Sebagai salah satu contoh dari Famili Reduviidae adalah Sycanusannulic翻訳 - Sebagai salah satu contoh dari Famili Reduviidae adalah Sycanusannulic英語言う方法

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Sebagai salah satu contoh dari Famili Reduviidae adalah Sycanus
annulicornis yang digolongkan dalam Ordo Hemiptera: Famili Reduviidae
(Kalshoven 1981). S. annulicornis merupakan kepik predator yang sangat
potensial. Kepik ini dapat hidup pada berbagai agroekosistem, baik pada
agroekosistem tanaman pangan, sayuran maupun perkebunan dengan kisaran
mangsa yang luas, terutama dari Ordo Lepidoptera (Manley 1982).
Predator S. annulicornis meletakkan telur secara berkelompok membentuk
paket telur yang memanjang. Telur berbentuk jorong, berwarna coklat, dan
diletakkan pada paket yang tersusun dalam beberapa baris. Telur dilapisi cairan
yang berfungsi untuk merekatkan telur membentuk paket telur, selain itu cairan
ini juga berfungsi untuk merekatkan paket telur tersebut pada permukaan. Cairan
tersebut juga berfungsi untuk melindungi telur dari serangan musuh alami
predator dan parasitoid telur (Gillot 1995). Lama stadia telur yaitu antara 14-16
hari (Cahyadi 2004).
Nimfa instar I berwarna jingga dengan ukuran panjang tubuh ±1,73 mm.
Nimfa yang baru menetas biasanya berkumpul disekitar paket telur dengan
memakan sisa-sisa telur. Lama stadia nimfa instar I yaitu 11 hari. Nimfa instar II
berwarna jingga dengan ukuran ± 4,26 mm. Lama stadia nimfa instar II yaitu 8
hari. Nimfa instar III berwarna jingga dan pada seluruh tungkai terdapat bercak
yang berwarna hitam. Ukuran panjang tubuh ± 8,5 mm. Lama stadia nimfa instar
III yaitu 8 hari. Nimfa instar IV berwarna jingga kecoklatan dengan warna hitam
pada tungkai dan toraks. Ukuran panjang tubuh ± 12-15 mm. Lama stadia nimfa
instar IV yaitu 12 hari. Nimfa instar V berwarna jingga tua kecoklatan dengan
warna hitam pada bagian toraks, abdomen dan keseluruhan tungkai. Ukuran
panjang tubuh ± 14-15 mm. Lama stadium yaitu 19 hari (Cahyadi 2004).
Imago S. annulicornis berwarna hitam dengan corak berwarna jingga pada
sayap bagian depan. Imago berukuran antara 19-25 mm, dengan lama hidup yaitu
24 hari (Cahyadi 2004).
Proses ganti kulit pada predator S. annulicornis ditandai dengan nimfa yang
akan berganti kulit tidak beraktivitas, berwarna jingga pucat, kemudian memulai
proses ganti kulit dengan menyobek eksuvia toraks bagian dorsal lalu ke bagian
kepala dan instar baru akan keluar dengan cara kepala keluar terlebih dahulu
diikuti tungkai bagian depan. Nimfa yang baru berganti kulit berwarna jingga
pucat kemudian berubah warnanya menjadi lebih tua, sedangkan imago yang baru
terbentuk berwarna coklat kehitaman (Cahyadi 2004).
Nutrisi Predator
Secara umum predator memiliki mangsa yang berbeda dari segi taksa,
ukuran dan kelas. Masing-masing predator memerlukan mangsa dengan nutrisi
yang berbeda sesuai dengan kebutuhan untuk perkembangbiakannya. Perbedaan
kualitas dan kuantitas mangsa mempengaruhi kebugaran predator. Mangsamangsa
yang berkualitas bagi predator adalah yang memiliki komposisi nutrisi
dan unsur
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
As one example of the family Reduviidae is Sycanusthe order proscribed annulicornis Hemiptera: Reduviidae Family(Kalshoven 1981). S. annulicornis is a highly predatory ladybugspotential. Ladybugs can be lived in a variety of agroecosystem, both onagroecosystem food crops, vegetable as well as plantations with a rangeprey, especially of the order Lepidoptera (Manley 1982).Predator s. annulicornis lay eggs in clusters to formPack eggs lengthwise. Egg shaped jorong, Brown, andplaced on the package arranged in several rows. The egg is coated with liquidthat serves to glue the egg forming the egg packages, in addition to liquidsThis also serves to aggravate the eggs on the surface of the package. LiquidIt also serves to protect the eggs from natural enemy attacks8predator and parasitoid eggs (Gillot 1995). Old stadia eggs between 14-16day (Cahyadi 2004).Instar nymphs I colored orange with a body length of ± 1.73 sizes mm.The newly hatched nymphs are usually clustered around the egg packageeat the remains of eggs. Old stadia instar nymphs I that is 11 days. Instar nymph IIan orange-colored with the size ± mm 4.26. Old stadia instar nymph II IE 8today. Instar nymph III orange colored and on the entire limb blemisheswho is black. The body length of approximately 8.5 mm. Long instar nymphs;III that is 8 days. Instar nymphs brownish orange colored IV blackin the thoracic limb and. Body length size of approximately 12-15 mm. Old stadia nymphinstar IV that is 12 days. Instar nymphs of old brownish orange colored V withthe black