Mesa Laboratories Inc. 12100 West 6th Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80228
(303) 987-8000 FAX (303) 987-8989 Symbol “MLAB” on the NASDAQ
Software Release Notes
January 16, 2014
The Version and Build Number can be found in the Help menu, About DataTrace Pro screen.
Note: Build Release Date is encoded in the Build # in yyyymmdd format. For details or clarifications on any known issues
please consult with Mesa Laboratories, Inc. development team.
Version 1.2
Build # 20140116 Bug fixes.
Fixed Issues: * When printing a report with Alarms Summary selected where one or more alarms contain Cause
and Effect comments, would result in an unhandled error.
* Printing a report with “Compress Data” option selected, the data interval appearing in the report
is not of the correct format.
* Location/Tag values for dual-temperature loggers do not match that in the Device Configuration
* Addressed an issue to make sure that the System Security Management window is properly
closed, if it’s opened prior to the lock.
` * Improved installation and initialization processes for Windows 7 and 8
* Fixed minor issues with Pre/Post Calibration Verification in the communication with reference
* Fixed issue with applying calibration results from within Pre/Post Verification
* Address international language overruns
Known Issues: * In a LAN environment, consult with factory should the disabling of server access be desired.
* In a LAN environment, a collision may occur if two different users attempt to modify
the same report template simultaneously.
* E-mail transmission on Windows 7 computers may require the installation of an SMPT mail
Server instance.
* In Windows Vista, Windows 7 or 8, it is necessary to disable User Access Control (UAC) if the
end-user wants to create/import/export report templates, archive or backup data. Otherwise, the
end-user must have “local admin” privileges in their Windows network user account in order to
perform these tasks.
* It has been observed on some laptops that Wi-Fi functions can interfere with long duration
interface communication events.
Firmware Interactions: * It has been observed that it is not possible to accurately recover data after a low battery reset in
an MPRF logger using firmware Rev 002 if the data logging interval was 1 second (no RF).
* It has been observed that when an MPRF logger with firmware Rev 002 is used in “Stop logging
when memory is full” mode; and the logger’s memory fills up, additional data might be appended
when the logger is read (typically Zeros). Furthermore, if the logger is allowed to continue running
for an excessive time after memory is full, a communication error can result when trying to read the
* Logger Firmware upgrade to Rev 004 is highly recommended for those who use MPRF loggers
which might be affected by these firmware issues.
Mesa Laboratories Inc. 12100 West 6th Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80228
(303) 987-8000 FAX (303) 987-8989 Symbol “MLAB” on the NASDAQ
Build # 20121023 Bug fixes.
Fixed Issues: * User comments added to a data logger do not print on a report if the logger was programmed
using the “never stop” (environmental monitoring) mode.
* The rate of change data limiting option always uses the “per logger interval” option.
* The user assigned description of a logger cannot be edited.
* Data printing interval is indicated using a date/time format (i.e. a 1 minute print interval is
indicated as “12:01:00” instead of “00:01:00”
* Extraordinary disaster recovery events initiated by the system administrator (e.g. database
backup/restore) are not logged in the audit trail.
* Data View / Reports, Data Evaluation logic "> (and (and
inc. 12100西6th avenue lakewood mesa laboratories、コロラド80228
( 303 ) 987-8000ファックス(303 ) 987-8989 symbol " mlab " the nasdaq
software release 16 january notes
on , 2014
theバージョンand number buildヘルプメニューにfoundでき、datatraceプロscreen about .
note:リリースビルドの日付the build yyyymmdd形式でエンコードさ#に.any既知の問題
mesa laboratoriesとconsult please on詳細or clarificationsのための, inc. development team .
固定問題: * printing whenな報告でalarms summary選ばれる一つ以上のalarmsがcontain cause
and effect comments ,ないエラーになる.
* printing報告書では、" option compressデータ」を選択すると、the報告でappearingデータ間隔is notの以下の部分を正しく.
*場所タグ値のための二重温度loggersするnot match thatに機器構成
window .
closedシステムのセキュリティ管理ウインドウthat sure make to an issue addressed、それはthe lock先のif .
` *改良installation and初期化プロセスのためのwindows 7 and 8
デバイスとthe communicationにプリpost校正検証問題とminor固定.
*と問題を修正しましたapplying校正の結果からwithin pre post verification
既知の問題: * lan環境において, consult factoryとshould the disabling server access of desired be .
*なlan環境に,は、collision two differentユーザが同時にsameレポートテンプレートの変更を試みif起こるmay .
* e-mail transmission on windows 7コンピュータmay必要な設備のan smpt mail
server instance .
* windows vistaの窓7または8、それはユーザaccess controlを無効にするnecessary is ( uac)
end-user /インポート/エクスポートレポートtemplates create to wantsならば、archive or backup data .otherwise ,end-user "
のこれらの作業を実行するorderにtheir windows networkユーザーアカウントにlocal admin " privilegesがなければそれ.
* that wi fi functions長い期間
インタフェース通信事象とinterfere can some laptopsを観測した。
firmware interactions : is *それを正確に電池data lowリセット後の回復それはpossible to notことが観察されているhastheデータロギングinterval 1秒間if firmware rev 002 using an mprfロガー( no rf ) .
*それhas been observed that when an mprfロガーでファームウェアrev 002 is usedに" stop logging
、メモリをfull・モードのandロガーのmemory fills up , additionalデータappended
be whenロガーを読み込む(typically zeros ) .また、きこりrunning
continue to allowed is ifmemory full時には極度anの時間のために、communication ,エラーのロガーread to trying when resultできます。
*ロガーfirmware upgradeまで004 is highly推薦のためのthose who use mprf loggersがmight beの影響によりこれらのファームウェアの問題.
inc. 12100西6th avenue lakewood mesa laboratories、コロラド80228
( 303 ) 987-8000ファックス(303 ) 987-8989 www.mesalabs .com symbol " mlab " the nasdaq
固定問題ユーザーコメントを追加し、dataロガーtoない報告についてのprint ifロガーwas programmed
」を用いたnever stop " ( environmental監視)モード。
* limiting option change data率uses always」ロガーinterval "オプションにつき.のロガーcannot descriptionユーザーが編集されることが.
* data printing interval is indicated using日付/ format ( i.e.時間1分print intervalですindicated as " 12:01:00」ではなく" 00:01:00 "
* extraordinary disaster recovery始められたイベントによってthe system administrator (例えばdatabase
backup / restore)は、監査証跡のlogged not .
*ビューデータ/ reports , data evaluation logic " >と)"がきちんと動かないのではない
*、ユーザーアカウントafter enabled re login ,誤りが発生しない場合のパスワードreset
*グループ名をプリントonカバーページの報告書を持ってif the loggers blank run ids .
*データビューに, data security summary , the start accurate is時間、時間is not
* csv export notきちんとsummarizing詳細when multiple loggersを選択した(例えばnot全員runids現れ) .