Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap populasi dan keragamanc翻訳 - Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap populasi dan keragamanc英語言う方法

Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakuk

Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap populasi dan keragaman
coccinellidae predator pada pertanaman sayuran di Kota Padang, secara umum
telah ditemukan sebanyak 1.479 individu coccinellidae predator, yang tersebar
dalam 9 spesies, larva dan pupa. Sembilan spesies tersebut adalah Menochilus
sexmaculatus, Verania linneata, Megalocaria dilatata, Coleophora inaequalis,
Chilocorus pilatus, Coccinella transversalis, Coleophora 9 maculata, Coccinella
11 spot, dan Coccinella sp. Dua jenis yang disebutkan terakhir, belum berhasil
diidentifikasi sampai tahap spesies secara pasti. Jumlah spesies yang ditemukan
tersebut ternyata lebih rendah 50% dibandingkan dengan Coccinellidae predator
yang ditemukan Effendi (2010) di tiga kabupaten di Propinsi Sumatera Barat,
yaitu 18 spesies. Hal ini diduga terkait dengan perbedaan diversitas tumbuhan di
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Based on research conducted towards the population and diversitycoccinellidae predator on pertanaman vegetables in the city of Padang, in GeneralIt has been found as much as individual 1479 coccinellidae predator, scatteredin 9 species, larvae and pupae. Nine species are Menochilussexmaculatus Verania, linneata, Megalocaria dilatata, Coleophora inaequalis,Chilocorus Pilate, Coccinella transversalis, Coleophora 9 maculata, Coccinella11 spot, and Coccinella spp. last mentioned two types, have not managedidentified to the stage of the species. The number of species foundthat turned out to be 50% lower compared to the predator Coccinellidaefound (2010) Effendi in three regencies in West Sumatra Province,IE 18 species. It is alleged to be associated with differences in plant diversity
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Based on the research conducted on the population and the diversity of
Coccinellidae predators on planting vegetables in the city of Padang, in general
it has been found as many as 1,479 individuals Coccinellidae predators, dispersed
in nine species, larvae and pupae. Nine of these species are Menochilus
sexmaculatus, Verania linneata, Megalocaria dilatata, Coleophora inaequalis,
Chilocorus pilatus, Coccinella transversalis, Coleophora 9 maculata, Coccinella
11 spot, and Coccinella sp. Two types of the latter, yet managed to
be identified until the stage of the species with certainty. The number of species found
is lower by 50% compared with Coccinellidae predators
found Effendi (2010) in three districts in West Sumatra,
which is 18 species. It is thought to be related to differences in plant diversity
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
berdasarkan penelitian阳事,populasi丹keragaman
瓢虫捕食在pertanaman sayuran di Kota巴东,为umum
11点,丹七星sp. DUA Jenis杨disebutkan terakhir,不berhasil
diidentifikasi tahap种上糊了。种属阳ditemukan
。哈尔INI diduga terkait,perbedaan DIVERSITAS tumbuhan迪
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