Duermo, bruxeo, bruxeo, duermo, bruxeo, bruxeo.
Quiero sacarme los dientes, se quedaron con mi energía, tienen vida propia, no me dejan tranquila.
Tengo que controlarlos y muerdo mi cuerpo con el hambre del querer ser. Dominarlos en la busca de una eterna saciedad.
Esta acción es consciente del rastro que me deja, logrando la supresión del nivel físico de la existencia.
Dominandolos.Sleep, bruxeo, bruxeo, sleep, bruxeo, bruxeo.I want to take off my teeth, stayed with my energy, they have a life of their own, don't let me quiet.I have to control them and bite my body with the hunger of wanting to be. Master them in search of an eternal satiety.This action is aware of the trail that leaves me, making the removal of the physical level of existence.

Dominating them.
I sleep, bruxeo, bruxeo, sleep, bruxeo, bruxeo.
I want to gouge my teeth, stayed with my energy, have their own life, leave me alone.
I have to bite my body control and hunger of wanting to be. Dominate in search of eternal satiety.
This action is aware of the trail you leave me, achieving the elimination of the physical level of existence.

Mastering them.Sleep, Sleep, bruxeo, bruxeo, bruxeo, bruxeo.I stayed with my teeth, my Energy, have their own life, Don"t leave me alone.I have to Control My Body and Bite With The Hunger of the being. Them in search of an eternal SATIETY.This action is aware of the Trail that leaves me with the Abolition of the physical level of existence.