When it comes to vaccines, databases which track vaccination compliance are the start of worse things to come. They are often an indication that the state will essentially assume a position to increase vaccination rates by any means necessary.
The city of Pittsburgh is discovering that by tracking people’s vaccine history, they can intimidate more young teens to get the dangerous HPV vaccines. Now will soon begin reporting HPV vaccination rates to the county Health Department. And that will lead to nowhere good. The Jewish Healthcare Foundation recently collected data from local health insurers and found out that less than 16 percent of all 113-year-olds in Pittsburgh had completed the three serving course of the HPV Vaccine. That’s up a percent from the year prior, but that isn’t considered a success by local health officials in the region as the overall rate is considered too low for their comfort. Keep in mind; the health providers willingly gave up your children’s personal health records as a way to make a new push to medicate them (that shouldn’t sit well with anyone no matter where they stand on the issue of vaccinations).