Laras Perlaya

Laras Perlaya " diambil dari kata b

Laras Perlaya " diambil dari kata bahasa sunda yang mempunyai makna " lagu kematian ". Tema yang diusung di album ini adalah bercerita tentang kematian dan hancurnya tatanan nilai-nilai kemanusian yang diakibatkan oleh makin menguatnya gerakan fundamentalisme dan fasisme yang mengatasnamakan agama, politik dan kekuasaan golongan tertentu. adalah kalimat ungkapan yang Gw ambil dari Omuniuum - small shop of reading and listening ( ) untuk bisa mengungkapkan Apa yang ditulis pada album Ke-5 Bandung Brutal Death Metal populer ini, Yeah album terbaru Forgotten yang sekaligus memperkenalkan 2 Personil baru mereka, Rifki13 ( Drums ) dan Gitaris Gagan dari Band Beton. sebuah Bukti Eksistensi Forgotten ditengah kedewasaan bermusik mulai dibuktikan di album yang dikerjakan di Masterplan Recording Chamber Studio yang lalu di Finalize Mixing di Dialog Studio. hmmm mungkin kalau sekilas Gw menyimak Produksi album ini terdengar lebih Rapi dan Bersih dari segi sound jikalau Gw bandingkan dengan sebelumnya. langsung saja di mulai dengan " Bubuka " adalah sebuah Intro Tradisional Sunda yang memainkan kesenian tarawangsa dan beluk. dan lagi lagi Gw mengutip Istilah ini dari Omuniuum - small shop karena memang gw kurang begitu paham dengan Kesenian Sunda hahahaha, Di tanah Pasundan, keberadaan Tarawangsa lebih tua umurnya daripada rebab. Dalam naskah kuno Sewaka Darma (abad ke-18), menyebutkan Tarawangsa sebagai nama alat musik. Kesenian Tarawangsa dimainkan oleh dua instrument yaitu Tarawangsa dan Jentreng. Tarawangsa adalah sejenis alat musik gesek yang prinsip memainkannya mirip dengan alat musik rebab. Akan tetapi yang digesek hanya satu dawai, yakni dawai yang paling dekat kepada pemain sementara dawai yang satunya lagi dimainkan dengan cara dipetik dengan jari telunjuk tangan kiri. Jentreng adalah sejenis kecapi kecil dengan tujuh dawai. Seniman yang dilibatkan adalah Kang Asep dan Kang Jaja dari daerah Ranca Kalong, Sumedang. Kesenian Tarawangsa biasanya ditampilkan pada upacara-upacara sakral tertentu yang berkaitan dengan pemujaan kepada alam dan arwah leluhur. Kata beluk berasal dari kata ba dan aluk. Ba artinya besar dan aluk artinya ‘gorowok’ atau dalam bahasa Indonesia `berteriak’. Berbeda dengan “nembang” atau seni suara yang lainnya, kesenian Beluk tidak ‘menembangkan’ atau menyanyikan syair yang digunakan, tetapi hanya membaca dengan memainkan tinggi-rendahnya frekuensi suara. Seni Beluk merupakan sajian sekar berirama bebas atau merdeka. Salah seorang maestro Beluk yang dilibatkan adalah Mang Ayi yang berasal dari kota Subang, Jawa Barat. Syair yang dilantunkan adalah jenis Wawacan (hikayat/cerita) yang dibawakan seperti kita jumpai dalam berbagai pupuh mulai dari pembukaan sampai pada penutupan seperti: Pupuh Kinanti, Asmaradana, Pucung, Dangdanggula, Balabak, Magatru, Mijil, Ladrang, dan sebagainya. Jenis wawacan yang disampaikan juru beluk tergantung apa yang dikuasainya seperti Babar Nabi, Barjah, Amungsari, Jayalalana, Natasukma, Mahabarata, Mundinglaya, Lutung Kasarung, Ciung Wanara, dan sebagainya. Menurut Mang Ayi seni beluk di daerah Subang pada awalnya digunakan untuk memberikan perintah pada kerbau ketika membajak sawah. Para petani jaman dahulu ketika membajak sawah biasanya melantunkan beluk untuk mengarahkan laju dan gerakan kerbau. nah udah tau khan ( Termasuk Gw ) hehehehehe... untuk menggambarkan istilah dan pengertian ini. langsung diterjang dengan " Hajar Jalanan ", kita bisa langsung merasakan Kualitas bermain Forgotten yang semakin matang dan dewasa. Sound Gitar yang terdengar Bersih dari kesan Distorsi Tajam di Album2 Forgotten sebelumnya sudah tidak terasakan disini, dan Permainan Riff Toteng terdengar lebih kalem dan Ga seliar sebelumnya hehehehe, tapi masih menghadirkan Technical Riffing yang Menghantam !! dan Kehadiran Gitaris Gagan Rupanya terasa Kompak Mengisi, lalu Gempuran Drumming Rifki13 lumayan Padat dan Berat namun tetap belum bisa Disandingkan dengan gaya Liar Drummer Andris, Pukulan Rifki13 memang kerap menorehkan Irama2 Progressif, dan terasa juga Karakter dan semangat Bernyanyi Addy Gembel lebih tertata disini, hmmm sebuah Kemajuan yang luar biasa deh buat Mereka ini hehehehe, tapi kayaknya gw tetep seneng ma Karakter Mereka sebelumnya yang lebih Terdengar " LIAR ". " Dirajam Luka " juga memiliki Struktur musik yang bagus, masih dengan sentuhan Tajam gaya Malevolent Creation Era Album " The Fine Art Of Murder ", Lirik lirik Keras dan Sarkatis sepertinya masih menjadi Senjata Konvensional Bagi Forgotten untuk melepaskan Imej utamanya, jelas ini bukan omong kosong dan tampil ngeri aja, karena Gw Yakin Addy Gembel punya Alasan kuat untuk Menjabarkan Inti Liriknya itu dengan Kehidupan Nyata. lalu " Laras Perlaya " kembali Forgotten menambahkan beberapa Sampling Alat Tradisional Sunda pada beberapa Part-nya, sehingga nuansa Lagu ini menjadi lebih hidup dan Gelap ! kereeen !!! itu yang bisa Gw Transkripkan disini. Kemudian " Trias Demonica " Menyuguhkan beberapa Eksplorasi Riffing yang Konvensional, kekuatan track ini lebih terasa Dinamis serta menendang dengan beberapa Sentuhan Teknikal part yang menggebu gebu. hingga Track akhir " Pusara Beku " yang di aransemen ulang dari album " Obsesi Mati " Menjadi terasa lebih jahat melalui beberapa sentuhan Forgotten sekarang lengkap dengan alat Tradisional Sunda. well secara keseluruhan ini adalah sebuah album yang sempurna bagi perjalanan karir Forgotten, melalui Produksi yang lebih Profesional dan menjanjikan akan memanjakan Fans Forgotten. dan sekali lagi ini adalah Karya Excellent yang kembali dilahirkan oleh Forgotten biarpun sedikit Jauh dari kesan Musik Metal Liar yang sudah melekat pada Musikalitas mereka, Dalam pengemasan album ini juga ikut disertakan sebuah novel yang dilengkapi dengan ilustrasi engraving karya Dinan Art yang memberikan penjabaran terhadap setiap makna lirik yang sarat dengan kalimat sarkas. wajib menjadi Bagian Koleksi Album Forgotten kalian.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Barrel Perlaya "is taken from the words of Sundanese language which has the meaning of" death song ". The theme is carried on this album was told of the death and destruction of the order of the values of humanity are caused by strengthening the movement of fundamentalism and fascism on behalf of religion, politics and the power of certain groups. is a sentence phrase that I took from the Omuniuum-small shop of reading and listening ( to be able to express what was written in the 5th album by the Brutal Death Metal band from Bandung this popular, Yeah's latest album the Forgotten at once introduced their new Personnel, 2 Rifki13 (Drums) and guitarist Gagan of concrete. a proof of the existence of the Forgotten musical maturity amid