Insect predators are a type of insect prey on insect pestsor other insects to fulfill his life. Insect Predators livefree and prey on repeatedly (Natawigena 1990; Jumar 2000;Thacker 2002). The characteristics of insect predators, among others, can prey on allthe level of development of the prey (egg, larva, nymph, imago); need andtakes a lot of prey during his life; kill prey for himwith its own way of eating or sucking the prey quickly; generallyhave a larger body size than its prey; pradewasa andadult (imago) usually have the same habitat, and predator alike.Predator behavior there that stab their prey with the mouthshaped like a needle then suck the fluids of the body its prey and there isthe predator chewing on all parts of the body of its prey. Predator-prey therea relatively specific (has a high preference on the type of preycertain), but generally most are generalist predators (eatingdifferent types of prey), and there is a kind of monofag, oligofag, polifag, andomnivor as eaters of certain parts of the plant (Price 1984 in Jumar2000). living predator Insects move from one place to another whenfood source in place of the originally reduced or depleted.Almost all orders of insects have kind of become a predator, butuntil recently only a few order whose members constitute a predatoruse in biological control. The orders Hymenopterathe family Formicidae; Orthoptera; Neuroptera Chrysopidae family; Mantodea;Hemiptera, Miridae family Reduviidae, Mesoveliidae, and Pentatomidae; Dipterathe family Asilidae and Syrphidae; Odonata family Coenagrionidae and Aeshnidae;and Coleoptera Carabidae and the family Coccinellidae (Fortunately, 1993). Butnew about 15 to 16% that has been identified as an agent handlerbiodiversity (Thacker 2002; Norris et al. 2003). In North America recorded 3834predatory ladybugs species included in the genus (Hagen et al. 1999). Type4Ladybug predators that have been reported to prey on insect pests of crops, food,and vegetables include the family Anthocoridae, Miridae, Pentatomidae, Geocoreidae,Reduviidae, Berytidae, Nabidae, and Phymatidae (Hagen et al. 1999). A wide range oftypes of ladybugs have been used as a pest control agent unless the familyReduviidae.Bioekologi A.