黄砂飛来日は救急搬送増加 環境研が長崎市のデータ分析西日本新聞 - ‎3 時間前‎  中国大陸から飛来する黄砂の濃度が高い日は、病気による救翻訳 - 黄砂飛来日は救急搬送増加 環境研が長崎市のデータ分析西日本新聞 - ‎3 時間前‎  中国大陸から飛来する黄砂の濃度が高い日は、病気による救英語言う方法

黄砂飛来日は救急搬送増加 環境研が長崎市のデータ分析西日本新聞 - ‎

黄砂飛来日は救急搬送増加 環境研が長崎市のデータ分析
西日本新聞 - ‎3 時間前‎

中国大陸から飛来する黄砂の濃度が高い日は、病気による救急搬送の数が増えるとの研究結果を、国立環境研究所(茨城県つくば市)の上田佳代主任研究員らがまとめたことが12日、分かった。「黄砂とともに飛んでくる大気汚染物質が影響している可能性がある」と説明して ...
黄砂で救急搬送増加 PM2・5も影響か中国新聞すべてのニュース提供元(10 件) »
関連: 国立環境研究所 » 救急車 » つくば市 »

地震予測検証 / 防災情報 ハザードラボ 哨戒機をマレーシア派遣=海外での航空機捜索は初-防衛省
時事通信 - ‎2 時間前‎

関連 自衛隊 » 航空自衛隊 » 自衛隊機4機をマレーシア派遣へ 不明機捜索活動に参加東京新聞自衛隊機4機派遣へ…マレーシア機捜索読売新聞詳細:マレーシア航空機不明 小野寺防衛相、自衛隊機4機を派遣FNNすべてのニュース提供元(40 件) »
関連 自衛隊 » 航空自衛隊 »

Newsweekjapan 日本、米韓との3カ国首脳会談を模索=関係筋
ロイター - ‎18 分前‎

... チェック. [東京/ソウル 12日 ロイター] -日本政府が、米国に韓国を交えた3カ国首脳会談を模索していることが12日、分かった。 日本政府の関係者によると、3月24日からオランダのハーグで開かれる核安全保障サミットで会談することを検討。しかし韓国は後ろ向きで、実現 ...
関連 主要国首脳会議 » 加藤官房副長官、日米韓の首脳会談実現に期待表明日本経済新聞日米韓首脳会談で最終調整 まもなく日韓次官協議テレビ朝日すべてのニュース提供元(9 件) »
関連 主要国首脳会議 »

47NEWS STAP細胞論文撤回、共著者の米教授が難色
読売新聞 - ‎6 分前‎

... 難色. 【ワシントン=中島達雄】理化学研究所の小保方晴子ユニットリーダー(30)らが発表した新しい万能細胞「STAP細胞」の論文2本に不自然な画像の使用などが見つかった問題について、両論文の著者の一人である米ハーバード大医学部のチャールズ・バカンティ ...
小保方晴子さんに偽ノーベル疑惑、謝罪会見で「リケオヤジ」に逆ギレあるか?日刊ナックルズ【Q&A STAP論文問題】論文が撤回されるとどうなる?47NEWS詳細:STAP論文の撤回を共著者が提案マイナビニュースすべてのニュース提供元(410 件) »

東証前引け、大幅反落 米株安や円高で、中国景気への警戒感も
日本経済新聞 - ‎1 時間前‎

日経平均反落、午前終値330円安の1万4893円。午前のマーケットの動きを解説. 12日午前の東京株式市場で日経平均株価/dx/async/async.do/ae=P_LK_ILTERM;g=96958A90889DE2E6E3EBE2E4EBE2E3E5E2E1E0E2E3E29BE0E2E2E2E2;dv=pc;sv=NXは大幅に ...
〔株式マーケットアイ〕日経平均は300円超安、短期筋が中国懸念で売り仕掛けロイターすべてのニュース提供元(17 件) »
関連: 円 » ロイター » 東京証券取引所 »

峯岸みなみ ケガで公演休演「深くおわび申し上げます」
スポーツニッポン - ‎31 分前‎

AKB48の峯岸みなみ(21)が足のケガのため、12日に予定されていた東京・秋葉原のAKB劇場での午後6時からの公演「手をつなぎながら」を休演することが分かった。同日、公式サイトのブログで発表された。 これに伴い湯本亜美(16)が代わりに出演する。 「直前のお知らせ ...
峯岸みなみ 足をケガして休演デイリースポーツ関連: 峯岸みなみ » AKB48 »