the start proved in albums that were done in the Chamber's Recording Studio the Masterplan in Finalize Mixing Studio in dialogue. Hmmm maybe if fleeting Gw listen Production this album sounds more neat and clean in terms of sound, if I compare it to the previous one. just at the start with "Bubuka" is a traditional Sundanese Intro that plays art tarawangsa and outs. again and again I quote the term of Omuniuum-small shop because it is less familiar with gw Art Sunda hahahaha, on the ground, the presence of Pasundan Tarawangsa is older than the age of the rebab. In the Codex Sewaka Darma (18th century), mentioned as the name of Tarawangsa music equipment. The art of Tarawangsa is played by two instruments namely Tarawangsa and Jentreng. Tarawangsa is a type of string instrument similar to the CoverFlow principle instrument rebab. However, playing just one string, i.e. the string closest to the player while the other played out the string with your index finger picked by way of the left hand. Jentreng is a small lute with seven string. The artists involved are Kang Asep and Kang Jaja from Ranca large Flying Fox, Sumedang. The art of Tarawangsa is usually displayed at certain sacred ceremonies relating to the worship of natural and ancestral spirits to. The word derives from the word ba outs and aluk. BA means big and aluk means ' gorowok ' or in the language of Indonesia ' shout '. In contrast to "nembang" or other sound art, artistic Subtlety is not ' released ' or singing the verses are used, but only read by playing tinggi-rendahnya the frequency of the sound. The art of Subtlety is a cereal free or independent rhythmic sekar. One of maestro Intricacies involved is Indeed Ayi who comes from the city of Subang, West Java. The poem is a kind of chanted Wawacan (Saga/story) which was performed as we encounter in various Canto ranging from opening up on closing such as: Canto Kinanti, film stars, Pucung, Dangdanggula, Balabak, Magatru, Mijil, Ladrang, and so on. Types of interpreter delivered wawacan outs depending what lands such as Babar Barjah, Prophet, Amungsari, Jayalalana, Natasukma, Mahabharata, Lutung Kasarung, Mundinglaya, Blue Fang, and so on. According to Mang Ayi art outs in Subang area was originally used for giving commands in Buffalo when plowing a rice field. The farmers tilling rice paddies when antiquity usually chant the intricacies of driving the pace and movement of the water buffalo. Nah udah tau khan (including Gw) hehehehehe ... to describe the terms and understanding. instantly swept with the "Black Streets", we could immediately feel the quality play an increasingly Forgotten cooked and adulthood. Clean-sounding Guitar sound from the impression of Sharp Distortions in the Album2 previously Forgotten already not terasakan here, and the game Riff Toteng sounds more calm and wild previous Ga hehehehe, but still presents Technical dueling Riffing hit!! and the presence of Guitarist Gagan Apparently feels Compact Filling, and Fierce Drumming Rifki13 passable and Heavy but still can not juxtaposed with Wild style Drummer Andris Rifki13, blow indeed often incised Irama2 Progressif, and feels also the character and spirit of Singing more structured Hobo Addy here, hmmm a remarkable Progress deh for them this hehehehe, but I think gw ma seneng tetep their characters before a more "wild" Sounds. " Stoned Wound "also has a