市場で爆発、複数の死傷者=車突っ込み炎上-ウルムチでまたテロか・中国新疆時事通信 - ‎28 分前‎  ... 【北京時事】新華社電によると翻訳 - 市場で爆発、複数の死傷者=車突っ込み炎上-ウルムチでまたテロか・中国新疆時事通信 - ‎28 分前‎  ... 【北京時事】新華社電によると英語言う方法


時事通信 - ‎28 分前‎

... 【北京時事】新華社電によると、中国新疆ウイグル自治区のウルムチ市の朝市で22日午前8時(日本時間同9時)ごろ、爆発があった。複数の死傷者が出ている。2台の車が人混みに突っ込み、車から爆発物が投げられたとの目撃情報がある。警察当局は「テロ」の可能性が ...
関連 ウルムチ市 » 新疆ウイグル自治区 » 47NEWS > 共同ニュース > 中国、新疆ウルムチで爆発 複数の死傷者、テロの可能性47NEWS中国新疆・ウルムチの市場で爆発、死傷者も=新華社ロイター詳細:朝市へ車、人々なぎ倒し爆弾?投げる…ウルムチ読売新聞すべてのニュース提供元(34 件) »
関連 ウルムチ市 » 新疆ウイグル自治区 » 佐賀新聞
中国、新疆ウルムチで爆発 テレビ朝日
ウルムチで十数回爆発か 車2台が市場に突っ込み… ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル日本版

セブ島で事故、邦人1人死亡 車が木に激突、9人けが
47NEWS - ‎17 分前‎

... 【マニラ共同】フィリピン中部セブ島で20日、日本人観光客を乗せたライトバンが道路脇の木にぶつかり横転、乗っていた男性市村裕美さん(59)が死亡、少なくとも邦人男女8人とフィリピン人運転手1人の計9人がけがをした。邦人の負傷者のうち1人はセブのツアーガイドだっ ...
関連 セブ島 » セブ島で社員旅行の邦人10人死傷、木に車激突読売新聞セブ島で車横転 日本人観光客ら10人死傷日テレNEWS24すべてのニュース提供元(31 件) »
関連 セブ島 »

新華ニュース チャドに米兵80人派遣、ナイジェリア拉致生徒の捜索へ
CNN Japan - ‎50 分前‎

(CNN) ナイジェリアの学校から女子生徒200人あまりが拉致された事件で、米政府は21日、捜索活動を支援するため米軍兵士80人をナイジェリアの隣国チャドに派遣したと発表した。 米軍はナイジェリア北部と周辺地域で情報収集活動や偵察活動を支援する。拉致事件解決に ...
関連 沖縄米兵少女暴行事件 » ナイジェリア » ナイジェリア女子生徒拉致、米が隣国に派兵読売新聞米国:集団拉致の女子高生捜索で隣国チャドに兵士派遣毎日新聞詳細:米国、チャドに無人機と兵士80人派遣 ナイジェリア少女捜索へAFPBB Newsすべてのニュース提供元(19 件) »
関連 沖縄米兵少女暴行事件 » ナイジェリア »

Newsweekjapan HSBC中国製造業PMI、5月は5カ月ぶり高水準
ロイター - ‎17 分前‎

... [北京 22日 ロイター] - マークイット/HSBCが発表した5月の中国製造業購買担当者景気指数(PMI)速報値は49.7で、4月の改定値48.1から上昇した。5カ月ぶりの高水準となる。 ただ依然として、拡大と縮小の節目である50を割り込んでいる。ロイター調査の予想 ...
関連 製造業 » 中国:5月のHSBC製造業PMI、49.7-市場予想上回るブルームバーグ中国、製造業の景況感改善 5カ月ぶりの高水準日本経済新聞すべてのニュース提供元(11 件) »
関連 製造業 »

