを受け入れ、特に人々が我々を尋ねられるとき、「女中マナ?(あなたのお父さんはどこ)」私は答えentah」は、世界中のどこかに確かでない彼の名簿をチェックしなければならない。」彼のすべての人生彼の存在は、彼が各月の初めを我々と共有して1枚の紙によって決定されている彼は時々いらいらして私は彼に彼の所在について尋ねるとき、私がチェックした彼の名簿が彼に尋ねる前に最初にしなければならないので、だろう。彼が仕事のために去る前に、私たちの一人一人を必ず送って彼と彼の空港移動を見て彼を迎えに駆動するでしょう朝の早い時間に時々、夜の中ごろに他の時我々は「サラム」は彼の前にベッドに行く前にと返すときはいつでも、彼は仕事から、家の中で誰の前のドアに来て、彼に挨拶します。そして、私は決してこれらの儀式はどのように重要なのは、mh370事件まで起きた。各々の時間は、仕事のために彼は何百人もの命のために責任があります、彼が一緒に家族を接続するのに責任があります、彼はビジネスマンは取引に封を助けることに責任があります、彼は放浪旅行者の夢を実現するのに責任があります。私が一度覚えて、車椅子での非常に古い車、ロンドンklの飛行の後、個人的に彼に会うために乳母待って、彼は女中の意を言いました「あなたは船長ですか?今は非常に滑らかに着陸したありがとうございます!私の誇りの中で輝いていた。しかし、心の中で我々の家族を知っていて、彼の仕事のためのたびに、その宿命的な電話を得ることの可能性が常にあります、彼の可能性を決して帰国します。我々は、我々の生活の一部として受け入れていれば、それは毎日彼を施行した。厳しい訓練を彼は今どこにいるの彼が彼が飛ぶためにフィットすれば確実に健診を有している。彼の試験をして、ちょうど学生のようにします。彼のフライトマニュアル私の医学書として厚いです。彼が強迫性障害である」として「(何人かが言うように細心の)は、あなたがあなたの飛行のパイロットでもしたいとして、すべての場所に確保します。それは時間厳守の場合でも彼は遅くない分もの分は特定の時間に達するのを言うならば……私は7分でそこに到達するスタンバイ。これは、客室乗務員の家族の生活の断片。客室乗務員の多くを犠牲にしたので、彼らは助けることができただけの世界から接続点への点bを聞かせてくれる家族によって飛行mh370我々のサポート、およびいくつかのプライバシーを祈りますあなたの判断、パスの前に点を指または理論と推測さえ、あなただけでなく、行方不明の客室乗務員の家族を傷つけるのを思い出してください、しかし、あなたは拡張されたマスの家族として我々の感情を傷つけます。5より多くを見てください:http://www.nst . comです。私の最新のfont-color-red-missing-mh370-font-touching-letter-from-a-mas-pilot-s-daughter-1.518063#sthash.0ovueljq.dpuf
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