何もない場所に、小さな傷をつけたことがある。 爪を立てて一直線につけた傷。 経過した時間を数えていたのか、この場所を通りかかった回数だったの翻訳 - 何もない場所に、小さな傷をつけたことがある。 爪を立てて一直線につけた傷。 経過した時間を数えていたのか、この場所を通りかかった回数だったの英語言う方法

何もない場所に、小さな傷をつけたことがある。 爪を立てて一直線につけた



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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
You have no place on small wounds. Aligned with the nail scratches. Was counting the time? can't remember anymore, as was the number of times I passed by this place. But the sense of accomplishment we piled up little by little the number of trivial giving me. It's meaning without, it had become supportive. I noticed when passing by the place at one time, the mountain of scratch is gone. Or wrong place and I walked around the world exactly the same black color, but I finally found it was not fulfilled. Indeed what I wanted. What does not change and wanted to support. As for granted, actually I know is very difficult to ask a. Old people and break things. Metal rusts, rotten food. Changed the city, culture is twisting. Not even in nation and civilization forever across the Board. To see what truly unchanged it leaves as well as a black world begins to go out in mastering difficult anyway. They still hope. Because after all but ended. There are lots of things to do. Went to where people have disappeared? What can make buildings lost instead. Where an imminent, whether to procure water and food. And the goal of those not directly causal "will not change" between May. However, whether or not it should be different. Unlike the mountain of minor scratches or disappear at any time where I don't know. There is something solid like black world I can count to ensure. The commitment to get things absolutely meaning; It's from.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In many places, small wound. At the wound with a nail in a straight line. The count at the time, it was the number of passing this place, I don't remember anymore. Little by little, but at the stack number, to give a sense of achievement. At no point without the support of it. At the time, the time is passing by, I found the missing mountain. At the thought, the wrong placeI walked around the same black world, he did not find it at last. Wanted one for sure. At the wanted to support. As usual in the hope that is actually very difficult. The man is old and broken. Metal rust rotten food. The city is changing culture kink. Even the nation and civilization is not forever. This is not just a black worldWhat is true is not changed in the way of finding out the difficulties. They hope at all. At because it is finished after all. There are a lot of things to do. Disappearing where people gone? The lost instead of building windows. When alarming, the supply of food and water. Don't change their behavior and the "target" between the direct causal might not. However, there must be at it or not. AtWhere may disappear when small and I don't know the mountain. In this world of black, I can count. It gets its commitments, it is absolutely. And so on.
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