中日新聞 上原 1回零封も…チームは6連敗「ストレスたまる試合ばかり」
スポーツニッポン - ‎20 分前‎

レッドソックスの上原は21日(日本時間22日)、ブルージェイズ戦で4―6の9回に4番手で登板し、1回を無安打無失点、2三振で勝敗などは付かなかった。防御率は1・02。 連敗が今季ワーストの6に伸びた上原は「見ての通り」と元気がなかった。 2点差に迫った直後の9回に ...
関連 上原浩治 » 上原、6連敗に「ストレスがたまる」1回無失点で勝敗付かずサンケイスポーツ上原1回2三振無失点 チームは6連敗日刊スポーツすべてのニュース提供元(14 件) »
関連 上原浩治 »

マイナビニュース 「WWDC 2014」のキーノートスピーチが日本時間6月3日午前1時から - 米Apple
マイナビニュース - ‎36 分前‎

米Appleは、米サンフランシスコで開催する開発者向けカンファレンス「WWDC 2014」のキーノートスピーチを現地6月2日の午前9時(日本時間の午前1時)より開始する。キーノートスピーチを皮切りに始まる同イベントは現地6月6日まで行われる。
関連 Worldwide Developers Conference » WWDCキーノートは日本時間6月3日午前2時から。新ハードウェアも登場?ギズモード・ジャパンiPhoneひとすじ! かみあぷ速報アップス!すべてのニュース提供元(4 件) »
関連 Worldwide Developers Conference »

社会 »

佐賀新聞 自衛隊機初の差し止め=夜間飛行「被害深刻」-第4次厚木騒音訴訟・横浜地裁

ソース言語: 言語を検出する
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
In the market explosion, multiple casualties-car thrusting ablaze-in Urumqi also terrorist?-China Xinjiang
Newsletter-28 minutes ago

... [Beijing News] 22, 8:00 (Japan time the 9 pm) around the explosion was, according to Xinhua at the morning market in China Xinjiang Urumqi. There's multiple casualties. Two cars plunged into the crowds and explosive thrown from a car sightings there. The police authorities the possibility of terrorism...
Related Urumqi» Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region» 47 NEWS] joint news] in China, Xinjiang Urumqi explosion multiple casualties, terrorism possibilities 47 explodes in market NEWS-China Xinjiang-Urumqi, more casualties = Xinhua, Reuters: car, people mown down bomb to the morning market? Toss... All Urumqi Yomiuri news source (34 comments)»
related Urumqi» Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region» saga Shimbun
saga Shimbun
in China, Xinjiang Urumqi exploding TV Asahi
TV Asahi
In Urumqi into a market 10 times explosive or two cars. Wall Street Journal Japan version
Wall Street Journal Japan version
explosion in China Xinjiang Urumqi market, more casualties

Cebu island in the accident, Japanese one slam tree death car, 9 deserted
47NEWS-17 minutes ago

... Killed just overturned vans joint Manila Philippines Central Cebu island and picked the 20 Japanese tourists crossing to roadside trees, men were riding Mr. Hiromi Ichimura (59)At least Japanese men and women 8 people and were nine Filipino driver were hurt. Cebu tour guide is one of the Japanese nationals injured....
related Cebu Island» Cebu island in the Japanese employee travel killed 10 people killed, trees in Cebu car smashed Yomiuri 10 people from a car overturned Japanese tourists NEWS24 all news sources (31 comments)»
related Cebu Island»

80 soldiers to Xinhua News Chad to search, the Nigerian kidnapping student
CNN Japan - 50 minutes ago

Announced that incident was kidnapped too women's 200 students from a school in Nigeria (CNN) for the U.S. Government to help rescue 21, 80 U.S. soldiers dispatched to Nigeria's neighbour Chad. US military to help information gathering and reconnaissance activities in Northern Nigeria and surrounding areas. To resolve the abduction incident...
related 1995 Okinawa rape incident» Nigeria» Nigeria girl students abducted, U.S. troops in neighboring Yomiuri newspaper United States:In the group abducted schoolgirl search more soldiers dispatched daily newspaper in neighboring Chad: United States, Chad drones and 80 soldiers to send Nigerian girl search AFPBB News all news sources in (19 comments)»
related 1995 Okinawa rape incident» Nigeria»

Newsweekjapan HSBC China Manufacturing PMI, may 5-month high level
Reuters-17 minutes ago