社会 »

ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版 - ‎18 分前‎

東証1部上場の自動車部品大手「フタバ産業」元幹部らによる関連会社への不正融資隠蔽(いんぺい)事件で、業務上横領罪などに問われた元常務市川康夫被告(65)の判決が12日、名古屋地裁であった。入江猛裁判長は「横領額は巨額で、態様も大胆で悪質だ」と述べ、 ...
フタバ産業元常務に実刑判決 不正融資隠蔽事件中日新聞フタバ産業不正融資隠蔽、元常務に実刑判決 名古屋地裁日本経済新聞すべてのニュース提供元(4 件) »

日テレNEWS24 - ‎46 分前‎

国公立大学で後期日程の試験が行われ大分大学でも受験生が小論文や面接などの試験に臨んでいる。大分大学では経済学部や教育福祉科学部など4学部で試験が行われている。4学部の倍率は平均4.4倍。合格発表は3月20日。 [ 3/12 11:52 テレビ大分] ...
関連 大学 » 大学入試:国公立2次の後期日程始まる 受験19万人毎日新聞県内3国公立大で2次試験後期山陽新聞すべてのニュース提供元(12 件) »
関連 大学 »

国際 »

47NEWS 震災から3年、世界も追悼…米でウクライナで
読売新聞 - ‎28 分前‎

東日本大震災から3年を迎えた11日、米国やチェルノブイリ原発事故が起きたウクライナなど世界の国々でも犠牲者を追悼する行事が開かれた。 【サンディエゴ(米カリフォルニア州)=水野哲也】東日本大震災の発生2日後に東北沖に駆け付け、米軍の「トモダチ作戦」の中心と ...
関連 ロナルド・レーガン » 大震災3年:トモダチ作戦参加した米空母 艦上で追悼式典毎日新聞被災地派遣の米軍空母で犠牲者を追悼NHKすべてのニュース提供元(13 件) »
関連 ロナルド・レーガン »

スウェーデン人記者が撃たれ死亡 アフガン首都
CNN Japan - ‎34 分前‎

カブール(CNN) アフガニスタンの首都カブールで11日、スウェーデン人のジャーナリストが白昼の路上で何者かに銃で撃たれ、死亡した。 スウェーデン大使館によると、死亡したのは同国の放送局「スウェーデン・ラジオ」のニルス・ホーネル記者(51)。 市内のレバノン料理店前の ...
外国人記者、銃撃で死亡福島民報すべてのニュース提供元(10 件) »
関連: カーブル »

テレビ朝日 北朝鮮武器密輸:安保理報告書「制裁逃れの組織網」を指摘
毎日新聞 - ‎55 分前‎

... 分. 【ニューヨーク草野和彦】パナマ運河で昨年7月、パナマ当局に拿捕(だほ)された北朝鮮貨物船からキューバで積んだ武器が見つかった問題は、国連安全保障理事会決議で対北朝鮮制裁が2006年に導入されて以降、最大の武器密輸事件だったとみられることが、10日に ...
関連 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 » 北朝鮮 組織的安保理制裁逃れ 大使館も関与テレビ朝日パナマ拿捕の北朝鮮船「06年以来、最大の武器違法取引」 国連報告書MSN産経ニュースすべてのニュース提供元(17 件) »
関連 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 »

昆明殺傷事件を非難 中国政協、決議採択し閉幕
MSN産経ニュース - ‎7 分前‎

関連 中国人民政治協商会議 » <政協>第12期第2回会議が閉幕中国国際放送「国家の安全」強調=中国政協、テロ非難し閉幕時事通信すべてのニュース提供元(3 件) »
関連 中国人民政治協商会議 »

米国のウクライナ新政権支援は「違法だ」 ロシア外務省が声明
MSN産経ニュース - ‎53 分前‎

ロシア外務省は11日、ウクライナ新政権に対する米国の支援は米国内法に照らして違法だと批判する声明を発表した。声明は、ウクライナ新政権は「軍事クーデターや不法な手段」を用いて合法的な旧政権を倒したと指摘、新政権に対する援助は許されないと強調した。米国は新 ...
関連 ロシア » ウクライナ新政権支援は「違法」 ロシアが米国批判日本経済新聞露、新政権支援は「違法」 米国を批判中国新聞すべてのニュース提供元(9 件) »
関連 ロシア »

