3兆3000億ドルとされる中国の外貨準備は、本当にあるのか?中国の外貨準備高に「からくり」があることは屡々指摘してきたが、直近の統計数字から翻訳 - 3兆3000億ドルとされる中国の外貨準備は、本当にあるのか?中国の外貨準備高に「からくり」があることは屡々指摘してきたが、直近の統計数字から英語言う方法













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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
3兆3000億ドルとされる中国の外貨準備は、本当にあるのか?中国の外貨準備高に「からくり」があることは屡々指摘してきたが、直近の統計数字から判断する限り、それは限りなく空っぽに近いようだ。8日発表の中国輸出入統計8月速報では、輸出が5・5%の急減、とくに天津港からの輸出は17・3%も減っていた。輸入もじつに13・8%の急減、10ヶ月連続で前月比を割り込んでいた。上海株がかろうじて3000台を維持できているのは、依然として「売るな」という当局の指令。それでも売りが絶えないため、すでに70兆円以上の資金を投入している。中国からの資本流失が急増している。15年上半期だけで5000億ドルが海外へ流れた(シティグループの調査)という。アフリカの農地買収、スリランカとパキスタンの港湾整備事業、ニュージーランドとカナダのエネルギー企業買収などが最近目立つ投資だが、加えてAIIB、BRICS銀行ならびに「シルクロード構想」への資金拠出が予定されている。このため保有する米国債や海外資産を取り崩し、さらに当局が目の敵とし始めたのが、海外旅行ブームによる外貨流失の列に加わり、とりわけ敵対する日本への爆買いツアーがやまないことに敵意さえ抱いているかのような論調が華字紙に散見される。 中国一の資産家とされる万達集団(CEO=王健林)は米国の私募債に6億5000万ドルを投じた。王健林ははやくから不動産ビジネスに見切りを付け、米国の映画館チェーンなどを買収してきた。中国生保ナンバースリーの「安邦保険」はポルトガル企業買収に資金投入直前、ポルトガル当局から待ったをかけられているが、ことほど左様に「海外企業買収」に名を借りて、外国への資本逃避が起きている。 中国の対外債務は1兆5000億ドルと見積もられている 2014年末、中国の外貨準備高は3兆9900億ドルとされた。2015年8月末の速報値で、それは3兆300億ドルに激減した。中国当局の発表でも「外貨準備高は3557億ドルに減った」とされた。「原因は上海株暴落、人民元切り下げに嫌気しただけの逃避ではない」とするドイチェ銀行のジョージ・サラベロスは「もっとも重要なことは中国の外貨準備の性格の変化であり、世界の金融の流動性と連動している」また中国の対外債務はすでに1兆5000億ドルに達しており、保有する米国債よりも多く、GDPの15%である。この先、さらに2兆ドルの外貨が必要である。したがってある日突然、中国の外貨準備はブラックホールに吸い込まれるように消失する危険性が増している。
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
3 trillion China's foreign exchange reserves, which is the dollar, whether or not there really? Although it has been often pointed out that there is a "trick" to China's foreign exchange reserves, as long as it is determined from the most recent statistical figures, it seems empty close as possible. In China, import and export statistics in August bulletin 8 announcement, exports 5.5% of the sharp decline, especially exports from Tianjin Port had decreased also 17, 3%. Imports indeed 13, 8% of the sharp decline, had interrupted the previous month in 10 consecutive months. Shanghai stock of is can barely maintain the 3,000 still command of the authorities of "sell Na". Still for sale is not constantly, it has put the already 70 trillion yen or more funds. Capital outflow from China is increasing rapidly. Only in the $ 500 billion in '15 first half flowed abroad that (investigation of Citigroup). Farmland acquisition in Africa, Sri Lanka and Pakistan of port development business, but investments that stand out recently, such as New Zealand and Canadian energy company acquisitions, in addition AIIB, BRICS funding of the bank, as well as to the "Silk Road Initiative" has been scheduled. Because of this reversal of US bonds and foreign assets held, the further authorities began a sworn enemy is, joined the column of foreign currency outflow due to overseas travel boom, even to embrace especially爆買have hostility that the tour is not mountain is hostile to Japan to have one of like tone is scattered in flower-shaped paper. Wanda Group, which is China one of the wealthy (CEO = Wang Jianlin) was invested 600 million $ 50 million in private placements in the United States. Wang Jianlin put up on the early real estate business, we have acquired, such as the United States of a movie theater chain. "AnKuni insurance" is funding just before Portugal acquisitions of China life insurance number three, has been multiplied by a stop from Portugal authorities, the thing about Hidari-sama borrow the name to "overseas acquisitions", capital flight to foreign it is happening. External debt is estimated at 1 trillion 500 billion US dollars of China the end of 2014, China's foreign exchange reserves has been a 3 trillion 990 billion US