color on the thoracic, abdominal and whole limbs. The size of thethe body length of approximately 2-3 mm. Long stadium that is 19 days (Cahyadi 2004).Imago s. annulicornis is black with an orange colored pattern onthe wings of the front. Imago are between 19-25 mm, with a long life that is24 days (Cahyadi 2004).The process of moulting on the predator s. annulicornis is marked with the nymphwill changing skin does have activity, colored pale orange, then startthe process to replace the skin with the dorsal part of the thoracic eksuvia ripping and then to thethe head of a new instar and will come out with the way the head out in advancethe front limbs are followed. New nymph changed its color orangepale colours are then transformed into older, whereas the new imagoformed Brown blackish (Cahyadi 2004).Predator NutritionIn General predators have different prey taxa, in terms ofsize and grade. Each predator require prey with nutrientsdifferent according to the needs for perkembangbiakannya. Differencethe quality and quantity of prey affects the fitness of predators. Mangsamangsaqualified for the predator is a nutritional compositionand elements
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
As one example of the Family Reduviidae is Sycanus
annulicornis classified in the Order Hemiptera: Family Reduviidae
(Kalshoven 1981). S. annulicornis a predator ladybirds very
potential. Ladybugs can live in a wide range of agro-ecosystems, either at
agroecosystem food crops, vegetables and plantation with a range of
prey are widespread, particularly from the Order Lepidoptera (Manley 1982).
Predator S. annulicornis lay eggs in groups to form
a package which elongated egg. Elliptic eggs, brown, and
placed on the package arranged in several rows. Eggs coated liquid
that serves to glue the eggs form a packet of eggs, in addition to the fluid
also serves to glue the eggs on the surface of the package. Fluid
also serves to protect the eggs from natural enemies attack
predatory and parasitoid eggs (Gillot 1995). Long stadia eggs is between 14-16
days (Cahyadi 2004).
Nimfa first instar orange body with a length of ± 1.73 mm.
Nimfa newly hatched eggs usually gather around the package to
eat the remains of the egg. Old instar nymph stage I is 11 days. Second instar nymphs
orange with a size of ± 4.26 mm. Old instar nymph stage II is 8
days. Third instar nymphs orange and the whole leg there are patches of
black. Size body length of ± 8.5 mm. Old instar nymph stage
III which is 8 days. IV instar nymphs brownish orange with black
on the legs and chest. ± body length of 12-15 mm. Stadia long nymph
instar IV is 12 days. V instar nymphs brownish orange with
black on the thorax, abdomen and the entire limb. Size
body length of 14-15 mm ±. The old stadium is 19 days (Cahyadi 2004).
Imago S. annulicornis black with shades of orange on the
wing front. Imago is between 19-25 mm, with long life:
24 days (Cahyadi 2004).
The process of molting predator S. annulicornis marked with nymphs that
will change the skin does not move, pale orange, then start the
process of molting by tearing thoracic eksuvia then to the dorsal part
of the head and the new instar will come out the way the head came out first
followed by the front legs. Newly molted nymphs orange
pale then change color to older, while the imago newly
formed blackish brown (Cahyadi 2004).
Nutrition Predator
In general predators have different prey taxa terms,
size and class. Each of these predators prey with nutrients require
different according to the need for breeding. Differences in
the quality and quantity of prey affect the fitness of predators. Mangsamangsa
qualified for predators are having a composition of nutrients
and elements
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
(·卡尔斯霍芬1981)。这是美国annulicornis kepik杨,
潜在捕食者。kepik ini,活在,agroekosistem,行在
捕食美国annulicornis手上berkelompok telur是
包telur杨memanjang。telur berbentuk裕廊,其中coklat,丹
diletakkan PADA包阳tersusun在几个巴里斯。telur dilapisi cairan
杨berfungsi,merekatkan telur是包telur,除了ITU cairan
缝制,也berfungsi,melindungi telur达日塞兰冈仇敌阿拉米
Hari(cahyadi 2004)。
哈里。其中在丹在Nimfa三龄都有tungkai bercak
III就是8日龄。其中,kecoklatan Nimfa龄IV在瓦尔纳黑坦
就是12日龄IV。其中在kecoklatan Nimfa龄V图,
瓦尔纳黑坦PADA Bagian toraks,腹部丹keseluruhan tungkai。舌
班让身体±14-15毫米。喇嘛体育场就是19日(cahyadi 2004)。
24日(cahyadi 2004)。
散文就在美国annulicornis ditandai库立捕食者,杨
散文以menyobek eksuvia toraks库立,Bagian背拉鲁柯Bagian
在diikuti tungkai Bagian。其中在berganti库立Nimfa阳公司
terbentuk意象杨巴鲁其中coklat kehitaman(cahyadi 2004)。
舌丹了。各人memerlukan mangsa捕食者,nutrisi
kualitas丹kuantitas mangsa mempengaruhi kebugaran捕食者。mangsamangsa
阳,是阳berkualitas捕食者有komposisi nutrisi
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