Due to meet with Sawung Jabo, be right personnel gathered with community Elpamas Theatre Workshop Renda. At the Theatre Workshop that presumably they started contact with the intellectual and intelligence thought. Meet with artists who have the capacity. Despite the fact that they sometimes still difficult to accept the idea of art filled with literature. So the pattern is not too puritanical gone. Perhaps because of luck, and then through the role Virgiawan Listianto better known as Iwan Fals. Elpamas Iwan sang works entitled "The Old Man" because the lyrics are satirical hard on the New Order "Suharto", El-pamas else in the block. It's a wonderful thing for the affairs of the existence of the band coming from the village. For the villagers, they still have the feeling of fear do not eat with the event. Before they smell fragrant capital Jakarta and intelligence mindset, their first album, titled "The walls of the City" quite alarming. Almost all the music in the album plagiarized from world music groups, ranging from; Deep Purple, Ozzy Osbourne, Pink Floyd, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Iron Maiden and many more bands that may not be mentioned one by one.