朝鮮民族は日本人が考えるような甘い民族ではない 韓国が企てる統一への反日戦略とは… 古田博司正論2015.11.18 18:00ツィートする翻訳 - 朝鮮民族は日本人が考えるような甘い民族ではない 韓国が企てる統一への反日戦略とは… 古田博司正論2015.11.18 18:00ツィートする英語言う方法

朝鮮民族は日本人が考えるような甘い民族ではない 韓国が企てる統一への反

朝鮮民族は日本人が考えるような甘い民族ではない 韓国が企てる統一への反日戦略とは… 古田博司
正論2015.11.18 18:00

















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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The Koreans and anti-Japanese strategy to a unified Korea sweet ethnic Japanese people think, not plot. Hiroshi FurutaRightly 2015.11.18 18:00In LINE to share on Facebook Tweet to send Now 25 years ago, during President Roh Tae President of history education in Korea excessively so far criticized aspects of and anti-Japan, scholars said. "Korea is defeated. Have the courage to put out just a little bit now history education. It is coming out anti-Japanese aspects in the process. Be aware "and. Compassion and its low-profile, we won the Pike. But then begins to rebuild historic policy of President Kim Young-Sam, is self-esteem history and anti-Japanese began. Korea was chanting "learn history", of the Joseon dynasty "-myocardial infarction (tousoku)" (Dodge, weasel words) of history as the behavioral patterns of people taking over thick. "Sympathy is preparation for the next offensive. Secretly collected the barmaid, said to be daughter of a delayed installment to speaking of Manchu Qing had give me horses, cheats the total number from the marriage, you send. It's not just beaten China in history. 李朝は国内では民族差別の朱子学で理論武装し、満州族の清を「禽獣(きんじゅう)以下の夷狄(いてき)」(獣以下の野蛮人)だと徹底侮蔑する教育をし、清からの文明流入を悉(ことごと)く防遏(ぼうあつ)した。同情を買うのは次の攻勢の準備段階である。 最近の報道によれば、日韓の国際会議で日本側が韓国の中国傾斜を指摘すると「事実ではないのでその言葉は使わないでほしい」といい、中国に苦汁をなめさせられた歴史からくる警戒や恐怖心を日本人に喚起するという。また、外務省の元高官が「韓国人には中国から家畜のようにひどい扱いをされた屈辱感がある」と話すそうである。当然心優しい市民派新聞の記者たちは同情し、韓国の中国傾斜論はよそうという記事を書く。 だが、これを放置すればやがて「韓国を中国に追いやったのは日本のせいだ」という論に成長することは、当然予測されるところである。そしてこれを欧米中に広める。朝鮮民族は日本人が考えるような甘い民族ではない。 《否定できない中国傾斜論》 朝鮮はシナの子分で、シナが朝鮮を操る歴史だと思っている人が多いがそうではない。ごまかしや逃げ口上でいつの間にか攻勢に出てくるので、どう扱ってよいのかよく分からないというのが中国の本音なのだ。今の中国は韓国と北朝鮮を手玉に取っているわけではない。できるだけ深く関わらないようにし、絶えず微調整しているのである。南北問わず朝鮮民族の「卑劣」に付き合うのは、日本も中国もロシアも苦手である。 韓国の中国傾斜論は、今日否定しようのない事実である。アメリカの促す高高度防衛ミサイル(THAAD)の設置を引き延ばす。これを李朝時代では「遷延(せんえん)」策といった。大国が難題を持ちかけるたびに臣下たちは「王様、遷延でよろしく」と願い出たものである。引き延ばして状況が変わり、相手が諦めるのを待つのである。 中国の南シナ海進出への批判も巧妙に避けている。韓民求国防相に東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)拡大国防相会議で航行の自由の保障を明言させたが、政府は何も言っていない。中国主導のアジアインフラ投資銀行(AIIB)に積極参加し、朴槿恵大統領は中国の抗日記念行事に出席し、軍事パレードの雛(ひな)壇で席次2位だったことを朝貢国のように喜んだ。 アメリカよりも中国の影響下の方が、南北で取引ができ統一がしやすいという思惑があるのである。ただそれを日本に追いやられたからという形に持っていき、アメリカの非難を自国に向けないようにしたいのである。実はこのような面倒なことをしなくとも、南北には統一の機が熟している。 《二度と朝鮮戦争は起きない》 哨戒(しょうかい)艦「天安」沈没事件(2010年3月)のときも、延坪島(ヨンピョンド)砲撃事件(同年11月)のときも、緊張が高まると必ず韓国が折れる。北朝鮮が謝罪したような折衷案を作ってくれと、韓国が非公開会議において金銭で懇請したと、11年6月1日には北朝鮮の国防委員会に暴露されたこともあった。 今年8月に韓国と北朝鮮の軍事境界線で起きた地雷爆発事件では、北朝鮮が「準戦時状態」を宣言し、南北高官による会談が開かれたが、韓国側の代表2人は北朝鮮シンパだった。加えて協議の映像が青瓦台に中継された。 国家安保戦略研究院の劉性玉院長は朝鮮日報8月24日付で、事件のたびにケーブルテレビによるボス交渉が行われていたことを暴露し、10月には盧武鉉時代の国家情報院の院長だった金万福氏が北との直通電話があったと発言した。 I.e. be able to keep pace with nuclear-armed North Korea's Korea side was repeated concessions. As a result, 2 and thinks the Korean war. If you, or why immediately heading to the unification of Korea. Among the reasons led by unified Korea towards the weak. Secondly, the early speed withdrawal of United States forces if you move rapidly, from the Korea initiative collapses. Of the spirit that I released a third, now lives by ethnicity is interfering with the will of the Union.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Korean ethnic and anti-Japanese strategy ... Furuta, Hiroshi to unification attempt Korea is not a sweet ethnic, such as think Japanese
Ceylon 2015.11.18 18:00
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25 years from now before, Roh Tae-woo where it criticized the excessively anti-Japanese aspects of Korean history education at the time of the President, scholars replied. "Korea is a history of just losing. Now I have a history education that put out the courage only a little. Its I come out anti-Japanese aspects in the process. Please know," he said. Sympathized with its low profile, it is those matches and pike. But then, the "rebuilding of history" policy of President Kim Young-sam beginning, runaway of self-esteem view of history and the anti-Japanese began. Korea met only recite that "Learn to history", have taken over the rich as ethnic behavioral patterns the history of the "● fort (party rules)" (deception, weasel words) of Riasa. "Sympathy preparatory stage for the next offensive" Speaking of Qing Manchu is Give me a horse, asked to in installments, you can cheat the total number of cattle, if it said to send a good family of children and because the marriage, secretly attracted tavern woman It was or send. It's not a history of just been done to die. Riasa is theoretically armed with Neo-Confucianism of ethnic discrimination in the country, the Qing Manchu "birds and animals (birds and animals) following Barbarians (Barbarians)" was education that thorough contempt that it is (or less savage beast), Kiyoshi the civilization influx from me was悉(Koto-goto) clause Boatsu (Boatsu). Buy sympathy is a preparatory stage for the next offensive. According to recent reports, and the Japanese side pointed out the China slope of South Korea in the international conference of the Japan-Korea referred