Привет моя любовь Masahiro. Я снова с большой радостью получаю письмо 翻訳 - Привет моя любовь Masahiro. Я снова с большой радостью получаю письмо 英語言う方法

Привет моя любовь Masahiro. Я снова

Привет моя любовь Masahiro. Я снова с большой радостью получаю письмо от тебя.
Это для меня является самой большой радостью в жизни, потому что я люблю тебя, и я хочу, как можно чаще писать тебе письма. Я сожалею, что это невозможно, потому что я также бываю занята. Или иногда задерживаюсь на работе. Но, я стараюсь писать тебе мои письма чаще, чтобы твое настроение всегда было хорошим.
Мой любовь Masahiro, я хочу сказать тебе, что теперь я хочу, как можно чаще бывать на улице, потому что дома я всегда думаю о тебе, и мне очень бывает больно, что ты не со мной. Поэтому я часто хожу в парк, который находится не слишком далеко от моего дома. Я люблю там находиться, потому что там очень красиво и мне нравится смотреть на эту красоту.
Несмотря на то, что вчера вечером была не слишком теплая погода, я все же пошла в парк и сидела там, думая о тебе, моя любовь Masahiro. Вчера я так же видела молодую пару. Они шли по парку и держались за руки. В их глазах виднелась большая любовь друг к другу. Я смотрела на них и завидовала им, потому что они находятся близко друг к другу и поэтому они могут вот так просто гулять. Мне очень хотелось быть на месте той девушки, и чтобы ты был на месте того парня. Я сидела и долго смотрела им вслед. Я думаю, что мы с тобой однажды сможем так же ходить гулять и не думать ни о чем. Но пока все же мы не можем сделать этого, потому что нас разделяет большое расстояние, которое мы не в силах преодолеть и которое напрягает меня. Я хочу быть с тобой, моя любовь Masahiro, для меня это самое большое желание и я верю, что скоро мы с тобой сможем быть вместе, и больше никогда не нужно будет иметь большую разлуку, которая у нас есть сейчас.
Я очень надеюсь, что моя мечта действительно скоро сбудется, и мы с тобой будем гулять так же по улицам города, и нам будут завидовать люди, у которых нет любви. У нас она есть и скоро мы с тобой сможем быть вместе, и мы сможем соединить два влюбленных сердца.
Сейчас я должна закончить мое письмо и вернутся из своих раздумий в реальность. Я должна закончить свое письмо к тебе, но я верю, что завтра мне ничто не помешает вернуться сюда, и написать для тебя письмо, которое ты будешь так же ждать с большим нетерпением. Я тебя люблю Masahiro, и я с большим нетерпением жду дня, когда мы с тобой сможем быть вместе. Я люблю тебя.
Твоя любовь, Ekaterina
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Hi my love Masahiro. I am again happy to get an email from you.This to me is the biggest joy in life because I love you and I want, as often as possible to write you a letter. I'm sorry, that's impossible, because I also am busy. Or sometimes is at work. But, I try to write you my emails more often to your mood has always been good. My love Masahiro, I want to tell you that I now want to visit as often as possible on the street, because at home I always think of you, and I'm sometimes hurt, you're not with me. So I often go to the Park, which is located not too far from my house. I love to be there, because there are very nice and I like to look at this beauty. Despite the fact that last night wasn't too warm weather, I went to the Park and sat there, thinking of you, my love, Masahiro. Today I just saw a young couple. They walked in the Park and were holding hands. I could see in their eyes a great love for each other. I looked at them and envied them because they are close to each other and so they can simply walk like this. I really wanted to be on the site of the girls, and that you are the guy on the ground. I sat and watched for a long time after them. I think we can one day just walk the walk and not think about anything. But while we can not do this, because we shared a great distance, which we cannot overcome and which is straining me. I want to be with you, my love, for me it's Masahiro greatest desire and I believe that soon we will be able to be together and never will need to have a greater separation, which we have now. I really hope that my dream will come really soon and we will walk through the streets of the city as well, and we would be jealous of people who have no love. We have it there and soon you will be able to be together, and we can connect two lovers heart. Now I have to finish my letter and return from their thoughts into reality. I must finish my letter to you, but I believe that tomorrow me nothing will come back here and write a letter to you, which you will just have to wait with great anticipation. I love you and I with Masahiro great look forward to the day when we can be together. I love you. Your love, Ekaterina
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Hello my love Masahiro. I am again very pleased to receive a letter from you.
It is for me the greatest joy in my life, because I love you and I want, as often as you can write you letters. I regret that this is not possible, because I also am busy. Or sometimes delayed at work. But, I try to write you my emails more often to your mood has always been good.
My love Masahiro, I want to tell you that now I want to how frequently visit can be on the street, because at home I always think of you, and I ' it feels like you're not with me. Therefore, I often go to the park, which is located not too far from my house. I love to be there, because there is very nice and I like to look at this beauty.
Despite the fact that last night was not very warm weather, I still went to the park and sat there, thinking about you, my love Masahiro. Yesterday I also saw a young couple. They walked through the park and holding hands. In their eyes, I could see a lot of love to each other. I looked at them and envied them, because they are close to each other so they can walk just like that. I really wanted to be on the site of the girl, and that you were on the site of the guy. I sat and stared after them. I think we're one can also go for a walk and did not think about anything. But as yet we can not do that because we shared the great distance that we can not overcome, and that is annoying me. I want to be with you, my love Masahiro, for me it is the greatest desire and I believe that soon we'll be able to be together, and never need to have a large separation, which we have now.
I very much hope that the my dream come true really soon, and we're going for a walk as the streets of the city, and we will be jealous of people who do not love. We have it there, and soon we'll be able to be together, and we will be able to connect the two lovers hearts.
Now I must finish my letter and the return of his thoughts into reality. I must finish my letter to you, but I believe that tomorrow nothing will prevent me to come back and write a letter to you, which you will just wait with great anticipation. I love Masahiro, and I very much look forward to the day when you and I can be together. I love you.
Your love, Ekaterina
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
hello my love Masahiro. i"m delighted to receive a letter from you.this for me is the greatest joy in life, because i love you, and i want, as often as you can write you letters. i"m sorry, it"s impossible, because i"m busy. or sometimes late for work. but, i try to write my letters to you more, your mood has always been good.my love Masahiro, i want to tell you what i want, how can you get out more, because at home, i always think of you, and i"m hurt, that you are not with me. so i often go to the park, which is located not too far from my home. i love to be there because it"s very beautiful and i like to look at this beauty.despite the fact that last night was not too warm weather, i still went to the park, and sat there, thinking of you, my love Masahiro. yesterday i saw a young couple. they went to the park and hold hands. in their eyes, showing a big love for each other. i looked at them and was jealous of them, because they are close to each other and they can just walk. i really want to be that girl, and that you were the guy. i sat and watched them for a long time after. i think you can just walk out one day and not think about anything. but as yet, we can"t do that, because we share the great distance that we can"t overcome and that bothers me. i want to be with you, my love Masahiro, for me is the greatest wish, and i believe that we can be together with you, and never will be a separation, which we have now.i really hope that my dream really will come true, and we are going to walk the same streets of the city, and we will be the envy of people who have no love. we have one and soon we"ll be together, and we can combine the two lovers heart.now, i have to finish my letter and return from their reflection in the reality. i have to finish my letter to you, but i believe that tomorrow, i don"t need to come here and write a letter for you, which you are waiting with great anticipation. i love you Masahiro and i am very looking forward to the day when we"ll be together. i love you.your love, Ekaterina
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