El no reconocimiento de los efectos adversos imposibilita la investiga翻訳 - El no reconocimiento de los efectos adversos imposibilita la investiga英語言う方法

El no reconocimiento de los efectos

El no reconocimiento de los efectos adversos imposibilita la investigación y por tanto no existen tratamientos para curar ni tratar el síndrome post Gardasil y Cervarix (marcas de la vacuna del papiloma) que muchas jóvenes padecen.

Como afectadas -continúa Capilla- nos parece inaudito decir que esta vacuna no produce efectos adversos, como reiterados expertos e incluso autoridades sanitarias han declarado en España. Nos parece una temeridad y una falta de respeto hacia las víctimas relacionar todas sus dolencias con problemas psicológicos porque los síntomas que estas jóvenes padecen son los que están recogidos en la base de datos de la EMA, en la fichas técnicas y prospectos de estos productos.

Nos parece de una irresponsabilidad total que a día de hoy no se hayan encontrado tratamientos para estas afectadas”.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The recognition of the adverse effects does not preclude the investigation and therefore there are no treatments to cure or treat the syndrome post Gardasil and Cervarix (Papilloma vaccine brands) that many young men.As affected - continues Chapel - it seems outrageous to say that this vaccine does not produce adverse effects, as repeated experts and even health authorities have declared in Spain. It seems to us a recklessness and a lack of respect towards the victims relate all complaints with psychological problems because these young people suffering from symptoms that are collected in the EMA database, the Factsheets and leaflets of these products.It seems to us a total irresponsibility that today have not found treatments for these affected".
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The non - recognition of the adverse effects preclude research and therefore there are no treatments to cure or treat post Gardasil and Cervarix (marks papillomavirus vaccine) syndrome that many young people suffer.

As affected continues chapel seems outrageous to say that this vaccine does not cause adverse effects, such as repeated experts and even health authorities have declared in Spain. It seems a recklessness and a lack of respect for the victims relate all their ailments with psychological problems because the symptoms that these young people suffer are those that are listed in the database of EMA, the technical and prospects of these products chips.

we find it totally irresponsible today that have not been found treatments for these affected. "
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