ソース言語: 言語を検出する
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The dust flying, emergency transportation increases environmental research is data analysis of the Nagasaki City
West Japan newspapers - 3 hours ago

12, found that summarizes the research results and high concentration of dust coming from the Chinese mainland, the number of ambulance due to illness increases from researcher Bill fields, national environmental Research Institute (Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture) on. Explain that affect air pollutants with dust flying...
Affect emergency transportation increases PM2, 5 in the dust all Chinese news source (10 comments)»
related: National Environmental Research Institute» ambulance» Tsukuba city»

to earthquake prediction validation and disaster prevention information ハザードラボ patrol aircraft search for aircraft in Malaysia dispatched = overseas first-Defense Ministry
communications news - 2 hours ago

Ministry of Defense 12 am in Ministry defense held a meeting Malaysia aircraft of unknown search help for theInternational emergency relief team dispatched law decided to dispatch four planes and naval patrol aircraft to Malaysia. Would be the first case to dispatch the SDF overseas in search of the aircraft Defense Ministry.
Related SDF» air self-defense force» Malaysia dispatched SDF aircraft unknown aircraft search activities to join Tokyo newspapers self defense aircraft to dispatch. Malaysia aircraft search Yomiuri newspaper details: Malaysia aircraft unknown small nodera Defense Minister, defense aircraft's all dispatch FNN news source (40 items)»
SDF-related» air self-defense force»

Newsweekjapan Japan and the United States seeking a trilateral summit stake
Reuters-18 minutes ago

... Check... The Tokyo and Seoul 12, Reuters]-12, found that three countries are seeking the Summit Japan Government interspersed with Korea in the United States. According to the Japan government officials consider talks on nuclear security summit to be held in the Hague of the Netherlands from 3/24. But Korea is facing the realization...
Related G8 Summit» Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato, to trilateral summit talks in the hope expressed Japan economic newspaper trilateral summit final adjustment shortly Korea Assistant Secretary talks TV Asahi all news sources (9 comments)»
related G8 Summit»

47 NEWS STAP cell papers withdraws, co-author of U.S. professors reluctant
Yomiuri Shimbun-6 minutes ago

... Disapproval. [Washington-Tatsuo Nakajima] rice at Harvard Medical School, one of the authors of both papers on issues using unnatural images, such as STAP cells new all-purpose cells of RIKEN nishiobokata Haruko unit leader (30) announced that the two papers Charles vacanti...
nishiobokata Haruko in the fake Nobel allegations, apologizing to the 'リケオヤジ' reverse Gill?? Be withdrawn daily knuckles [Q & A STAP paper issue: paper and what happens?Proposed to withdraw from 47 NEWS more:STAP paper co-author mynavi news all news sources (410 jobs)»

East testimony before the close() happens, significantly drop in U.S. stock prices and appreciation of the yen in the concern about Chinese economy also
Japan economic newspaper - 1 hour ago

Nikkei average fell back, am closing 330 Yen depreciation 14893 yen. Explanation am market movements. 12, the Tokyo Stock market's Nikkei average stock price /dx/async/async.do/ae=P_LK_ILTERM;g=96958A90889DE2E6E3EBE2E4EBE2E3E5E2E1E0E2E3E29BE0E2E2E2E2;dv=pc;SV = NX significantly...
[stock market is] Nikkei average sold Chinese concerns over 300 yen, college muscle all gimmicks Reuters news source (17 comments)»
related: Yen» Reuters» Tokyo Stock Exchange»

minegishi Minami injury no shows 'apologies'
sports Nippon-31 minutes ago

AKB48 minegishi Minami (21) the leg injury for theFrom 6:00 PM at the AKB Theatre in Akihabara, Tokyo was scheduled for 12 performances proved to be 'hold hands ' while absent. On the same day, was announced on the official site blog. As a result, Ami Yumoto (16) to appear instead. "Just ago the announcement...
minegishi Minami-foot injury and suspending daily sports related: minegishi Minami» AKB48»