dollars. In preliminary figures of 2015 the end of August, it was drastically reduced to 3 trillion $ 30 billion. Also the announcement of the Chinese authorities' foreign exchange reserves is reduced was to 355.7 billion US dollars, "it has been said. "Cause the Shanghai stock market crash, only of not escape was anaerobic into RMB devaluation" Deutsche Bank George Saraberosu that is "the most important thing is the change in the nature of China's foreign exchange reserves, the world's financial liquidity sexual and to have "linked also China's foreign debt has already reached 1 trillion 500 billion US dollars, more than the US Treasury bonds that are held, it is 15% of GDP. This earlier, there is a need for a further two trillion dollars of foreign currency. Therefore suddenly one day, the risk of China's foreign exchange reserves disappear as sucked into the black hole has increased.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
$3 trillion of foreign exchange reserves, China is really? "The foreign exchange reserve of China. It is often pointed out, but as long as judged from the most recent figures, it is not only close to empty. Well, China's import and export of statistical bulletin on August 5, 5% of exports fell sharply, especially from the Tianjin port 17 and 3% or less. Import purchasing, 13, 8%, sharply below 10 percent in the month. AtShanghai stocks barely 3000 units can be maintained, the authorities of the command is still a "sell". Not for sale, but always already more than 70 trillion yen has been invested funds. From China's rapidly increasing capital outflow. 15 as in the first half of 50 billion dollars to the flow of overseas city group). The acquisition of farmland in Africa and Sri Lanka Pakistan port development project, such as investment in New Zealand and Canada acquisitions in recent years, energyIn addition, as well as AIIB BRICS bank "Silk Road" concept to the planned funds. According to the U.S. Treasury bonds and foreign assets will hold this for the enemy and the authorities began to join the foreign exchange losses by overseas travel boom, not to buy Japan tour of explosion in hostile hostility had even if such opinions in Chinese newspaper here and there. TooWe are one of the millions of Chinese homes and property group (CEO; Hayashi Takeshi) invested $6 million in the United States private offering. Early on in the real estate business to give the king Lin, taking over the U.S. movie theater chain. Of China Life Insurance Number Three "Yasukuni" Portuguese companies before the takeover funding, to wait from Portugal, officials' overseas acquisitions so as to be the name of the foreign capital flight. StressChina's foreign debt being estimated at $1 trillion at the end of the year by 2014, 9900 billion and $3 trillion of foreign exchange reserves in China. At the end of the year 2015 of news value, it was decreased 30 billion to $3 trillion. Chinese officials also announced a "decrease" 3557 billion dollar foreign exchange reserves. The cause

「 Shanghai stock market crash, not only as an escape from the devaluation of the renminbi at Deutsche Bank George Sarah extended "the most important thing in China's foreign exchange reserves, and personality changesIn a world of liquidity and financial 」

also China's foreign debt has already reached $1.5 trillion, more than the U.S. Treasury holdings, GDP 15%. After this, it is necessary to $2 trillion in foreign currency. Suddenly one day, too, therefore, China's foreign exchange reserves have increased risk of disappearing into a black hole.
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