From my experience living in several countries and traveling around the world, I myself felt lots of differences between Japan and other countries, which are the way they live, their sense of values, their common sense and so on. I started to realize the characteristics of Japan and Japanese people objectively by comparing with other countries. In order to avoid the conflict which may happen from these differences, I want to show the Japanese characteristics which I have felt from my experience.
I think one of the biggest difference of Japanese and foreigners are Japanese people are more collectivism than individualism. In order to have a good relationship with other people, they often have to care about the others. Therefore, it seems that they put more emphasis on harmony with others rather than having their own determined attitude. This phenomenon is quite different from other countries because it seems that they put more emphasis on having their own thoughts and their own opinions. Japanese people are also unlikely to attract attention in order to maintain their harmony. There is a Japanese term called “KY” (空気読めない) which means not to read the atmosphere. If you act or speak something which does not really fit into that situation, you may be called “KY” by others which I think it is peculiar characteristic of Japanese.
Other characteristics of Japanese people are that they are polite, calm, and shy. Of course everybody is not like that but I think it tends to be like that when I compared with foreigners. What I see the difference the most is the service toward the customers. People treat customers as if they were gods in Japan. It rarely happened when I lived in Paris. However, it may be a big stress for workers because their services are highly expected by the customers. Also, I think many foreigners think Japanese people are very shy. For example, when I went to American school, I was surprised because many students were often speaking in class. I remember that I rarely could speak in class because I haven’t taken classes that students have to give their opinions in front of the people. Therefore, I think Japanese people are not really good at giving their opinions in front of the people compared with foreigners.
These are only some examples of the characteristics of Japanese people but I think it is important to know about it because not knowing anything about people who live in different country may provoke conflict and it could also be obstacle of communication. I want foreigners especially those who are willing to live in Japan to know how Japanese people are and try to understand about our character! (Of course, I want to emphasis that not all the Japanese people are like this. I just want to present the general character of them.)
いくつかの国とthe世界中を旅行することで生きている私の経験から、私はmyself japanと他の国の間の違いの多くfelt , theyライブwhich way、theirの価値観, their常識とso on .私は、日本と客観的にother諸国との比較による日本人of characteristicsを実現するために始めた.the conflict these from違いが起こるかもしれないwhich avoid to orderに,私はwantをjapanese characteristics which私は私のexperience from felt .
だと私は思いjapanese and外国人の最大のdifferenceの一つは、日本人は個人主義people are than more collectivism are .other good peopleとは関係があるために、彼らはしばしば、他についての世話をしている.したがって、彼らが彼ら自身の決定attitudeよりむしろ、他とのharmony on more重点を置いて、それthat seems .彼らは彼ら自身のthoughts and their自身の意見を持つことon more that seemsそれを強調しましたので、このphenomenon other国からは全く異なっています。日本人their harmonyを維持するためにorder attention attract toしそうにありません。there is」と呼ばれ、日本語ky " (空気読めない)は、大気を読むto not which means .you actあんなsituation intoフィットしなかったsomething speakならば、you」と呼ばれているかもしれませんky " thinkはそれがjapanese of peculiar characteristic is others。
japanese peopleの他のcharacteristics they礼儀正しい、というcalm , and shy are .of course everybody is not like thatです、しかし、私はそれをthinkされる傾向が好きであるとき、私はcompared foreignersを.私が見るものtoward most顧客サービスdifference .peopleも日本にgods were as customers treat .それはrarelyパリに住んでいたとき、私はhappened .しかし、それは彼らのservices顧客によってhighlyになっているのでworkersのための大きい応力be may .また,私は多くのforeigners japanese people very shy are thinkだと思います。例のために,アメリカンスクールまでwentとき、私は多くのstudents classに話すoften were because驚きました.私は、私が私がhaven students人々の前に彼らの意見を与えるのを持って't thatクラスをとったから、クラスでspeak rarely couldを覚えている.したがって、私はjapanese人いないのは本当に良いforeignersとcompared人々の前でtheir giving at意見だと思います。
these唯一の日本人のcharacteristics ofの若干の例です、しかし、私はそれを知ってdifferent not国に住んでいる人々についてanything conflict provokeかもしれなくて、それをcommunication of obstacle beまたcould becauseそれについて知っているimportant isだと思います。私は外国人、特にhow japanese people areを知っている日本に住んでいる気があると人格について理解するtry those want !( of course ,私はwant emphasis to not all the japaneseの人々がこのようにされている。私は、ちょうど彼らの一般的な特性は、本to。)