to as a "please do not use that word because it is not a fact", comes from the history that has been forced to lick the bittern in China warning and that arouse and fear in Japanese. In addition, it is so original senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, "the Koreans there is a sense of humiliation that have been badly treated as livestock from China." Of course reporters minds friendly citizen school newspaper pity, China slope theory of Korea write an article that would elsewhere. But, this if the it is left soon "The drove Korea to China's because of Japan" to grow Ron that is where it is of course prediction. And it spreads it in Europe and the United States. Korean nation is not a sweet ethnic, such as think Japanese. "Undeniable China tilt theory" in Korea Sina henchman, Sina but not so many people think it's history to manipulate Korea. Since coming out in imperceptibly offensive in deception and weasel words, it is China's real intention because not sure whether dealing in good to. Now China is not taking the cue ball Korea and North Korea. The so as not involved as deep as possible, it is're constantly fine-adjusted. The associate in the "despicable" in the north and south alike Korean nation, Japan and China Russia is also weak. China slope theory of South Korea, is the fact there is no attempt to deny today. Prompting of the United States extend the installation of high-altitude defense missile (THAAD). This In Riasa era "prolonged (prolonged)" measures such as. vassal us every time the great powers pose a challenge is what was asked permission as "king, best regards in prolonged". Changes situation is stretched, it is waiting for the other party give up. China's criticism of the South China Sea also expanding I have avoided clever. Kan-minMotome Association of Southeast Asian Nations to the defense minister (ASEAN) but was stated the freedom of security of navigation in the enlarged defense ministers meeting, the government did not say anything. China is actively participating in the initiative Asian infrastructure investment bank (AIIB), Park Geun President attended the anti-Japanese celebration of China, is pleased as tribute countries that it was second place PRECEDENCE in chick (Hina) Dan military parade I. Better under the influence of China than in the United States, it is there is speculation that easy to unify it is traded in the north and south. Just bring it into the form of since been relegated to Japan, it is the American criticism you want to avoid towards the country. In fact, even without such a troublesome thing, unification of the time is ripe to north-south. "Korean War does not happen again" even when the patrol (Introduction) ship "Cheonan" sinking incident (March 2010), even when the Yeonpyeong Island (Yonpyondo) shelling incident (November), certainly South Korea when the tension increases is it break. When me make a compromise, such as North Korea apologized, and South Korea has been solicited in money in private meeting, also it was to have been exposed to the National Defense Commission of North Korea on June 1, 11. In South Korea and North Korea of the military demarcation line in the place was mine explosion incident in August this year, North Korea declared a "quasi-war state", but talks by the North-South officials has been opened, the South Korean representative two North It was Korea sympathizers. In addition the video of the consultation has been relayed to the Blue House is. Liu of ball director of the National Security Strategy Research Institute in the August 24 date Chosun Ilbo, it was exposed that the boss negotiated by the cable TV has been carried out every time of the incident, in October was the director of the National Intelligence Service of Roh鉉時fee gold all health and happiness Mr. remarks that there has been direct-dial phone with the north. Ie so as to match the North Korean nuclear weapons and pace, it is know that the South Korean side went piled concessions. In conclusion, it will not occur Korean war again. If, why immediate or not directed to the North-South unification. The reason, South Korea towards the weak is because I want to lead a unified. Second, accelerate the speed of the US military if move suddenly withdrew, because the collapse is Korean-led. Third, I do not want to let go of now of life, because ethnicity no mettle is preventing the will of unification.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The Korean people seem to think that the Japanese people are not sweet, but to the South Korean unification strategy... Tags: Hiroshi Furuta 2015.11.18 at 18: 00 to Facebook tweets from now to share in LINE 25 years ago, critical aspects in the history of Anti-Japanese education of South Korean President Roh Tae-woo, excessive time scholars replied. "The history of South Korea. I have only a little, and history education. In the process, brings out the Anti-Japanese aspects.That ". In sympathy with its low profile, and we are his arms. Well then, when President Kim Young-sam's history of "rebuilding" policy, history, and the beginning of the Anti-Japanese. "Korea", only to learn the history of Yi Dynasty (SAE) ("deception and subterfuge) in concentrated took over as behavior patterns and ethnic history. It's too no sympathy for their preparation of the next stage 》