Futaba industry former Executive in prison-loan cover-up scandal — Nagoya District Court
Wall Street Journal Japan version - 18 minutes ago

was in 12, the Nagoya District Court sentenced TSE to the affiliates listed auto parts giant 'Futaba' former executives by the illegal loan cover-up (cover-up) incident, was charged with embezzlement, the business source, managing Ichikawa Yasuo defendant (65). Presiding judge Takeshi Irie said 'embezzlement amount is a huge, vicious aspect in bold',...
Futaba industry former Executive in prison ruling illegal loan cover-up case Chunichi Newspaper Futaba industrial illegal loan cover-up,To former senior prison sentence Nagoya District Court Japan economic newspaper all news sources (4 comments)»

late stage examinations in public (Oita Prefecture)
, tele NEWS24-46 minutes ago

public at Oita University students fuelling trials such as essays and interviews on the intake tests were performed at the University of. At Oita University with four faculties such as the Faculty of Economics and Faculty of education and welfare have done test. 4 faculty ratio is average 4. 4 times. Examination is in 3/20. [3 / 12 11:52 TV Oita]...
-related University» University Admissions:Country public 2: late dates begin examination 190000 people in daily newspapers in 3 large 2 following testing late Sanyo Shimbun all news sources (12 items)»
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grieve world 3 years, from 47 NEWS disaster. Rice in Ukraine
Yomiuri Shimbun-28 minutes ago

open event to mourn the victims in countries around the world, Ukraine 11, from East Japan earthquake 3 year anniversary, United States and Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident has happened. [San Diego (California, u.s.a.)-Mizuno Tetsuya] East Japan earthquake occurred two days later rushed to the northeast coast, and operation of the U.S. Army Center...
related Ronald Reagan» earthquake three years: mourn the victims newspaper stricken dispatched military aircraft carrier memorial ceremonies every day in Tomodachi strategy join the U.S. aircraft carrier (plastic model) all NHK news source (13 comments)»
related Ronald Reagan»

was shot in Sweden who reporters killed the Afghan capital
CNN Japan - 34 minutes ago

In Kabul (CNN) Afghanistan capital Kabul 11 days, Sweden journalists in broad daylight on a street in someone with a gun was shot and died. Died, according to the Embassy of Sweden is Sweden radio stations of the country's Nils Hornell press (51). Lebanon food store before the city...
with foreign journalists the shootings deaths Fukushima tamihou: all news sources (10 comments)»
: Kabul»

TV Asahi North Korean arms smuggling:Noted security management report on organizational network of dodging sanctions
daily newspapers-55 minutes ago

... -... New York Kusano Kazuhiko is expected later, was the largest arms smuggling incident are found weapons from a North Korean cargo ship in the Panama Canal in July last year, the Panama authorities seized (daho) was trained in Cuba, introduced in 2006, sanctions on North Korea in the United Nations Security Council resolution on 10...
North Korea-related» North Korea organized Security Council of sanctions fled Embassy also involved TV Asahi Panama seized North Korean ship weapons illegal trafficking in 2006, since the UN report MSN Sankei News all news sources (17 comments)»
North Korea-related»

in Kunming murder accused National Association, resolutions adopted and the ends
MSN Sankei News-7 minutes ago

national advisory body had been opened in parallel with China's national people's Congress (NPC),Adopted a political resolution appeals, such as maintaining the integrity of the State and condemned the indiscriminate murder case according to the Uighur people's political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) ended National Committee No. 2 Congress happened in Kunming, Yunnan province, 12, and ended.
Related Chinese Government political consultative conference» Farewell China Radio International [CPPCC] No. 12 ended the 2nd Annual Conference for national security emphasis = Chinese CPPCC, terrorism accusations and closing newsletter all news sources (3 comments)»
related Chinese Government Political Consultative Conference»

Ukraine new Government support of the United States statement Russia Foreign Ministry's illegal
MSN Sankei News-53 minutes ago

against United States domestic support for the new Government of Ukraine United States 11, Russia Foreign Ministry statement criticized the illegal. Statement emphasized and pointed out is the new Government of Ukraine defeated the legitimate regime by military coups and illicit means, assistance to the new Government are not allowed. The United States new...
Related Russia» Ukraine new Government aid is 'illegal' Russia United States criticized Japan economic newspaper Russia, criticized the new Government support 'illegal' United States all Chinese news source (9 comments)»
related Russia»

see more international news
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Yellow sand flying dayはemergency conveyance Increase Environmental Research But Nagasaki Full Performance Items analysis
West Japan Press - Top 3 time Chinese mainland ka ra flying su ru yellow sand Full concentration But high-Kei Dayは, disease Genki affiliates emergency transport Full several But IncreaseえruとFull resultsを, National Institute for Environmental Studies (Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture) Full Lead researcher on behalf of Tian Jia ma ra But rather octopusととBut on the 12th, minute kaっta. "とともyellow sand fly sanでku ni ru atmospheric pollutants But Kei te influence expands possibilities But thou ru ru"とdescription expands te ...