nice musical structure, still with a touch of Sharp style of Malevolent Creation Album Era" The Fine Art Of Murder ", the lyrics to the lyrics loud and Sarkatis seems to still be a conventional weapons for the Forgotten to release the main Image, obviously this is not nonsense and appear horrified wrote, because I'm sure Addy Hobo had a compelling reason to describe the core Lyrics it with real life. then "Barreled Perlaya" back Forgotten adds some traditional Sundanese Instrument Sampling on some Part of him, so the feel of the song became more vibrant and dark! kereeen!!! It could Gw Transkripkan here. Then the "Trias Demonica" Presents some exploration of the dueling Riffing that conventional power track is more Dynamic and kicking feels with some Technical Touches part desirous gebu. until the end of the Track "Frozen" a Tomb in the arrangement of the album "Dead" became an obsession feels more evil through multiple touch Forgotten now complete with traditional tools of Sunda. well overall this is an album that is perfect for travel, the Forgotten career through a more professional Production and promising will indulge Fans Forgotten. and once again this is an Excellent Paper that came back was born by Forgotten even a little Far from the impression of wild Metal music that is already attached to the Musicality of their packaging, in this album also included a novel which features illustrations of engraving work of Art that provides translation of Dinan, against each of the meaning of the lyrics are loaded with sentences sarkas. obliged to become part of the collection of the Album Forgotten you guys.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Adjustable Perlaya "taken from the words and tone that has meaning" song of death ". The theme of the album is the story of the death and destruction of the order values ​​of humanity caused by the strengthening of fundamentalism and fascism in the name of religion, politics and power group particular. The sentence expressions I take from Omuniuum - small shop of reading and listening ( to be able to express what was written on the 5th album Bandung Brutal Death Metal is popular, Yeah latest album as well as the Forgotten 2 Personnel introduce their new, Rifki13 (Drums) and guitarist Gagan Band of Concrete. Evidence of the existence of a Forgotten amid the musical maturity ranging evidenced in the album done in the Master Recording Studio Chamber ago in Finalize Mixing in Studio Dialog. hmmm maybe if I briefly listened to The production of this album sounds more neat and clean in terms of sound, if I compare with the previous. just start with "Introduction" is an Irish traditional arts play a mandarin and outs. and again I quote these words from Omuniuum - small shop because I did not quite understand the language of Art Well, in the land of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where Tarawangsa older age than fiddle. In ancient manuscripts Stwaka Darma (18th century), as the name says Tarawangsa instrument. Art Tarawangsa played by two instruments, namely Mandarin and jentreng. Mandarin is a stringed instrument that is similar to the principle of play musical instruments fiddle. But that is swiped only one wire, the wire closest to the player while the other wire is played by plucking with the index finger left hand. Jentreng is a small harp with seven strings. Artists