Mini-Tutorial: Making a Mask(This tutorial assumes that you already kn翻訳 - Mini-Tutorial: Making a Mask(This tutorial assumes that you already kn日本語言う方法

Mini-Tutorial: Making a Mask(This t

Mini-Tutorial: Making a Mask
(This tutorial assumes that you already know the basics of using the Cloner, ColorMagic, and S4PE to alter textures on clothing)

With a mask, we want it to fit over the face, lay flat against the skin like a tattoo, be changeable with outfits, and layer ABOVE the eyebrows (since a mask should hide the eyebrows). As an added bonus, we would like to also be able to override the eye color (In case our mask includes glowing eyes or some such).

Clothes built on a nude mesh (like underwear) do that all of that, but I didn't want to replace any clothes.
Makeup, Tattoos, and Accessories seem logical, but eyebrows are drawn OVER them. Also, we can't change tattoos with different outfits.

The answer: HATS!

But it's got that big clunky mesh! AND it causes the hair under it to deform all weird!

Simple enough fix. HERE is the steps to make your own mask.

* First, use the Cloner to clone a hat (any gender-appropriate hat) as a new item. IMPORTANT.
* In S4PE, open the item and DELETE all the GEOM resources (the meshes).
* This next step is difficult to explain, because I'm not super familiar with the details of the .package files. But I hope it's sufficient. In the list of resources in S4PE, there should be an "UNKN" that, in the preview pane, has a bunch of text (similar to a "CASP" resource). It will be the only one like that. (The other UNKN items have no preview at all, or have pictures). THAT is the section of code that causes the hair to tuck under the (now non-existent) hat. Simply delete that resource as well.
* Now, there are TWO DDS resources to edit: One is the texture for the hat itself. The other is the shadow on the Sim's face.
* For the "shadow" one, export it, clear the alpha, and import it back. Don't do anything else, or it may behave weirdly.
* For the other DDS, edit it just like any other DDS file, including the alpha channel. You're going to need a reference texture here, so you can see where on the face/eyes you are drawing, and where to edit the alpha for visibility. (I personally like Sintiklia's exported skin textures).
* Then import, and BOOM! Wearable masks that can override eyebrows (and even eye color!) WITHOUT sacrificing flexibility.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
チュートリアル: マスクを作る
(このチュートリアルは、すでにクローナー、ColorMagic、および S4PE を使用して衣服のテクスチャを変更するの基本を知っていることを想定)

をマスクしたいに、入れ墨のような皮膚に対して平らに置くの顔の上に合わせて衣装と眉毛の上のレイヤーで変更可能な (ので、マスクは、眉を隠す必要があります)。追加ボーナスとして、(私たちのマスクを含む光ってる目など) 場合、目の色を上書きすることができますしたいと思います。

衣服 (下着) のようなヌード メッシュ上に構築を行うすべてのこと、しかしどんな服を交換したくありませんでした。
化粧、入れ墨、および付属品は論理的に見えますが眉毛はそれらの上に描画されます。また、我々 は異なる衣装で入れ墨を変更できません

答え: 帽子 !

しかし、それはその大きい不格好なメッシュを持っている !そしてそれはそれをすべての奇妙な変形の下で毛を引き起こします!


* 最初を使用して、クローナー複製を新しい項目として帽子 (性別に応じた帽子)。重要
* S4PE、でアイテムを開くとすべてのジオメトリ リソース (メッシュ) を削除します。
* この次のステップは、説明しにくい。超 .package ファイルの詳細に精通しているではないです。しかし、それは十分なことを望みます。S4PE のリソースの一覧で、プレビュー ウィンドウで、("CASP"リソースに類似) テキストの束を持っている"UNKN"する必要があります。それそのような 1 つだけになります。(UNKN の他のアイテムまたは持っていませんプレビューすべてで写真を持っている)。それはタック (今非存在) 帽子の下に髪を原因となるコードのセクションです。だけでなく、そのリソースを削除します。
* 今、編集する 2 つの DDS リソースがある: 1 つは帽子自体のテクスチャです。他のシムの顔の影です
*"影の"1 つ、それ、オフにアルファ、輸出入それ戻る。何も、または、変なふうに動作可能性があります
* 他の DDS 用。同様に、アルファ チャネルを含むその他の DDS ファイル編集します。描画する顔/目と視認性のアルファを編集する場所の場所を見ることができますのでここでは、テクスチャでの参照を必要とするつもりです。(Sintiklia のような個人的に私は肌の質感を輸出).
* インポートし、ブーム !眉・目の色も !) をオーバーライドすることができますウェアラブル マスク柔軟性を損なうことがなく.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Mini-Tutorial: Making a Mask
(This tutorial assumes that you already know the basics of using the Cloner, ColorMagic, and S4PE to alter textures on clothing)

With a mask, we want it to fit over the face, lay flat against the skin like a tattoo, be changeable with outfits, and layer ABOVE the eyebrows (since a mask should hide the eyebrows). As an added bonus, we would like to also be able to override the eye color (In case our mask includes glowing eyes or some such).

Clothes built on a nude mesh (like underwear) do that all of that, but I didn't want to replace any clothes.
Makeup, Tattoos, and Accessories seem logical, but eyebrows are drawn OVER them. Also, we can't change tattoos with different outfits.

The answer: HATS!

But it's got that big clunky mesh! AND it causes the hair under it to deform all weird!

Simple enough fix. HERE is the steps to make your own mask.

* First, use the Cloner to clone a hat (any gender-appropriate hat) as a new item. IMPORTANT.
* In S4PE, open the item and DELETE all the GEOM resources (the meshes).
* This next step is difficult to explain, because I'm not super familiar with the details of the .package files. But I hope it's sufficient. In the list of resources in S4PE, there should be an "UNKN" that, in the preview pane, has a bunch of text (similar to a "CASP" resource). It will be the only one like that. (The other UNKN items have no preview at all, or have pictures). THAT is the section of code that causes the hair to tuck under the (now non-existent) hat. Simply delete that resource as well.
* Now, there are TWO DDS resources to edit: One is the texture for the hat itself. The other is the shadow on the Sim's face.
* For the "shadow" one, export it, clear the alpha, and import it back. Don't do anything else, or it may behave weirdly.
* For the other DDS, edit it just like any other DDS file, including the alpha channel. You're going to need a reference texture here, so you can see where on the face/eyes you are drawing, and where to edit the alpha for visibility. (I personally like Sintiklia's exported skin textures).
* Then import, and BOOM! Wearable masks that can override eyebrows (and even eye color!) WITHOUT sacrificing flexibility.
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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