In fact, at first, I hated it. The money scale off to the side instead翻訳 - In fact, at first, I hated it. The money scale off to the side instead日本語言う方法

In fact, at first, I hated it. The

In fact, at first, I hated it. The money scale off to the side instead of down at the bottom. The text in the speech bubbles being overly huge. Some of the menu items oversized and the food looking unrealistic (compared to other Delicious games)... it just didn't FEEL like a Delicious game. But I've gotten used to it and like the game much better now, but there are still a few things about it that bug me...
Some of the food isn't properly named. Like the "Mackerel Nigiri", for example.... um, people, that's shrimp. The "Pate" looks a whole lot like oysters on the half shell to me. And some of the graphics are a little off, to where customer plates aren't even on the tables, they're hanging off the edge and sometimes even in the customers' laps.
Sound-wise, I love the music. It's not annoying. But there are two things I have to say that I REALLY hate about the new Delicious games -
1) As lame as this is going to sound, I miss the sound of the plates being set down on the tables when Emily serves the food. I'm so sick of the "bing bing, blinkey blinkey" sounds of the coins being tossed across the screen and sent over into the money bar. Makes it sound too much like an arcade game.
For that matter, why does the cleaning of the tables have to sound like someone Windexing car windows? Why did they take away the sound of plates and/or silverware quietly clanking together? When you clean a table off, you hear the sound of plates and silverware (like in the older Delicious games) not the sound of someone using a squeegie on a window.
2) The 'helper' arrows that point at what you're supposed to be doing, as they bounce up and down, are extremely annoying. That's something that has been implemented in the last couple or so Delicious games and I wish they'd quit it. Get rid of those blasted things. Yes I KNOW I'm supposed to combine this with that (yeah, um, I can tell by the picture in the customer order bubble) and I KNOW I'm supposed to be hitting the cash register to check people out.
Really, enough with that. It's intrusive and unnecessary.
But with New Beginning, the feature I like best is choosing menu items and being able to change them up every level, if you so choose. Good move on that one.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
In fact, at first, I hated it. The money scale off to the side instead of down at the bottom. The text in the speech bubbles being overly huge. Some of the menu items oversized and the food looking unrealistic (compared to other Delicious games)... it just didn't FEEL like a Delicious game. But I've gotten used to it and like the game much better now, but there are still a few things about it that bug me...Some of the food isn't properly named. Like the "Mackerel Nigiri", for example.... um, people, that's shrimp. The "Pate" looks a whole lot like oysters on the half shell to me. And some of the graphics are a little off, to where customer plates aren't even on the tables, they're hanging off the edge and sometimes even in the customers' laps.Sound-wise, I love the music. It's not annoying. But there are two things I have to say that I REALLY hate about the new Delicious games -1) As lame as this is going to sound, I miss the sound of the plates being set down on the tables when Emily serves the food. I'm so sick of the "bing bing, blinkey blinkey" sounds of the coins being tossed across the screen and sent over into the money bar. Makes it sound too much like an arcade game.For that matter, why does the cleaning of the tables have to sound like someone Windexing car windows? Why did they take away the sound of plates and/or silverware quietly clanking together? When you clean a table off, you hear the sound of plates and silverware (like in the older Delicious games) not the sound of someone using a squeegie on a window.2) The 'helper' arrows that point at what you're supposed to be doing, as they bounce up and down, are extremely annoying. That's something that has been implemented in the last couple or so Delicious games and I wish they'd quit it. Get rid of those blasted things. Yes I KNOW I'm supposed to combine this with that (yeah, um, I can tell by the picture in the customer order bubble) and I KNOW I'm supposed to be hitting the cash register to check people out.Really, enough with that. It's intrusive and unnecessary.But with New Beginning, the feature I like best is choosing menu items and being able to change them up every level, if you so choose. Good move on that one.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
そのことについて、なぜテーブルの清掃は、誰かが車の窓をWindexingような音にありますか?なぜ彼らは静かに一緒にclankingプレートおよび/ ​​または銀食器の音を奪うのですか?あなたは、テーブルをきれいにするときは、ウィンドウのsqueegieを使用して誰かの音(古いおいしいゲームのように)プレートと銀食器の音が聞こえない
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
最初は、私はそれを憎みました。お金の規模から側の代わりにダウンの底で。あまりに巨大であるスピーチの泡の中のテキスト。メニュー項目の非現実的な見ている特大と食品のいくつか(他のおいしいゲームに比べて)……。それは、ちょうどおいしいゲームのような感じがしませんでした。しかし、私はそれが現在非常によりよくゲームを使用するようになったしかし、まだ少しのものをそれについての食物のいくつかの適切な名前がない私…バグ。「さばのにぎり」のように、例えば....うーん、人々のエビである。「パテ」が私にカキ殻の半分にのような全部の多くに見えます。とグラフィックスのいくつかは、少し離れて、顧客のプレートがありません、テーブルの上にあって、彼らは、端からぶら下がっていて、お客様のひざでさえ時々。音が賢くて、私は音楽が好きです。それは迷惑ではない。しかし、私は私が新しいおいしいゲーム1について本当に嫌いであるということを言っている2つのものがあります)としてのラメとしてこの音に行くのですが、私はエミリーの料理を出すときは、テーブルの上に置いてある板の音を逃します。私は「ビングビングのように病気ですblinkey blinkey」画面の向こうに投げられたコインの音とに送られるお金のバーへ。それはあまりにたくさんのアーケードゲームのように聞こえさせます。それに関しては、なぜテーブルの掃除windexing誰かが車の窓のように聞こえることがありますか?彼らはなぜ取るの音板および/または銀製食器の音が一緒に静かですか?あなたがきれいなテーブルから、あなたのプレートと銀製食器の音を聞く(以前のおいしいゲームのような)の窓にsqueegieを使っている誰かの音ではない。)「ヘルパー」とその時点であなたが何をしていると仮定すると、彼らは飛び跳ねるように、非常に腹立たしいです。最後のカップルでゲームと私は彼らがそれをやめるように実装されているか、おいしいものがあるということです。それらの吹き飛ばされたものをなんとかしてください。私が知っているはい、私はこのとを結合することになっていた(はい、うーん、私は顧客のために絵によって言う)と私は、私は人々をチェックし、レジを打っているべきだと知っている。本当に、それで十分。それは侵入と不要です。しかし、新たな始まりで、私は、最高のメニュー項目を選択すると、彼らはあらゆるレベルの上の変化ということのような特徴を選ぶならば、あなたはそうします。その1つの良い動きでした。
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