“7・5ウルムチ虐殺”六周年および“7・28ヤルカンド虐殺”一周年抗議集会ウイグル独立を支持し、中国共産党の弾圧に抗議する! 2009年7月翻訳 - “7・5ウルムチ虐殺”六周年および“7・28ヤルカンド虐殺”一周年抗議集会ウイグル独立を支持し、中国共産党の弾圧に抗議する! 2009年7月英語言う方法












トゥール ムハメット 世界ウイグル会議 日本・東アジア全権代表
頭山 興助 呉竹会アジア・フォーラム 会長

ソース言語: 言語を検出する
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
“7・5ウルムチ虐殺”六周年および“7・28ヤルカンド虐殺”一周年抗議集会ウイグル独立を支持し、中国共産党の弾圧に抗議する! 2009年7月5日、ウイグルの首府ウルムチで行われたウイグル人の平和的な抗議行動は、中国当局の軍、警察によって、過剰な武力行使を通して残虐に制圧され、数千人がウルムチの町で殺害され、数えきれないほどのデモ隊参加者が逮捕されました。その後も、ウイグル全土における大逮捕キャンペーンによって、無数のウイグル人が投獄され、その中の多くの人たちは中国の杜撰な法体系により、死刑が執行されて、また多くの人達は行方不明となっています。 習近平体制になってからは、中国のウイグル人弾圧はさらに悪化し、2014年7月28日はヤルカンドでウイグル人のラマダーン(断食)活動を取り締るヤルカンド大虐殺が起きました。この虐殺は、家で断食活動をしている大勢の女性達を武装警察が殺害することから始まり、この殺戮に抗議した人々は更に機関銃で殺され、この理不尽の殺戮に立ち上がった大勢の住民は中国の正規軍に空爆等の軍事手段で殺されました。信じがたい出来事です。 「7・5ウルムチ虐殺」、「ヤルカンド虐殺」はウイグル現代史においては大きな悲劇です。 中国政府はウイグル人を国家の敵と見なし、彼らの基本的人権を全く無視し、様々な手段を使って、ウイグル人を追い詰めています。このような殺戮、弾圧から逃れる為に、多くの亡命ウイグル人は全てを投げ捨て、東南アジアを経由して、自由世界に逃げようとしています。しかし、東南アジアの一部の国々は中国政府の圧力に屈指し、難民達を強制送還したり、あるいは悪劣な環境の刑務所に入れたりして、女性や子供の死亡を齎しています。 ウイグル人が直面しているこのような悲惨な状況に対し、国際社会からは有効な救いの手は差し伸べられていません。アメリカ等西側諸国は、中国との経済関係を最優先し、中国のウイグル人に対する人権侵害は軽く非難するだけで済ましています。イスラーム世界からもまともな反応は見られません。 国外に亡命しているウイグル人は「7.5ウルムチ虐殺」、「7・28ヤルカンド虐殺」を忘れることは出来ません。今回も世界同時に様々な国で追悼・抗議活動を行います。 世界ウイグル会議日本全権代表部は、正義を愛する日本の皆様に呼びかけ、中国のウイグル人に対する殺戮、人権侵害を非難すべく、抗議集会を開くことを決めました。 ウイグル人の悲劇的な日である7月5日に、ウイグル人を応援し、中国を非難し、日本からも大きな声をあげていただきたいと思います。 是非、多くの皆様方のご参加をお願い致します。発起人代表トゥール ムハメット 世界ウイグル会議 日本・東アジア全権代表頭山 興助 呉竹会アジア・フォーラム 会長発起人(敬称略:順不同)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
"7, 5 Urumqi massacre" six anniversary and "7, 28 Yarkand massacre" one anniversary protest rally supported the Uighur independence, to protest against the Chinese Communist Party of oppression! July 5, 2009, peaceful protests of Uighurs held at the Uighur capital Urumqi, the Chinese authorities of the army, by the police, it is brutally suppression through the excessive use of force, the town thousands of Urumqi in are killed, countless of protesters participants were arrested. Since then, by large arrest campaign in Uighur throughout, myriad of Uighurs are imprisoned, many people in it by sloppy legal system of China, the death penalty is execution, and many of the people still missing It has. 習近from getting to the flat regime, Uighur crackdown China's further deterioration, the July 28, 2014 Yarkand massacre to crack down on Uighurs of Ramadan (fasting) activity in the Yarkand has occurred. This massacre is, it begins to kill armed police a large number of women who have a fasting activities at home, people who protest in this slaughter is further killed by machine gun, a large number of residents who stood up to this wanton slaughter It was killed in a military means of air strikes, etc. in regular army of China. Incredible is happening. "7, 5 Urumqi massacre", "Yarkand massacre" is a big tragedy in the Uighur modern history. The Chinese government is regarded as an enemy of the state of the Uighurs, all their basic human rights are ignored, and using a variety of means, it has cornered the Uighurs. Such slaughter, in order to escape from oppression, many of exile Uighurs dumping all, via the Southeast Asia, and is trying to escape to the free world. However, some of the countries of Southeast Asia are leading to pressure the Chinese government, or deported the refugees, or in or put in a prison of evil degradation of environment, has brought the death of women and children. For such a dire situation that Uighurs are facing, it has not been reached out an effective helping hand from the international community. America, etc. Western countries, and the highest priority on economic relations with China, human rights violations against Chinese Uighurs are spoofing just to blame lightly. Decent reaction from the Islamic world is not seen. Uighurs have fled the country is "7.5 Urumqi massacre", can not forget the "7-28 Yarkand massacre". Also we will do the memorial, protest activities in the world at the same time various countries this time. World Uyghur Congress Japan All Rights representative portion is called on Japan of everyone who loves justice, slaughter against the Chinese Uighurs, in order to condemn the human rights violations, decided to open a protest rally. The tragic day in is July 5 of Uighurs, and cheer the Uighurs, condemned China, also from Japan, I would like to raise a loud voice. By all means, thank you for your participation of a lot of everyone who. Founder representative Tours Muhametto World Uyghur Congress Japan and East Asia All Rights representative Mt. Head Kyosuke Kuretake Association Asia Forum Chairman founder (titles omitted: in no particular order)

