Rob-bana ighfirlana ikhwaninal ladzina li sabaquuna wa bil faith, wa laa taj'al fi qulubina ghillal lilladzina amanu, Robbana innaka ra'ufur rahiim (O our Lord, forgive us and our brothers and sisters in the faith from our first, and don't hold in our hearts malice to people of faith, our Lord, o Thou Most indeed Polite again Most Merciful). Faidah this prayer, other than in the form of forgiveness and the readiness of the United with fellow Muslims, he will tie us with people, the pious predecessors, especially the companions, Tabi'in, Tabi'ut Tabi'in. As such, we are always in a good relationship with its predecessors (Saleh Salafus).Let love Witchcraft companions of the Prophet ' Alaihi Wa Sallam, especially Abu Bakar As-Sidiq wa Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab wa Uthman Ibn Affan and Ali Ibn Abi Talib Radi ' Anhu