involved are Kang and Kang Asep Jaja from the Buffalo Kalong, Sumedang. Art Tarawangsa usually displayed on the sacred rites associated with certain cults to nature and ancestors. Said vapor derived from the word ba and aluk. Ba means big and aluk means "cry" or the Indonesian `screaming '. Unlike the "singing" sound art or other artistic Inside not 'menembangkan' or singing lyrics that are used, but only read by playing a high-low-frequency sound. Inside the art is serving sekar rhythmically free or independent. Inside one of the maestro's involved is the baby who comes from the town of Subang, West Java. Lyrics sung is the kind Wawacan (tale / story) that delivered as we see in the beginning of the opening stanza until the closing as: Canto Kinanti, Asmaradana, heron, Dangdanggula, Balabak, Magatru, Franchising, art, and so forth. Type wawacan delivered corner outs depends what controls such as Babar said, Barjah, Amungsari, Jayalalana, Natasukma, Mahabharata, Mundinglaya, Caritas, Batutulis, and so on. According baby art outs in Subang district was originally used to give commands to the buffalo when plowing. Farmers antiquity when plowing is usually recited outs to drive the pace and movement of buffalo. Well I know khan (Including Gw) wrote ... to describe the meaning of the term and this. direct hit with "Black Roads", we can immediately feel the quality of play Forgotten increasingly mature and adult. Sound guitar sounds Net of the effect of distortion sharp Album2 Forgotten previously not felt here, and game Riff Toteng sounded more calm and Ga wild before I, but still present Technical riffing hit !! and the presence of guitarist Gagan apparently feels Compact Charge and Onslaught Drumming Rifki13 quite dense and heavy, but still could not Juxtaposed with the style of Wild Drummer Andris, shot Rifki13 is often chalked Irama2 Progressive, and was also character and spirit Singing Addy Gembel more organized here, hmmm a remarkable progress deh They wrote, but I think I still prefer ma their character before the sound more "wild". "Stoned Luka" also has the structure of good music, still with a touch of style Sharp Malevolent Creation Era album "The Fine Art Of Murder", Song lyrics Hard and sarcastically apparently still being Conventional Weapons For Forgotten to release its image, clearly this is not nonsense and appeared horrified me, because I'm sure Addy Gembel have strong reason to describe the essence of the lyrics with real life. and "Adjustable Perlaya" Forgotten add back some Sampling Equipment traditional in some part of his, so feel this song to be more alive and Dark! kereeen !!! it can Gw Transcript here. Then "Trias Demonica" Enjoying some exploration riffing conventional, the power of this track feels more dynamic and kicking with some touches Technical part buoyant fluffy. Track to the end "Cemetery Frozen" in the re-arrangement of the album "Obsession Dead" Being bad feels through some twist Forgotten now complete with traditional tools. well overall this is an album that is perfect for career Forgotten, through the production of more professionals and promises to pamper Fans Forgotten. and once again this is a re-work of Excellent born Forgotten although slightly away from the effects of Music Metal Wild inherent in their musicality, the packaging of this album also included a novel with illustrations engraving works Dinan Art that provide translation of any meaning the lyrics are loaded with sentences circus. The collection shall be Forgotten Album you.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
