Karena bertemu dengan Sawung Jabo, menjadi kan para personil Elpamas b翻訳 - Karena bertemu dengan Sawung Jabo, menjadi kan para personil Elpamas b英語言う方法

Karena bertemu dengan Sawung Jabo,

Karena bertemu dengan Sawung Jabo, menjadi kan para personil Elpamas berkumpul dengan komunitas Bengkel Teater Rendra. Di Bengkel Teater itulah agaknya mereka mulai bersentuhan dengan intelektual dan kecerdasan berpikir. Bertemu dengan seniman-seniman yang punya kapasitas. Walau pada kenyataannya mereka terkadang masih sulit menerima pikiran berkesenian yang penuh dengan literatur. Sehingga pola puritannya tidak juga hilang.

Mungkin karena mujur, dan lantas lewat peran Virgiawan Listianto yang lebih dikenal dengan Iwan Fals. Elpamas menyanyikan lagu karya Iwan yang berjudul "Pak Tua" karena liriknya yang menyindir keras pada penguasa Orde Baru "Soeharto", El-pamas pun di cekal. Sungguh hal yang luar biasa untuk urusan eksistensi bagi kelompok band yang berasal dari kampung itu. Sebagai orang kampung, tetaplah mereka memiliki perasaan takut tidak makan dengan peristiwa tersebut.

Sebelum mereka mencium bau harum ibukota dan kecerdasan pola pikir Jakarta, album perdana mereka yang bertajuk "Dinding-dinding Kota" cukup memprihatinkan. Hampir semua musik dalam album itu menjiplak dari kelompok musik dunia, mulai dari; Deep Purple, Ozzy Osbourne, Pink Floyd, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Iron Maiden dan masih banyak lagi kelompok musik yang tidak mungkin disebutkan satu persatu.
ソース言語: 言語を検出する
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Sawung Jabo met because, being a right of the Elpamas personnel gathered with community Workshop Theater Rendra. In the workshop of theatre that is presumably they began to come into contact with intellectuals and intelligence thinking. Meet the artists had the capacity. Although in fact they sometimes still difficult accepting mind archives full of literature. So the pattern of puritannya is not missing.Perhaps because of the peace, and then passing the role of Virgiawan Listianto better known as Iwan Fals. Elpamas sings a song by Iwan entitled "Old Pack" because of the lyrics which satirize hard on ruler Suharto's "new order", El-pamas pun on the block. Truly remarkable things for the Affairs of existence for the band that originated from the village it is. As people keep their feelings of fear are not packed with events.Before they smell fragrant and wit capital Jakarta mindset, their debut album, titled "City walls" quite alarming. Almost all of the music on the album was plagiarized from world music groups, ranging from; Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Ozzy Osbourne, Yngwie j. Malmsteen, Iron Maiden and many more musical groups who may not be mentioned one by one.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Due to meet with Sawung Jabo, be right personnel gathered with community Elpamas Theatre Workshop Renda. At the Theatre Workshop that presumably they started contact with the intellectual and intelligence thought. Meet with artists who have the capacity. Despite the fact that they sometimes still difficult to accept the idea of art filled with literature. So the pattern is not too puritanical gone. Perhaps because of luck, and then through the role Virgiawan Listianto better known as Iwan Fals. Elpamas Iwan sang works entitled "The Old Man" because the lyrics are satirical hard on the New Order "Suharto", El-pamas else in the block. It's a wonderful thing for the affairs of the existence of the band coming from the village. For the villagers, they still have the feeling of fear do not eat with the event. Before they smell fragrant capital Jakarta and intelligence mindset, their first album, titled "The walls of the City" quite alarming. Almost all the music in the album plagiarized from world music groups, ranging from; Deep Purple, Ozzy Osbourne, Pink Floyd, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Iron Maiden and many more bands that may not be mentioned one by one.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
因为地和sawung Jabo,为坎旁,komunitas comquter elpamas在该剧院rendra。二该剧院是agaknya就开始bersentuhan,intelektual丹kecerdasan人们的思维方式。邂逅,seniman seniman杨kapasitas而已。在他们walau kenyataannya偶用了高难度的动作了pikiran berkesenian阳了,文学。也就不puritannya波拉”了。

可能因为mujur,丹lantas lewat每年virgiawan listianto杨比dikenal,Iwan FALS。elpamas歌唱拉古公司杨berjudul“白图”——因为liriknya杨menyindir keras在penguasa新秩序“苏哈托”,EL PAMAS双关地cekal。和哈尔杨外biasa,urusan eksistensi为kelompok带阳出于甘榜ITU。为人tetaplah甘榜,他们有perasaan怕不吃,peristiwa缝制。

在他们mencium BAU冒失的首都雅加达丹kecerdasan帕拉pikir,唱片公司就杨bertajuk“天定天定哥”了memprihatinkan。hampir音乐专辑都在ITU menjiplak达日kelompok音乐世界,开始从;奥兹奥斯本,深紫色,粉红色的弗洛依德,Yngwie Malmsteen J.,铁娘子丹仍有了kelompok杨家乐不可能disebutkan一persatu。
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