Telenomus sp. It is native to Sarawak, Malaysia. It was introduced in Israelto control Spodoptera littoralis. Settled successfully on S. frugiperda inBarbados and Monserret, but failed its establishment in Trinidad and Tobago and theFlorida (USA) (dig 1995a and Guillén 2002).He has failed to reproduce in laboratories on eggs of Spodopterafrugiperda and other species of Noctuidae. Cave (1995b) and Guillén (2002)They mentioned that in 1976 it introduced in Nicaragua, coming from Trinidad andTobago, for control of S. frugiperda but failed her offspring. Was introduced in 1977again with satisfactory results, and since that date are madereleases in various regions of the country. In 1979 was introduced in Venezuela andfrom 1980 is used as a biological controller of S. frugiperda eggs inthat country. In Honduras, it was introduced in 1990 by the Control LaboratoryBiological for Central America, the Pan-American agricultural school (Zamorano),aiming to mass produce it and release it in corn fields to thecontrol of S. frugiperda; obtaining successful results (Cave 1995b).