Quien es este señor? Porque la ministra dijo otra cosa, osea que un do翻訳 - Quien es este señor? Porque la ministra dijo otra cosa, osea que un do英語言う方法

Quien es este señor? Porque la mini

Quien es este señor? Porque la ministra dijo otra cosa, osea que un doctor se puede pasar por donde quiera a la ministra? No entiendo!
Enfermeras, doctores y personal de colegios puede decidir por nuestros hijos? Y contradecir lo que la ministra dice públicamente sobre la decisión de los padres?
Que rabia , que frustración , matense entre uds wn, y nonos envenen a nosotros.
Quien responde ahora? Si fue la otra vacuna harán algo al respecto? O como siempre es mejor cagarse a la población por el bien de sus negocios?
Me gusta · Responder · Marcar como spam · 12 · 3 de noviembre de 2016 9:39

Jacqueline Salas Mora
PROBADORA DE SABORES en La Fabrica De Chocolate Con Willy Wonka Y Los Umpalumpas :$
Un diostor, cómo esos de la edad media que consideraban no bañarse, como algo saludable, pues debilitaba la sangre.
Me gusta · Responder · Marcar como spam · 3 · 3 de noviembre de 2016 12:18
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Is who this man? Because the Minister said anything else, bone that a doctor cannot be anywhere to the Minister? I don't understand! Nurses, doctors and staff of schools can decide for our children? And contradict what the Minister said publicly on the decision of the parents? That rage, frustration, matense between uds wn, and nonos envenen than us.Who respond now? If it was the vaccine will they do something about it? Or as always is better shit to the population for the sake of their businesses?I like · Answer · Mark as spam · 12 · November 3, 2016 9:39Jacqueline Salas MoraA TESTER OF FLAVORS in chocolate factory with Willy Wonka and the Umpalumpas: $A diostor, how those of the middle ages considered not bathing, as healthy, as it weakened blood.I like · Answer · Mark as spam · 3 · November 3, 2016 12:18
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Who is this man? Because the minister said another thing, I mean that a doctor can go wherever the minister? I do not understand!
Nurses, doctors and staff colleges can decide for our children? And contradict what the minister says publicly about the parents ' decision?
That anger, that frustration let them kill between units wn, and nonos envenen us.
Who answers now? If it was the other vaccine will do something about it ? Or , as is always better shit to the people for the sake of their businesses?
Like · Reply · Report Spam · 12 · November 3, 2016 9:39

Jacqueline Salas Mora
tester of flavors in the Chocolate Factory Willy Wonka With Y the Umpalumpas: $
. a diostor, how those of the middle Ages they considered not bathe, as healthy, as weakened blood
like · Reply · Report spam · 3 · November 3, 2016 12:18
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Who is this gentleman? Because the Minister Said otherwise, so that a doctor can go wherever the Minister? I Don"t understand!Nurses, Doctors and staff of schools can decide for our Children? And publicly contradict what the Minister said about the decision of the parents?That Anger, frustration, WN"t euthanize Among You, and envenen to us.Who is now? If it was the other Vaccine will do something about it? Or as is always better shit to People for the sake of your business?I Like - answer - Mark as spam - 12 - 3 November 2016 9: 39Jacqueline Meeting MoraTasting Flavors in the Chocolate Factory with Willy Wonka & The Little Oompa Loompas: $A diostor, like those of the Middle Ages was not bathe, as Healthy, thus weakening The Blood.I Like - answer - Mark as spam - 3 - 3 November 2016 12: 18
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