PM2 · 5 ambulance increased news provider in China newspaper all (10) »or affected by yellow sand
related: National Institute for Environmental Studies »ambulance» Tsukuba, Japan » Malaysia dispatch = overseas earthquake prediction verification / Disaster Information hazard lab patrol aircraft aircraft in the search for the first time - Ministry of Defense Newsletter - 2 hours ago

Morning the 12th, open the defense conference in the province, for the search cooperation of Malaysia aircraft of disappearances, the Ministry of Defense decided to dispatch to Malaysia four aircraft and patrol aircraft of the Maritime Self-Defense Force on the basis of the JDR Dispatch Law were. It is the first time the Ministry of Defense to dispatch the Self-Defense Forces overseas in search of the aircraft.
Connected SDF >> ASDF >> SDF machine 4 machineをma LeoーShea dispatchへunknown machine Dissatisfied with rope activities ni participate Tokyo news SDF machine 4 machine to sendへ... ma LeoーShea machine Dissatisfied cable Yomiuri News Details: Ma RitzーShea aviation unknown Onodera Defense Minister, SDF machine 4 machineをdispatch FNNすべRueーsu ni te Full offer of $ (40) >>
Connected SDF >> ASDF >> Newsweekjapan Japan, South KoreaとFull 3 meters ka country's first analog cable = Brain talksをrelationship tendons ro Sui center have - 18 minutes ago

Check ... [Tokyo / Seoul on the 12th (Reuters) - the 12th, I found that the Japanese government, seeking the three countries summit Mixed with South Korea to the United States.. According to the official Japanese government, consider that you will meet in the Nuclear Security Summit to be held in The Hague in the Netherlands from March 24. But retrospective, South Korea achieved ...
Connected major country's first Brain Conference »Kato, Deputy Chief Housing Officer, Japanese rice Korean Full First Brain talks Actual cash ni expectations indicate Nihon Keizai Shimbun Japanese rice Korea's first Brain talksでfinal adjustments maもna ku Korean minister agreement Te of Television Asahiすべte Full ni Rueーsu offer yuan (9)»
Connected The first meeting of major countries Brain » 47NEWS STAP cell papers withdrawn, Full Professor of Authors meters But pained Yomiuri News - 6 minutes ago

... Issues that were found and the use of an unnatural image into two new all-purpose paper cells Cobo how Haruko Leader of disapproval. WASHINGTON = Tatsuo Nakajima] RIKEN (30) et al announced the "STAP cells", Charles Bakanti of Harvard Medical School, one of the authors of those papers ...
Or some misplaced anger to "Rikeoyaji" false allegations Nobel, apologies conference Kobo-kata Haruko? What happens [Q & A STAP paper problem] Knuckles daily paper has been withdrawn? News source of all my proposed Navi news is co-author (410 cases) »the withdrawal of STAP paper: 47NEWS more closed TSE before, in the appreciation of the yen and the U.S. fell back sharply falling stock prices, wary of China economy also Nihon Keizai Shimbun - an hour ago

Nikkei average fell back, 14,893 yen of 330 yen closing price depreciation morning. In the Tokyo stock market in the morning on the 12th commentary Nikkei Stock Average / dx / async / async.do / ae = P_LK_ILTERM the movement of the market in the morning;. G = 96958A90889DE2E6E3EBE2E4EBE2E3E5E2E1E0E2E3E29BE0E2E2E2E2; dv = pc; significantly sv = NX is ...
[ weaker than 300 yen, short-term muscle sale on concern China news source of all gimmick Reuters (17) »stock market-i] Nikkei
related: ¥ »Reuters» Tokyo Stock Exchange » in Minegishi Minami suspending performance deeply hurt performance " We appologize for " Sports Nippon - 31 minutes ago

