Dear Client,
JSC Rietumu Bank performs its operations in compliance with the Law of the Republic of Latvia, On the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (NILLTFN), and Recommendations of the Financial and Capital Market Commission developed in line with the international standards of banking practice.
Due to the fact that the nature of operations performed on your accounts does not comply with the aforementioned regulatory requirements and pursuant to Clause 14.4 of the JSC Rietumu Bank Agreement with the Client, it has been decided to terminate the cooperation with company PLENUS MARKETING LIMITED and close all accounts in the Bank.
We ask you to send a payment order on transfer of remaining balances by September 29, 2015 (if you have funds on your accounts).
We would like to mention that pursuant to Article 43(2) of NILLTFN, you can either return the remaining account balances to the remitter or transfer them to your own company account in another bank (EUR currency with SHA-type fee, USD currency – BEN-type fee).
Sincerely yours,
Head of the Internal Control Department
Natalja Ignatjeva