1 Raku-go relationship
① Answer an accurate reading of the following Lak Language.
meaning Read
is to ② form that does not skip the following Raku-go, please answer the meaning and how to read.
Please answer the meaning of the opposite ③ following Lak Language.
meno Mosso
Answer the ④ following questions.
(Fermata in the figure) This symbol in Japan are called Fermata, but this symbol in Itaria is
called to be (spelled in Italian), to read as (rattling).
In addition, the three wrote Take that to be sure When this symbol has been written.
() () ()
⑤ a small volume, please spell Raku-go four that have meaning to drop even tempo in Italian.
() () () ()
Answer the two following questions.
The three elements of music, and is three () () ().
3 Formulation and scale
to Write a formulation and scale of the next marked the town by bus symbol (bass clef).
① A-flat major
② F-sharp major
natural minor scale
harmonic minor scale
melodic minor scale
4 meter
please fill in the blanks.
C of the time signature represents the (spelled in the Luo language) and said, () worth of () beat.
In addition, those containing the vertical line C is referred to as (spelled in Italian language), representing the () worth of () beat.