予測された国賓より、もっとも注目されたのは江沢民がよたよたと現れ、習近平の隣に並んだことだった。これには驚いた人が多い。対立しているとされた翻訳 - 予測された国賓より、もっとも注目されたのは江沢民がよたよたと現れ、習近平の隣に並んだことだった。これには驚いた人が多い。対立しているとされた英語言う方法








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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
予測された国賓より、もっとも注目されたのは江沢民がよたよたと現れ、習近平の隣に並んだことだった。これには驚いた人が多い。対立しているとされた胡錦涛も雛壇に登場し、病気欠席が予測された李鵬もでてきた。この長老たちの勢揃いこそ、中国共産党が一番みせたかった演出ではないのか。すなわち血みどろの権力闘争は、いったん休戦状態にある、という宣伝効果が得られるからだ。 習近平は演説で「中国は覇を唱えず、軍を30万人削減し、永遠に拡張もしない」などと大嘘を平然と嘯いた。もし覇権をとなえないのなら、南シナ海の軍事拠点構築をどう説明するのか、軍を削減しても武装警察が増えるだけの目くらまし戦術にも一切の言及が無く、しかも9月3日の軍事パレードは今後毎年続けると言いはなった。 「強い中国」の演出は習政権がスローガンとする「中国夢」の実現であり、軍事パレードをともかく挙行できたことは、習近平が軍を掌握したということを内外に示したかったわけで、しかし実態はと言えば反対の様相が強い。 軍を掌握したと誇張できる背景は稀薄である。 第一に西側が総スカンを示した。日本ばかりか欧米英にくわえてスリランカ、ケニアなどが欠席し、またAIIBに参加を表明した57ケ国のうち、30ヶ国の代表しか出席しなかったことが挙げられる。外交的には失敗といえるかも知れない。 第二に「抗日戦争勝利」というスローガンのインチキが世界に知れ渡ったことだ。抗日戦争を戦った主体は国民党であり、中国共産党には、「勝利」をいう合法性がないと米国のニューヨークタイムズまでもが厳しく批判し、台湾でも一部政治家や老兵の参加に激しい非難の声が巻き起こった。 したがって習近平の演説では、この部分を曖昧にぼかして表現した。第三に初公開の兵器が85%、その全てが国産と自慢する中国の武器システムだが、米国東海岸へ届くというDF31,DF5のパレードが行われても、おそらく展示用の囮ミサイルか、サンプル(中味は空砲)であり、「張り子の虎」ぶりはかわらない。北京五輪のときの口パク少女を思い出せばよい。 第四に習近平の「強い中国」の自己演出は、かえって周辺諸国に驚異をあたえ、これからの中国の進出プロジェクトへの不信感はますます増大すると予想されることだ。上海株式暴落、人民元切り下げ、天津大爆発など一連の不祥事が折り重なって中国のイメージ悪化が避けられないという皮肉な結果となった。
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Than predicted state guest, it was the most attention Jiang waddle To appear, was to lined up next to Xi Jinping. This person who was surprised often.
Hu, which is to be in conflict also appeared in terraced, sickness absence came out was also predicted Li Peng. Mustering of the elders what, if not the director of the Chinese Communist Party has wanted to show the most.
That bloody power struggle, because once in the cease-fire state, propaganda effect that can be obtained. Xi Jinping in his speech, "China is not chanting Ha, reduce 300,000 troops, forever in the expansion it does not also" was like and calmly the great lie Usobui. And if not cast hegemony, how to explain the military base construction of the South China Sea, the military parade of only of blinding even without any mention in tactics, moreover September 3 and also to reduce the army increased armed police was shot says continue every year in the future. "Strong China" rendition of is the realization of the "China dream" that習政rights to the slogan, that was anyway possible celebration military parade, but wanted to show the inside and outside that was seized習近Xiaoping army, but reality strong opposition aspect Speaking is. Background that can be exaggerated and took control of the military is dilute. West to first showed the total Scandic. Sri Lanka In addition to the just or Western Britain Japan, such as the absent Kenya, also among the 57 Quai countries which announced its participation in AIIB, can be mentioned that only a representative of the 30 countries did not attend. Diplomatic in might say failure A. Bogus slogan "anti-Japanese war victory" to the second took the thing became known to the world. The entity that fought the anti-Japanese war is a Kuomintang, the Chinese Communist Party, if there is no legitimacy to refer to a "victory" also is criticized severely to New York Times of the United States, fierce even participation of some politicians and old soldier in Taiwan blame of voices arose. Thus, in a speech Xi Jinping, it was expressed by blurring this part vague. Premiere of weapons 85% to third, that all but Chinese weapons systems boast a domestic, even if carried out parade of the DF31, DF5 that reach to the US east coast, perhaps decoy missile for the exhibition, and sample (contents are vacuoles), and the first time in "papier-mache tiger" is not changed. It is sufficient to remember the mouth Park girl at the time of the Beijing Olympics. Self-production of "strong China" of Xi Jinping to fourth gives wonders in neighboring countries rather, thing is distrust of the future of China's advanced project is expected more and more to increase. Shanghai stock market crash, the RMB devaluation, became the ironic result that Tianjin Explosion series of scandals is folded in China of image deterioration such as can not be avoided.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The predicted state, most of the attention, and hobbled up Jiang Zemin was lined up next to the Xi Jinping. It surprised many people. As opposed to Hu Jintao appeared on a tiered stand, Li Peng predicted in the absence of disease. This is the full force of the elders is not the one he wanted by the Communist Party of China. He is a bloody struggle for power, in the state of armistice, propaganda effect can be obtained. The speech made in China "Xi Jinping, to hold swayMilitary cuts 30 million people, such as "does not extend to the big lie forever 嘯い coolly. If not be at his supremacy and military base construction of the South China Sea, how do you explain, to thereby reduce the armed police force increasing any mention of a blind, and tactics of September 3, said the military parade every year and continue in the future. The "Chinese" too strong "Chinese dream" the slogan and the learning government, military parade was held, but it could beXi Jinping not wanted at home and abroad that the army took control of the situation, but if a strong opposition. The background can be exaggerated and force control is weak. In the first place them standing member of the stress to the West. In Sri Lanka in western Japan, English only, in the absence of such a Kenya AIIB participation among 57 countries expressed, only 30 provinces are not representative. Diplomatic and may be failed. TooSecondly, the slogan of "Anti-Japanese War victory and bogus" resounded all over the world. Subject to the Anti-Japanese War is fought in the Kuomintang, Communist Party of China, criticized and legitimacy that victory "of the United States New York times to participate in Taiwan, even some politicians and veteran of intense criticism. Therefore at the Xi Jinping, expressed on this part. To the open arms 85 percentAll Chinese weapon system and domestic and DF , 31 and reaches to the east coast of the United States is performed DF parade, or perhaps missile decoy for the exhibition (the blank sample content), which is a "paper tiger" are the same. The Beijing Olympic lip-synching girl when I can. Self directed to Article Xi Jinping "strong"; on the contrary, in China and the neighboring countries to marvelIt is expected to mistrust of China increases more and more. At the Shanghai stock market crash, the devaluation of the renminbi, and as the result, the irony is that such a large explosion Tianjin scandals in China is inevitable in the image. At
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