perlaya曲“生命从达日卡塔马来巽阳有Makna的“拉古”。特马杨diusung迪专辑,这是bercerita的丹hancurnya tatanan尼莱尼莱kemanusian杨diakibatkan又让menguatnya民政党fundamentalisme丹fasisme杨mengatasnamakan鬣蜥,并且奉tertentu政治丹。是清真ungkapan杨GW拿达日omuniuum -小商店的阅读和听力(,比萨mengungkapkan APA杨ditulis在专辑ke-5万隆残酷死亡金属流行专辑terbaru INI,是忘记所有的交易都memperkenalkan 2杨comquter巴鲁他们,rifki13(鼓)丹gitaris GAGAN达日带混凝土。一个bukti eksistensi遗忘ditengah kedewasaan bermusik开始dibuktikan迪专辑杨dikerjakan DI设计工作室录音室杨拉鲁迪完成混合二对话框工作室。嗯,可能是sekilas GW中menyimak专辑更迅速terdengar丹净选盟ini达日世纪声若bandingkan,sebelumnya GW。我开始用“性二bubuka”是一开场就memainkan kesenian tarawangsa巽阳丹beluk。丹了,GW mengutip istilah ini达日omuniuum -小商店因为你们GW kurang begitu paham,kesenian巽他哈哈哈哈,地地pasundan,keberadaan tarawangsa比你umurnya化雷贝琴。在naskah Kuno史哇佳达玛(阿巴德ke-18),menyebutkan tarawangsa为NAMA阿拉特音乐。kesenian tarawangsa dimainkan在该仪器就是tarawangsa丹jentreng。tarawangsa是sejenis阿拉特音乐gesek杨prinsip memainkannya mirip,ALAT音乐雷贝琴。阿杨却digesek韩亚一哒,也就是大伟,大伟在杨木栅分而在杨satunya了dimainkan,卡拉dipetik,杰瑞Telunjuk在泡桐树。jentreng是sejenis科卡皮小,七哒。seniman杨dilibatkan是康ASEP丹康家家达日县RANCA卡龙,双木丹。kesenian tarawangsa是ditampilkan在upacara upacara sakral tertentu杨berkaitan,pemujaan arwah leluhur丹,阿拉姆。卡塔卡塔beluk出于八丹阿鲁克。八artinya大臣丹阿鲁克artinya”gorowok”或在印度尼西亚语` berteriak”。和入方式的不同,“nembang”或半阳等的声音,kesenian beluk不menembangkan '或'歌唱syair阳digunakan,但韩亚membaca,memainkan Tinggi rendahnya frekuensi声音。这是高级beluk sajian Sekar berirama就或独立。他一个大师beluk杨dilibatkan莽阿姨杨是出于亚苏邦,西爪哇省。syair杨dilantunkan是该wawacan(自传/谢莉妲)阳dibawakan jumpai,正如我们在pupuh开始了从pembukaan在penutupan如:pupuh kinanti,斯马拉丹那,pucung,dangdanggula,balabak,magatru,mijil,工程,丹sebagainya。该wawacan杨disampaikan Juru beluk tergantung APA杨dikuasainya如巴巴尔彩蝶,barjah,amungsari,jayalalana,natasukma,摩诃婆罗多,mundinglaya,已经kasarung,ciung wanara,丹sebagainya。依莽阿姨半beluk迪致苏邦在awalnya短语,使perintah在水牛,membajak田。对,membajak PETANI Jaman从前该是melantunkan beluk,mengarahkan丹民政局水牛。Nah Udah头汗(属GW)hehehehehe…为menggambarkan istilah丹有ini。用“性diterjang哈贾尔流氓”,我们人的kualitas玩碧沙性遗忘杨semakin麻糖旦dewasa。声吉他杨terdengar净选盟达日科三distorsi tajam迪album2遗忘sebelumnya也不terasakan迪新,丹permainan RIFF托滕terdengar比GA seliar Kalem丹sebelumnya呵呵呵呵,而那些menghadirkan杨menghantam TAPI技术!丹kehadiran!gitaris GAGAN rupanya沢康帕克mengisi,拉鲁gempuran击鼓rifki13 lumayan直接存取终端丹培拉特和比萨,就不disandingkan加雅骗子鼓手Andris,pukulan rifki13你们kerap menorehkan irama2 progressif,丹沢也从来丹和bernyanyi阿迪gembel比tertata迪新,嗯,一个医药保健品及杨外biasa DEH进入他们的INI呵呵呵呵,TAPI kayaknya GW型seneng马从来就sebelumnya杨比terdengar“骗子”。”dirajam卢卡”结构也有杨家乐好了,用sentuhan tajam加雅恶毒的创作时代的专辑“谋杀”的艺术,lirik lirik keras丹sarkatis sepertinya仍为他konvensional给遗忘,melepaskan imej utamanya,jelas这不是丹洲至Tampil ngeri阿哈,因为GW扭角羚阿迪gembel了阿拉善夸特,menjabarkan英迪liriknya ITU,kehidupan nyata。拉鲁”perlaya就遗忘menambahkan曲”了一定就在几个部分采样巽妗,就在我公司拉古INI为丹之中!kereeen!!!ITU杨比萨GW transkripkan迪新。然后“三demonica”menyuguhkan几eksplorasi riffing杨konvensional轨道,所沢dinamis舒达menendang ini比用几个sentuhan Teknikal部分杨menggebu葛布。直至金属提升板锁定到位跟踪这“pusara贝库人”杨迪aransemen达日专辑“亲爱的obsesi马蹄”,我从几个sentuhan沢附着忘记现在lengkap,信就巽。这是一张好上keseluruhan阳公司为那里的karir忘记,从中我也memanjakan丹杨专业menjanjikan球迷遗忘。丹,这是公司优秀的一阳就从在遗忘biarpun点jauh达日科三音乐金属骗子杨也melekat在musikalitas他们,在pengemasan专辑也disertakan一新ikut ini杨dilengkapi,ilustrasi雕刻艺术,给penjabaran公司迪南杨都lirik Makna杨萨拉特,清真sarkas。为一koleksi专辑忘记你们wajib。
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