平和な夜だった。何事も起きていなかった。少なくとも人間にはそう見えていたのだ。そんな人間のもとに妖怪が訪れる。いつもなら妖怪退治は人間の役目翻訳 - 平和な夜だった。何事も起きていなかった。少なくとも人間にはそう見えていたのだ。そんな人間のもとに妖怪が訪れる。いつもなら妖怪退治は人間の役目英語言う方法








―― 二人は、夜を止める

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
It was a peaceful night.
What did not occur. It is as if we had seen so at least for humans.

Specter visits on the basis of such a man.
Ghost extermination's role of human if always. But say, was impatient to tell this "accident" has occurred
and, man does not budge at all.
But man, he was aware of the "accident" for the first time at that time.

Man role, said to be, or will be resolved before dawn, the "this accident"
is ghost extermination.

But ghost says, is "this accident"
, and, to be resolved before the night is through even stop the night.

Yokai, began over Gensokyo night seeking a piece of the moon.
Humans jump out to follow the rear.

Man to feel the magic, breaking the illusion.
Specter that errand magic, to disable the phantom.

- Two people, stop the night

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The night was peaceful At what had happened The man looked at least Based on such a man to come At the time of exterminating Youkai, if it's the duty of man But this happened "incident" and say to the man does not move at all, say out of numbness But at the time I noticed for the first time "incident" Human stress of exterminating Youkai as this incident, "" can be solved before the dawn breaks will, "he said TooBut they say something like this: "the monster", even at night, and the solution to stop in tonight Stress monster, for a piece of the moon 翔け illusion of night Follow after the jump to humans Feel stress, breaking the human vision At present, the evil specter is invalidated It is

―― they stop at night
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
It was a peaceful night.
Hadn't happened nothing. It's at least in humans was so visible.

Visit apparition to such a person.
Role of human's usual youkai. But this "incident" happened
and breathless numbness to not move at all man to say so, and say.
But man is that when for the first time "incident, noticed it.

Youkai are responsible human beings is
said before daybreak "incident" can solve would be or.

But Specter says,
and, to resolve tonight "this incident' in turn off the night.

Specter seeks a piece of night gensokyo sho flown.
Chasing after the man pops out.

Man feel the magic and defeat the phantom.
Specter doing magic, disable the phantom.

--Two of them stop the night

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