「辛亥革命は、清の南方の十四省が独立を宣言しただけで、首都である北京を囲む直隷省や、河南省、山東省、甘粛省、さらに日露戦争後の1907年に満翻訳 - 「辛亥革命は、清の南方の十四省が独立を宣言しただけで、首都である北京を囲む直隷省や、河南省、山東省、甘粛省、さらに日露戦争後の1907年に満英語言う方法


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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
"Xinhai revolution the Qing Southern Province of 14 declared independence only Zhili surrounds the capital Fengtian newly formed in 1907 in the province, Henan, Shandong, Gansu province, after the Russo-Japanese war in addition to Manchuria province, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Xinjiang Province in 1884, took on the Kiyoshi morning side" of is. Moreover, that is called a clan of Mongolia and Tibet, was not an "inland". Saying the current dynasty (dynasty of China Communist Party) take over only the orthodox view of the Sima transonic since history is 言itsunori false Manchukuo and was therefore built Japan "Manchukuo", and make an impassioned speech Taiwan is "part of China" and "Chinese nation" with people of the Tibetan, Mongolian, Uygur, actually colonized that defraud the resources.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
"Xinhai Revolution, only fourteen Ministry of Qing south has declared its independence, direct隷省and surrounding the Beijing is the capital, Henan, Shandong, Gansu, in 1907 further Russo after war Manchuria Mukden Ministry just be in, Jilin, Heilongjiang, ShinTsuyoshi-sho which could in 1884, is was attached to the Qing side ". Moreover, Mongolia and Tibet is called "clan section" is there was no in the "mainland".
Sima遷以come of the current dynasty to take over the only "orthodox view of history" (Chinese Communist Party dynasty) is, therefore Japan has built "Manchukuo" is Itsunori as "false Manchukuo", Taiwan is Shishiku as "China's part." , Tibet, Mongolia, the wiggle of people to say that it is "the Chinese nation", actually you have defrauded the resources to colonization.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
"The Xinhai Revolution, the article in the southern province of Qing declared independence as the capital city in Beijing and surrounding the Zhili Province, the Ministry, the Ministry Henan Shandong, Gansu, even after the Russo-Japanese War, 1907 in Manchuria in Fengtian province, just Jilin department, Ministry of Heilongjiang Xinjiang province made in 1884, the Qing Dynasty in". In addition, the Mongolian and Han Tibet "section", and "not at home". Since taking over at the orthodox view of Sima Qian "only" (the Communist Party of China present Dynasty dynasty)言いつのり "Manchukuo" hence "in Japanese," Tibet puppet Manchukuo Mongolia, "Taiwan harangue, a part of China", "Chinese Uighur people," said he, in fact has been colonized by resources.
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