I found that because of a foot injury, Minegishi Minami (21) of AKB48 will not appear on the stage to "while hand in hand" performances from 18:00 at the AKB theater in Tokyo's Akihabara, which had been scheduled for the 12th. The same day, it was announced in the official blog site. Yumoto Ami (16) to appear instead Along with this. Announcement of ... "just before
Minegishi Minami »AKB48»: Daily suspending performance sports-related with injury Minegishi Minami foot society »

Nagoya District Court - prison = illegal loan concealment case to the original Futaba Industrial managing director
18 minutes ago - Wall Street Journal Japan version of the fraudulent loan hiding in affiliates of major auto parts listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange by "Futaba Industrial Co., Ltd." former executives the 12th, ruling the original managing director Yasuo Ichikawa defendant (65) in the (hidden) incident, was accused of embezzlement and business was the Nagoya District Court. Irie Takeshi presiding judge said, "embezzlement amounted to huge, but also malicious aspect bold," said ...

Gift Tatari butter industry yuan Managing ni Actual criminal judgment errors financing withhold any shelter event Chunichi Shimbun gift Tatari butter industry improper financing withhold any shelter, Yuan Managing ni Actual criminal judgment Nagoya to cut Nihon Keizai Shimbunすべte Full ni Rueーsu offer yuan (4) » National Public largeでlate schedule Test (Oita Prefecture ) Day Te Leo NEWS24 - 46 minutes ago

Students faces the test, such as interviews and essays in Oita University study of late schedule is carried out in public universities. Test is performed in four undergraduate and education welfare Sciences and the Faculty of Economics at Oita University. Magnification of 4 undergraduate 4.4 times average. The announcement is March 20. [3/12 11:52 Oita] ...
news provider of the secondary test late Sanyo newspaper all three Kokkoritsudai 190,000 Mainichi prefecture exam schedule that begins late in the secondary national and public: Related University »University entrance examination (12) »
Related University »

More news of the "social"
international » three years from 47NEWS earthquake, the world in Ukraine memorial ... U.S. Yomiuri Shimbun - 28 minutes before the 11th, which celebrated its three years from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Chernobyl nuclear accident and the United States event to commemorate the victims has been opened but the countries of the world such as Ukraine that took place. And rushed to the northeast off the coast two days later generation [San Diego, Calif., Tetsuya Mizuno =] of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the center of the U.S. military "Operation Tomodachi" ...

Three years related Ronald Reagan »Earthquake: A U.S. aircraft carrier warship that Operation Tomodachi participate in USS memorial ceremony Mainichi disaster area dispatching news source of all memorial NHK (13 cases)» victims
related Ronald Reagan » Sweden death Afghan capital people reporter shot 34 minutes ago - CNN Japan

11, Swedish journalist is shot with a gun to someone on the street in broad daylight, and died in the capital city Kabul Kabul (CNN) Afghanistan. According to the Embassy of Sweden, Nils Hornell reporter broadcasting station in the country of 'Swedish radio "and died (51). Lebanon ... restaurant in the city before
foreign journalists, in shooting news source of all death Fukushima people report (10) »
Related: Kabul »

Te of Television Asahi North Korea weapons secret lose: security management report "sanctions escapeれFull Organization Network"をaccused
Mainichi - 55 minutes ago ... of [ni RueーYoーku Kusano Kazuhiko] breadナma Canalでlast July, breadナma authorities ni Arrest (da. Mizuho)されta North Korean cargo ship ka ra goes Rueーperfectでplot san da weapon But see zu kaっta problemは, the country even security Council resolutionsでProducers of North Korea sanctions But 2006 ni importされte dynasties, the largest Full weapons dense output event daっtaとMi raれru koとBut, on the 10th ni ...

