== Recon-1: Alexander Taylor ==
After initial recon, we could not find proper solution. We have spent a lot of time browsing through rather funny trolling site [http://legitass.net] where we have landed because "Randall Flagg" (@CTF_tr0ll) is following Alexander (@fuzyll). Meanwhile, following announcement was made: "An error has been fixed in the Alexander Taylor recon challenge. Please reset your reconnaissance.". We did follow their advice and within minutes we have found out that the answer is residing in Alex's profile picture on "Judges" sub-page. Let's see:
$ pnginfo ataylor.png
Image Width: 604 Image Length: 401
Bitdepth (Bits/Sample): 8
Channels (Samples/Pixel): 3
Pixel depth (Pixel Depth): 24
Colour Type (Photometric Interpretation): RGB
Image filter: Single row per byte filter
Interlacing: No interlacing
Compression Scheme: Deflate method 8, 32k window
Resolution: 11811, 11811 (pixels per meter)
FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
Byte Order: Network (Big Endian)
Number of text strings: 3 of 9
These aren't the chunks you're looking for. (tEXt uncompressed):
You can go about your business. (tEXt uncompressed):
Move along. (tEXt uncompressed):
It does look interesting. Digging further revealed XOR-ed kTxt chunk which we have beaten with our internal tool.