Manchu Qing Ma, offensiveIn installment, the total number of cheats, from marriage to send to a daughter of a good family and, with a bar girl secretly. In the history of China that do not. Too Yi Dynasty in the domestic armed ethnic discrimination theory, Zhu Xi "Manchu Qing and the Barbarians () ()" (the following a savage beast) education and contempt, the inflow of civilization from them (for control) (ぼうあつ).In the preparation stage of the offensive to buy next. According to a recent report of the International Conference of Japan and South Korea because of the fact that the Japanese side of South Korea and used the word "not", the Japanese and the warning from history of fear made in China have aroused and lick. Also, there is talk of humiliation "a bad deal" of the Ministry of foreign affairs of former officials from South Korea to China. Just feel kind of newspaper reporters, the public schoolTo write an article that serve Chinese and Korean gradient theory. However, this is not done too well in South Korea and Japan, because of China's "growing up in theory, it is natural to be predicted. And it spread in Europe and America. The Korean people seem to think that Japanese is not sweet. "Made in China can not be denied 》

gradient theory of China, many Korean and Chinese history to manipulate people believe that this is not the case.Weasel words and make it so offensive, the real intention of how the Chinese treat you well know. Now China is not taking control of South Korea and North Korea. Not as deep constantly, regardless of the fine adjustment. To date, "despicable" South Korean people regardless of the weak in China, Japan and Russia. China, South Korea, the inclination of the theory is not so today denied the fact.Missile defense of America to high altitude (THAAD) to enlarge. Prolonged in the Joseon Dynasty "()" and the like. The power to propose the challenge every time the subjects' King, 'he is prolonged. Turns out, the situation is to give up waiting for the opponent. Criticism of China into the South China Sea are avoided. Southeast Asia nations in Han min Gu (Defense Minister defense minister ASEAN) enlarged conference stated to guarantee freedom of navigation,What the government is saying. China infrastructure investment bank (Asia Pacific AIIB), park Geun-hye presidential active participation in the present Chinese Anti-Japanese Military parade ceremony, chick, chick in the seat next to the platform 2 as a tributary state was. Under the influence of China is more than America, too, it is the intention to unity can deal with. Just because it is relegated to Japan to take the form of a want to blame us for not like at home.
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