... The Beijing 22, Reuters]-49 may announced the Markit /HSBC China manufacturing purchasing managers economic index (PMI) figures. 7 in April revised values 48. Rose from 1. You will be at a high level for the first time in 5 months. Pushing 50 just still and turning point for zooming in and out. Reuters survey forecast...
-related manufacturing» China: HSBC Manufacturing PMI may, 49.7-Bloomberg than market expected China,Manufacturing sentiment improving five months after high-level Japan economic newspaper all news sources (11 comments)»
related manufacturing»

Chunichi Newspaper Uehara even one time zero. Team a 6-game losing streak just "stress builds up match"
sports Nippon-20 minutes ago

Uehara of the Red Sox at Blue Jays game 21 (Japan time 22 days), 9 times in 4-6 4-, one hitless scoreless, and pitched in the hands hadn't noticed, win or lose in 2 struck. 1.02's defense. Uehara losing streak stretched to 6 worst this season are as follows see didn't look. Immediately after the forthcoming two points 9 times the...
related Koji Uehara» stressed Uehara, 6-game losing streak at one time in conceding the battle with Kazuo Sankei sports Uehara 1 times 2 struck the conceding team 6 game losing streak daily all sports news source (14 comments)»
related Koji Uehara»

mynavi news WWDC 2014 keynote speeches from Japan time 6/3 1:00-U.S. Apple
Mynavi news - 36 minutes ago

U.S. Apple WWDC 2014 Developers Conference held in San Francisco keynote speech local start from 6/2 9:00 (Japan time 1:00). The event begins starting with a keynote speech field held up to 6/6.
Related Worldwide Developers Conference» during the WWDC keynote from Japan time 6/3 2:00. New hardware have been introduced? -Gizmodo Japan iPhone straight! Bite so. breaking ups! All news source (4 comments)»
related Worldwide Developers Conference»


saga newspaper aircraft's first injunction-night flight 'serious damage'-lawsuit Atsugi noise 4, Yokohama District Court

結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Explosion in the market, casualties = car plunging fire more than one - Xinjiang China, or terrorism or in Urumqi
Newsletter - 28 minutes ago ... According to the [Beijing] Shinkashaden current events, in the morning market of Urumqi City of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region China around (the 9:00 Japan time) 8:00 on the 22nd, there was a blast. Casualties of more than one out. There is a sighting two cars plunged into the crowd, explosives and was thrown from the car. The police authorities the possibility of "terrorism" is ... According to the [Beijing] Shinkashaden current events, around (the 9:00 Japan time) 8:00 on the 22nd, there was a blast in the morning market of Urumqi City of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. Casualties of more than one out. There is a sighting two cars plunged into the crowd, explosives and was thrown from the car. The police authorities the possibility of "terrorism" is ... According to the [Beijing] Shinkashaden current events, around (the 9:00 Japan time) 8:00 on the 22nd, there was an explosion in the morning market of Urumqi City of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. Casualties of more than one out. There is a sighting two cars plunged into the crowd, explosives and was thrown from the car. The police authorities the possibility of "terrorism" is ...

Explosion in the market casualties explosion multiple, potential 47NEWS China Xinjiang Urumqi of terrorism-related Urumqi »Xinjiang» 47NEWS> Kyodo News> China, Xinjiang Urumqi, casualties also = Xinhua Reuters details: car, people to the morning market people bomb knocked? News source of all Yomiuri Shimbun ... Urumqi throw (34) »
related Urumqi »Xinjiang» newspaper Saga
Saga newspaper
Asahi explosion China, Xinjiang Urumqi
TV Asahi
... Wall Street Journal Japan version car or two dozen times explosion plunged to market in Urumqi
Wall Street Journal Japan version of
the explosion in the market of China Xinjiang Urumqi, casualties of multiple accidents, one person died in the Japanese Cebu car crashes into tree, nine injured 47NEWS - 17 minutes ago

