Although Magnesium is not the only nutrient needed to break down acetaldehyde (molybdenum is also very important), it plays a major role. There is one particular enzyme that your body needs to turn toxic acetaldehyde into harmless acetate. This enzyme is named Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, and it requires Magnesium to function properly. Without enough Magnesium, your body is unable to activate the Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, which is therefore unable to break down acetaldehyde, which in turn can lead to symptoms like headaches and fatigue.Candida Causes Magnesium Deficiency TooI just explained how a lack of Magnesium can make Candida symptoms worse, but you should know that Candida can also prevent you from getting enough Magnesium in the first place. Health issues are rarely a case simply of one thing leading to another, and this is a great example of how cause and effect are often inextricably linked. In this case, Candida albicans actually prevents you from getting enough of the very mineral you need to combat its effects. This is why Candida sufferers are often even more deficient in Magnesium.In the early stages of a Candida overgrowth, your body copes relatively well with the extra waste products that need to be eliminated. Your liver and kidneys are working effectively, your digestive system is functioning well, and your body’s various elimination pathways are doing what they should. The acetaldehyde, uric acid, and other Candida metabolites are being efficiently removed. However, as your gut flora become more compromised and the yeast-bacteria imbalance starts to grow, your body starts to become overwhelmed.As increasing amounts of the Candida metabolites begin to appear, more and more of your Magnesium is used to break them down. If you started with a healthy surplus of Magnesium, it might take some time for you to become deficient. If you were deficient already (like most of us), then the onset of the typical Candida symptoms might happen very quickly. Without changes in diet or supplementation, your body simply runs out of the nutrients that it needs to process these toxins.As if that weren’t enough, we also need to factor in the effect that Candida has on your digestion. When the balance of gut flora in your small intestine is compromised, your gut loses much of its ability to extract and absorb nutrients from your food. A primary role of the small intestine is to process and absorb the micronutrients that you eat in your food. When it is unable to perform this role adequately, you can become deficient in many of the vitamins and minerals (including Magnesium) that you need to recover your health.So, as you can see, the development of a Candida overgrowth can lead to Magnesium deficiency in two ways. Firstly, it depletes the (probably limited) stores of Magnesium that you already have. And secondly, it interferes with your body’s ability to absorb more Magnesium from your diet. Add in the fact that most of us barely have enough Magnesium to start with, and it becomes apparent how easily the Candida yeast can benefit from a lack of this important mineral.
結果 (
日本語) 1:
Although Magnesium is not the only nutrient needed to break down acetaldehyde (molybdenum is also very important), it plays a major role. There is one particular enzyme that your body needs to turn toxic acetaldehyde into harmless acetate. This enzyme is named Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, and it requires Magnesium to function properly. Without enough Magnesium, your body is unable to activate the Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, which is therefore unable to break down acetaldehyde, which in turn can lead to symptoms like headaches and fatigue.<br><br>Candida Causes Magnesium Deficiency Too<br><br>I just explained how a lack of Magnesium can make Candida symptoms worse, but you should know that Candida can also prevent you from getting enough Magnesium in the first place. Health issues are rarely a case simply of one thing leading to another, and this is a great example of how cause and effect are often inextricably linked. In this case, Candida albicans actually prevents you from getting enough of the very mineral you need to combat its effects. This is why Candida sufferers are often even more deficient in Magnesium.<br><br>カンジダの異常増殖の初期段階では、あなたの体は必要性が排除されることに余分な老廃物を比較的よく対処します。あなたの肝臓と腎臓は、あなたの消化器系がうまく機能して、効果的に働いている、とあなたの体の様々な排泄経路はどのような彼らが必要行っています。アセトアルデヒド、尿酸、および他のカンジダ代謝産物を効率的に除去されています。あなたの腸内細菌叢が、より危険にさらされるようになると酵母菌の不均衡が成長し始めるとしかし、あなたの体は圧倒さになることを開始します。<br><br>カンジダ代謝物の量の増加が現れ始めると、より多くのあなたのマグネシウムのそれらを打破するために使用されます。あなたはマグネシウムの健全な黒字を開始した場合、それはあなたが不足になるまでに時間がかかる場合があります。あなたはすでに(私たちのほとんどのように)不足した場合には、典型的なカンジダの症状の発症は非常に迅速に起こるかもしれません。ダイエットや補充の変化がなければ、あなたの体は、単にそれがこれらの毒素を処理するために必要な栄養素が不足しました。<br><br>As if that weren’t enough, we also need to factor in the effect that Candida has on your digestion. When the balance of gut flora in your small intestine is compromised, your gut loses much of its ability to extract and absorb nutrients from your food. A primary role of the small intestine is to process and absorb the micronutrients that you eat in your food. When it is unable to perform this role adequately, you can become deficient in many of the vitamins and minerals (including Magnesium) that you need to recover your health.<br><br>あなたが見ることができるように、カンジダの異常増殖の開発は、2つの方法でマグネシウム欠乏につながることができます。第一に、それはあなたがすでに持っているマグネシウムの(おそらく限ら)ストアを枯渇させます。そして第二に、それはあなたの食事からより多くのマグネシウムを吸収するあなたの体の能力を妨げます。私たちのほとんどがやっとで開始するための十分なマグネシウムを持っているという事実に追加し、それはカンジダ酵母は、この重要なミネラルの不足の恩恵を受けることができる方法を簡単に明らかになります。