Connected Democratic People's Republic »North Korea organizational security management sanctions evasionれembassyもoff with Te of Television Asahi breadナma Arrest Full North Korea ship" since 2006, the largest Full weapons illegal access cited "the country even report MSN production longitude ni Rueーsuすべte Full ni Rueーsu offer yuan (17 pieces) >>
Connected Democratic People » Kunming eventをcondemnation of anti-Chinese Political Consultative Conference, adopted a resolution closing Ze expands production longitude MSN Rueーsu ni - 7 minutes ago

Uighur to the 12th, the second meeting (CPPCC) 12th term National Committee national advisory organization that has been opened in parallel National People's Congress of China and (NPC), People's Political Consultative Conference took place in Yunnan Kunming City was closing and adopted a political resolution to sue maintenance and safety of the state condemned the indiscriminate killing incident seen due to the family.
Connected Chinese People's Political >> <CPPCC> Article 12 The 2nd meeting is it concluded China International Broadcasting "National Full security" stressed = Chinese Political Consultative Conference, Te ro riddled expands closing Newsletterすべte Full ni Rueーsu provide meta (3) »
Connected China People's Political Consultative Conference » Fullウku ra rice country SuiナDeal claims supportは"illegal da 'ro Shea But the Foreign Ministry statement MSN production longitude Rueーsu ni - 53 minutes ago

The 11th, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement criticizing's illegal in the light of U.S. law U.S. support for Ukraine new administration. Pointed out that defeated the old regime legitimate by using the "means or illegal military coup" Ukraine new government, the statement stressed that aid to the new administration is not allowed. U.S. new ...
"Illegal" Russian news source of criticism China newspaper all (9) »" illegal "in the United States criticized the United States and Russia Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the new administration support related Russia» Ukraine new administration support
related Russia » News of "international" I see more

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The research on the yellow sand dust environment before the ambulance that increase in data analysis of Nagasaki west at the newspaper said three hours flying from the Chinese continent hold too high concentration of the research results in an increase in the number of emergency transport by disease, National Institute for environmental studies, Ibaraki Tsukuba) it summarizes the research kayo Ueda, chief staff ...
described may be affected by air pollution "and" flying dustIn the ambulance PM Kosa increased 2 or 5 Effects of all Chinese news provider (10) »
related to disaster prevention, National Institute for environmental studies relation verification ambulance Tsukuba stress relation relation Earthquake Hazard Information Lab patrol aircraft in Malaysia = overseas dispatch aircraft before the Ministry of defense at first search a newsletter said two hours at the Ministry of Defence said I am too, conference in the Ministry of defense cooperation, search for the missing aircraft, MalaysiaIt is based on the international disaster relief team dispatched to four of the Maritime Self-Defense Force dispatched patrol aircraft such as Malaysia The Ministry of defence in search of aircraft, and for the first time on the dispatch of self-defense forces overseas The machine at the Japan Air Self-Defense Force related relation relation to dispatch self-defense forces aircraft in Tokyo Japan Ground Self-Defense Force dispatched four to Malaysia search activities.. Yomiuri Shimbun Malaysia search for unknown aircraft defense minister Malaysia Onodera, self-defense force dispatched four all FNN news provider (40) »
Japan Air Self-Defense Force related relation, relation Newsweekjapan stress check at

... said at the search for sources said at the Reuters = 18 minutes before the summit with South Korea three countries (Reuters) - Seoul 12, the Japanese government in the United States, with South Korea summit meeting of the three countries to seek 12 days According to Japanese officials, from March 24, at a nuclear security summit in the Hague Holland held talks to discuss However,...
backwards in KoreaDeputy Secretary of the main leaders of the association of chief Kato, the relation of Korea summit in Japan, American Express, newspaper is expected soon after the summit talks between Japan and Korea all the final adjustment of Asahi TV news provider (9) summit conference of major »
related relation NEWS 47 STAP cell stress, the paper co-author Professor rice frown at 6 minutes ago and said the Yomiuri Shimbun said.

... disapprovalHaruko obokata unit leader of Washington; Nakajima Tatsuo: (the Institute of physical and chemical (30) of "new" STAP pluripotent cell, the paper found an unnatural image problems such as the use of the チャールズ・バカンティ suspicion to us...
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stress before the U.S. stocks sharply lower and lower, the Nikkei said the yen on average at too cautious to Chinese economy at the Nihon Keizai Shimbun said before and one hour of the morning one million yen at 330 Impromptu The explanation of the movement of Marquette 12 a.m. in the morning, the Tokyo stock market Nikkei stock average DX async async. Do P by AE. Sub. -- LK ILTERM g 96958 A 90889 DE E 6 2 3 4 EBE E E EBE 2 2 2 3 E E E E E 1 0. 5. E 2 3 0 29 E E BE E E E 2 2 2 2 PC E DVThe SV NX greatly. I...
〔 Co., Marquette Nikkei 300 yen Reuters news, all of which short selling in China (17) »
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minegishi Minami prison = loans concealment case in relation AKB minegishi Minami 48 social stress relation »