The 20th ..., rollover van carrying the Japanese tourists hit the tree side of the road, man Ichimura Hiromi, who was riding (59) died, Japanese men and women at least in Manila [PTI central Philippines Cebu a total of nine one Filipino driver and eight people were injured. One out of the injured was the Japanese tour guide of Cebu ...
10 casualties of Japanese nationals in the relevant company trip Cebu »Cebu, the tree in the car crash Yomiuri Shimbun Cebu news source of all casualties NTV NEWS24 10 people car rollover Japanese tourists, et al (31 cases)»
related Cebu » 80 people sent U.S. troops, to search for the abducted students in Nigeria Xinhua News Chad 50 minutes ago - CNN Japan

In the incident, which was abducted 200 people, girls from school (CNN) Nigeria, the 21st, the U.S. government has announced that it has sent to neighboring Chad, Nigeria 80 people U.S. soldiers to support the search activity. U.S. forces to support the reconnaissance activities and information gathering activities in the surrounding area and northern Nigeria. The abduction incident resolution ...
Okinawa American soldier girl related assaults »Nigeria» Nigeria schoolgirl abduction, the U.S. is sending troops to neighboring countries Yomiuri Shimbun USA: 80 people sent soldiers and unmanned aircraft the United States, in Chad: soldiers dispatched Mainichi detail in neighboring Chad in search of high school girls group abduction News source of all AFPBB News (19 cases) »Nigeria girl search
related Okinawa American soldier girl assaults »Nigeria» 5-month high level, May Newsweekjapan HSBC China manufacturing PMI 17 minutes ago - Reuters

... [Beijing on the 22nd (Reuters) - China manufacturing PMI in May of the Markit / HSBC announced (PMI) in the preliminary 49.7, I was up from a revised 48.1 in April . It is a high level of 5-month. But still, I have dipped below 50, which is a milestone of the enlargement and reduction. Reuters survey forecast of ...
Related manufacturing »China: HSBC Manufacturing PMI in May, Bloomberg China to exceed 49.7-market expectations, the five-month business confidence improved manufacturing news source of all high-level Nihon Keizai Shimbun (11)»
related manufacturing » ... The team "game just accumulate stress" six-game losing streak also Chunichi Shimbun Uehara once Reifu Sports Nippon - 20 minutes ago

(The 22nd Japan time) on the 21st, and pitched in the 4th to 9th of 4-6 in the Blue Jays game, and no hits and no runs once, and the outcome did not stick with two strikeouts Uehara of the Red Sox. ERA 1.02. There was no spirit as "As you can see," Uehara the losing streak grew to 6 of this season worst. 9 times immediately after closing in on two-point difference ...
Related Uehara Koji »Uehara, six-game losing streak and indecisive victory or defeat," stressed out "in one scoreless news source of all six-game losing streak Nikkan Sports once two strikeouts and no runs team Sankei Sports Uehara (14 cases)»
related Uehara Koji » from 1:00 June 3 Japan time keynote speech My Navi News "WWDC 2014" is - U.S. Apple My Navi News - 36 minutes ago

Apple U.S. starts from (1:00 Japan time) 9:00 of June 2 local keynote speech developers conference to be held in San Francisco of "WWDC 2014". The event that begins starting with the keynote speech is carried out until June 6 local.
Related Worldwide Developers Conference »WWDC keynote from 2:00 June 3 Japan time. New hardware comes up, too? Gizmodo Japan iPhone wisp! Kamiapu breaking ups! News source of all (4) »
related Worldwide Developers Conference »

Society » Saga news SDF machine Full poor expands ended early evening flight rather = "Victim deep" - the fourth lawsuit · Noise Atsugi Yokohama to cut

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
In the market, or the person in charge of a plurality of cars in China Urumqi terror at the Xinjiang newsletter said on 28 minutes ago by taking into

