結論は出た。 ならば、もはや語る言葉は投棄しよう。 移り変わる世界に興味はなく、正義なき平和に価値は見出だせない。 背を向ける咎はこの身で受翻訳 - 結論は出た。 ならば、もはや語る言葉は投棄しよう。 移り変わる世界に興味はなく、正義なき平和に価値は見出だせない。 背を向ける咎はこの身で受英語言う方法

結論は出た。 ならば、もはや語る言葉は投棄しよう。 移り変わる世界に興








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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The conclusion came out. If you going to be dumped is no longer spoken. Uninterested in the transitory world, justice without peace watch worth dasenai out. Turn away iniquity is sought in this body. At this time, there are only two possible singular point; Near and far. So, of course, understand from the start impossible. After winning nothing. Envisioned even if earned even if the world comes. It's unstoppable hands still have a blade is not fight I'm sure seeking interests from. This is a fight for dignity and pride. Think it's just better if other battles. And what you earn after the victory, lost something after the defeat? After the victory and loss of what, after a defeat to win what? Turned out the conditions? Do you understand the threats in front of. Is not avoided, was dropped. You don't need an excuse. For an individual by the individual's personal battle to enjoy fully.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Conclusion came out.
If, words to talk longer trying to dumping. and transitory and not interested in the world, put out heading valuable justice defunct peace. Iniquity to turn away is sought in this body. At this time, there there are only two singularities. Distant to be close. So of course, impossible, etc. that you understand each other from the beginning. There is nothing after the victory. Even if won was, the world is not Yatteko as imagined. Still not stopped the hand exchange the blade, it is because I'm sure not a battle seek interests. This battle multiplied by the dignity and pride. Battle between those who think it only suffices. What was acquired after the victory, and what to loss after the defeat. What was lost after the victory, and what should be the acquisition of after the defeat. Do conditions was found. Did you understand the front of the threat of eye. Hibuta was dropped by cutting. Excuse I do not need. The battle for personal by individuals personal and enjoy to the full extent.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
This conclusion. If the words are no longer tries dumping. He is not interested in a changing world, peace without justice value is found out. We accept this body at the back door. At this time, there are only two of the singularity. Far and near. So naturally, impossible to understand from the beginning. There is nothing too after the victory. Even if he had won at the pictured the world did not. Have yet to blade can't stop theBecause it will not fight for the interests. Dignity and pride at this battle. The battle between persons think that's good. After the victory of what, after the defeat of the loss. After the victory at what, after the defeat of the loss or to win something. You were too. At the front of the threat. Well, the battle began. Don't need no excuse. For personal battle with individuals enjoy to one's heart's content.
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