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
6 and 7 years and 5 Urumqi Massacre "and" 7, 28, Yarkand Massacre "1st Anniversary protest rally in support of the stress, Uygur, to protest against the Communist Party of China. Sports, July, Uighur peaceful protests in the capital Urumqi Uighur, Chinese officials, police brutality, excessive use of force to control the thousands of people killed in the town of Urumqi was arrested to countless people participated in the demonstration. After that, theBig campaign in all arrested, imprisoned Uighurs thousands of Uighurs, many of them due to faulty legal system in China, the execution, and many people missing. From Xi Jinping system to become worse, China's Uighur repression, 28 July 2014 at Yarkand Uighur Ramadan (fast) activity occurred 取り締る Yarkand massacre. In this slaughterHome from the fast operation of many women were killed by armed police, killing people protested in the machine gun was killed, the wanton slaughter stood up, and many of the residents in China's regular army killed by military means, such as air. Unbelievable. At the
「 7 Urumqi Massacre "," 5 "is a great tragedy, Yarkand massacre Uygur in modern history. The Chinese government has made the Uighurs and the enemies of the state, he completely ignored their basic human rightsVarious means are used at the Uighurs. Thus, to escape from the oppression of the dumping of many Uighurs, all through the Southeast Asia to escape in the free world. However, some countries Southeast Asia leading to pressure from the Chinese government, refugees forced repatriation, or wicked environment and put in prison, he brings death of women and children. The Uighur people too miserable to face this kind of situationThe international community is effective from the right hand of salvation. Western countries such as America, economic ties with China as a top priority, and has done the violations of human rights in China only lightly. Straight from the Islamic world will not be seen. At the 7.5 Urumqi "massacre" Uighurs are in exile abroad, I can not forget, Yarkand, 28 "massacre". This time, at the same time, the world is in memory of a variety of protests in the country. TooThe Japanese plenipotentiary representative of the World Uyghur Congress, calls on the justice, of love for China in the Uyghur genocide accused of human rights abuses, decided to hold a protest rally. At the Uighur tragic day on July 5, the Uighurs, to blame China for support from Japan, I think I would like you to give a loud voice. Come, join us in many people. Too too ムハメット tour sponsor representative World Uyghur Congress plenipotentiary representative of Japan and East AsiaToyama Kousuke Kuretake Asia Forum founder President too, including: unordered XML remote procedure
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