... (Beijing) at the current time, the Xinhua news agency and the city of Urumqi in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region 22 morning market 8 (9 o'clock around the explosion. A plurality of casualties. Two in the crowd into his car, car information from witnesses and cast explosive. ...
possible terror "," the policeCity, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Urumqi related relation relation NEWS 47) Kyodo news, China) of multiple casualties in the explosion Xinjiang Urumqi NEWS in Chinese market, Xinjiang Urumqi explosion possibility of terrorism, or any person = Xinhua news agency Reuters detailed to the morning market, car bomb people calm down? Throw... Provides all of the Urumqi Yomiuri Shimbun news (34), Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Urumqi »
related relation relation at the saga saga newspaper newspaper in China, Xinjiang Urumqi explosion at Asahi Asahi TV TVIn Urumqi into his car on the market some two dozen explosion... The Wall Street Journal at the Wall Street Journal at the Chinese market Xinjiang Urumqi explosion accident of casualties at the stress at the Cebu, Japanese car smashed into a tree, and death is one of the nine injured at 47 NEWS 17 minutes ago and said Manila said at the

... (joint) Philippines Cebu Island on March 20, a van carrying Japanese tourists into a tree on the side of the road on a roll, man Ichimura Yumi (59) andAt least eight Japanese men and women Philippines one driver, a total of nine people were injured. Tour of 10 Japanese casualties in Cebu tour guide was...
related relation in Cebu Cebu Japanese one injured in the car crash in a tree, the Yomiuri Shimbun Cebu Japanese tourists overturned cars and 10 and 24 NEWS NTV all news provider (31) in the »
Cebu Xinhua news related stress relation of 80 Chad soldiers dispatched to search Nigeria abducted students at CNN Japan said 50 minutes ago and said too.(in the case CNN) to 200 people too Nigeria abduction of female students from the school, the U.S. government to support activities by sending us soldiers in neighboring Chad Nigeria 80 people. Information collection activities and support activities in the surrounding area, northern Nigeria reconnaissance and the US military. To solve the abduction cases related...
1995 Okinawa rape incident Nigeria relation relation Nigeria girls abducted us, US troops in neighboring countries, the Yomiuri ShimbunIn the group of high school girls abducted soldiers dispatched search in neighboring Chad daily newspaper for us, drone and Chad soldiers dispatched to search Nigeria 80 girls all AFPBB News news provider (19) related »
1995 Okinawa rape incident stress Nigeria relation relation Newsweekjapan HSBC Chinese manufacturing industry, said PMI

... 5 for the first time at the high level, Reuters said May 17 minutes ago22 (Reuters) - Beijing announced that it HSBC mark of China Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' index (PMI) value 49.7 in April from 48.1 revision value. 5 months, the highest. But still, the increase and decrease of the turning point is below 50%. A Reuters survey of Chinese manufacturing industry is expected...
related relation: may HSBC manufacturing PMI Bloomberg China exceeded market expectations, 49.7Improvement of manufacturing a five-month high levels of all the Nihon Keizai Shimbun news provider (11) once »
stress relation related manufacturing industry news, Uehara zip... The team defeats "full stress match only 20 minutes ago (1993) and hold a sports Nippon Red Sox Uehara said at the well 21 (22), the blue jays Game 4 of 4 - 6 in the ninth inning pitched the count no hits, struck out two scoreless in here like the outcome. Protection rate of 1.The worst losing streak of the season on growth of 6 Uehara "as well. On the difference between the two points of time immediately after 9...
koji Uehara Uehara related relation, "6" defeats accumulate stress shutout victory or defeat in a neutral one two scoreless Uehara Sankei Sports Team strikeout six defeats all daily sports news provider (14) »
koji Uehara stress related relation weather news "of" WWDC keynote speech on June 3 a.m. Japan time from us at the time AppleThe weather news said the US said at 36 minutes ago, too Apple conference held in San Francisco, developers "to the" WWDC keynote speech on June 2 at 1 a.m. Japan time from the start. Keynote speech at the event site, starting to June. At the Worldwide Developers Conference related relation WWDC keynote time on June 3 a.m. at two o'clock. In the new hardware? HBr iPhone video!There is no Kami from breaking up! Provide all the news (4) »
related Worldwide Developers Conference stress »

social relation, Saga, Japan Self Defense Force's first night flight "serious damage by restraining the noise, Atsugi -- at the Yokohama district court litigation.
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