a Elpamas juga mampu mencatat prestasi yang cukup lumayan. Salah satu 翻訳 - a Elpamas juga mampu mencatat prestasi yang cukup lumayan. Salah satu 英語言う方法

a Elpamas juga mampu mencatat prest

a Elpamas juga mampu mencatat prestasi yang cukup lumayan. Salah satu lagunya, yaitu Pak Tua menjadi tembang klasik mereka yang mungkin paling dikenal masyarakat. Tembang karya Pitat Haeng (nama samaran yang digunakan Iwan Fals) yang termuat di album Tato tersebut konon mampu mendongkrak penjualan albumnya hingga mencapai angka 5.000 copy. Lagu itu sendiri yang bercerita tentang seorang penguasa yang sudah tua tapi belum mau pensiun sempat dicekal, tidak boleh ditayangkan di TV. Pasalnya, liriknya dianggap telah menyinggung penguasa orde baru pada saat itu.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
a Elpamas is also able to record the feat quite passable. One of the songs, namely the old Pack into their classic song which perhaps best known society. The song paper Pitat Haeng (pseudonym used Iwan Fals) contained in the album the Tattoo supposedly able to boost sales of his albums to reach the figure of 5000 copies. The song itself tells about a ruler who is old but not yet retiring briefly blocked, should not be aired on TV. Braga is considered to have offensive lyrics new order ruler at the time.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
a Elpamas also able to record a pretty good achievement. One of his songs, the old man into their classic song that is perhaps best known to the public. Song Haeng Pitat work (pseudonym used Iwan Fals) contained in the album Tattoos are supposedly able to boost album sales to reach 5,000 copies. The song itself tells of a ruler who is old but not ready to retire was banned, should not be aired on TV. Because the lyrics were deemed offensive ruler at the time the new order.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
一个elpamas也能mencatat公司杨了lumayan。他一lagunya,就是你为该公司一tembang白杨可能打dikenal中心。tembang公司pitat Haeng(NAMA samaran阳digunakan Iwan FALS)阳termuat迪专辑威福缝制科能能mendongkrak交易最近albumnya直至金属提升板锁定到位mencapai武器5份。拉古ITU自己bercerita一penguasa杨,杨也在TAPI不茂pensiun这些dicekal,不可ditayangkan迪电视。pasalnya,liriknya dianggap,menyinggung penguasa奥德公司在本
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