industrial former managing director at the Nagoya District CourtThe Wall Street Journal said on 18 minutes ago by officials in Tokyo said at the too big "listed on the auto parts industrial loans to companies' concealment (masking), former managing director Ichikawa Yasuo accused of embezzlement crime (65) the judgment on the Nagoya District Court The presiding judge Takeshi Irie embezzled huge amount "," bold and bad loans, sentence case cover and concealment in the newspaper industrial loans...
former managing director, industrialOn the basis of the managing director of the Nagoya district court sentence all Nihon Keizai Shimbun news provider (4) late schedule test review Oita University stress in relation to such students and interview with HTS (Oita Prefecture tele - 24 minutes ago NEWS said 46 at the University of the public said too late schedule test was carried out In Oita University carried in the Department of economics, Faculty of education and welfare science, etc 4.4 4 times of the average rate I'll March 20 3 / 12 / 11 11:52 relation....
TV Oita University College Entrance ExaminationDaily newspapers in the next two 3 review public examination schedule started late 19 million people of all secondary test Sanyo news provider (12) »
related relation of

「 society "from news international after 3 years, NEWS »

47 in the world.. In the U.S. at the Ukraine Yomiuri Shimbun said on 28 minutes ago from the East Japan earthquake said too at 3 years, the U.S. has occurred and the Chernobyl accident event was held in memory of the victims of Ukraine countries around the worldSan Diego, California (US state) to the East Japan great earthquake disaster; Tetsuya Mizuno. Two days later, the U.S. Northeast "tomodachi" and related...
Ronald Reagan in relation with earthquake operation friend to participate in the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet in the memorial ceremony for the disaster area sent us daily newspaper aircraft carrier in memory of the victims of all NHK news provider (13) shot »
Ronald Reagan associated press stress relation Swedes died at the CNN minutes ago and said the Afghan capital Japan 34 said tooKabul, Afghanistan CNN) 11 in the capital, Kabul, Swedish journalist shot by someone on the street in the gun, and he died According to the Swedish Embassy, "said ニルス・ホーネル told Swedish Radio broadcasting stations' death (51) Store in front of the city...
Lebanese foreign journalists killed in shooting and provide all - Fukushima news (10) »
Kabul television association relation stress Asahi North Korea arms smugglingSecurity Council sanctions to report "network" is pointed out at the daily newspaper said on 55 minutes ago, "said

... minutes at New York kusano Kazuhiko: Panama Canal, Panama in July last year, authorities seized in disputed by the North Korean cargo ship carrying weapons found problems in Cuba, the United Nations Security Council sanctions against North Korea was introduced in 2006, and that it was the largest arms smuggling cases, 10...
North Korea's ambassador to related relation of Organizational Security Council sanctions since years of TV Asahi Panama North Korean ships seized weapons "," all the illegal trade of UN report MSN Sankei news news provider (17) and Kunming »
accuses China of Korea relation related stress politics, society, the National People's Congress a resolution adopted at the end MSN Sankei news 7 minutes ago at the festival of China's parliament too) and concurrently held the national advisory organizationPeople's Political Consultative Conference (SEI) during the Twelfth National Committee for the conference, the case 12, attacks by Uighur and Yunnan in Kunming City, as the adoption of national political resolution to condemn safety maintenance Association of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference (SEI) association relation of the 12th, the second end China Radio International Conference "national security" emphasize government = China Association, all to denounce Terrorism News Newsletter (3) related to the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference »
stress relation"The U.S. government support Ukraine" illegal minutes ago, the Russian Foreign Ministry statement said MSN Sankei news 53 at the Russian Foreign Ministry said too, issued a statement that the United States is illegal in the light of the inner support of the U.S. criticism against the new government Ukraine In a statement, the new government Ukraine down by legal or illegal means, "a military coup," said the old regime, not allowed to help the new administration New...
usThe Russian government support Ukraine related relation "illegal" Russian newspaper criticized the U.S. government assistance, "illegal" us all criticism of China news provider (9) see more »
related relation of

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