CHAPTER 1Stop That Egg!In the not-too-distant past . . .Skipper. Kowal翻訳 - CHAPTER 1Stop That Egg!In the not-too-distant past . . .Skipper. Kowal日本語言う方法

CHAPTER 1Stop That Egg!In the not-t

Stop That Egg!
In the not-too-distant past . . .
Skipper. Kowalski. Rico. Private.
They are penguins, but more than penguins. They are an elite unit.
Soldiers. Heroes.
Saving penguins whohave been kidnapped from zoos and aquariums all over the world from bad guys.
But like other heroes before them, these penguins came from humble beginnings.
They were hatched in the frozen wasteland of Antarctica, where they waddled and played with the rest of the young penguins.
In those days, it was just Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico.
When they weren’t frolicking, they spent endless hours marching in long lines.
Luckily, a documentary crew was there to capture it all on film.
“Does anyone even know where we’re marching to?" young Skipper asked his friends.
Four adult penguins waddled past them.
“Who cares?” asked the first one.
“I question nothing!" announced the second.
“Me too!" added the third.
“Me too!" finished the fourth.
But Skipper did care. There had to be more to life than marching in line.
He craned his neck to look up ahead, but all he would see were more penguins.
“Well, fine,” Skipper said.
“We’ll just fly to the front of the line and see for ourselves. Kowalski, Rico, engage aerial surveillance!"
The two penguins stood on their tiptoes, flapping their short wings as hard as they could. Kowalski grunted. Rico’s face tuned red from the effort. But they didn’t budge.
“Skipper, we appear to be flightless!" Kowalski reported.
Skipper held up his flippers.
“Well, what’s the point of these?" he asked angrily.
Rico, the silent member of the group, looked thoughtfully at one of his flippers.
Then he slapped one of Skipper’s flippers with it in a high-five.
Skipper’s eyes widened.
“Whoa! I like it!" he exclaimed.
“Hey, this could be our thing! What are
we gonna call it? Let’s call it the, uh ... the high-one!”
Suddenly a large white egg rolled into the penguins, knocking them over.
It rolled away as they got back on their feet.
“Hey! Anybody see that? That’s an egg! Is someone gonna go and get it?”
Skipper yelled.
The nearest adult penguins stopped.
They looked at one another nervously.
“We can’t do that,” one replied.
“Well, why not?” Skipper asked.
“It’s a dangerous world out there," another penguin explained.
“And we’re just penguins. You know, nothing but ... cute and cuddly.”
“Yeah, why do you think there are always documentary crews filming us?" a penguin asked.
Another penguin shrugged.
“Sorry, kid. We lose a few eggs every year. It’s just nature.”
“Right, nature. I guess that makes sense,”
Skipper replied, but then his eyes narrowed with steely determination.
“Something ... something deep down in my gut tells me that it makes no sense at all. You know what? I reject nature!"
The penguin marchers gasped loudly.
Skipper raised a flipper like he was leading a charge in battle.
“Who’s with me?" he yelled. “Ya-ha!"
He took off after the egg, sliding on his belly across the slippery ice.
The egg launched right over a cliff!
Skipper tried to stop, but he was going too fast.
He slid headfirst off the cliff!
Then he suddenly stopped.
Craning his neck, he saw that Kowalski and Rico had grabbed his feet and were pulling him back.
Skipper hopped to his feet and the three penguins peered over the cliffs edge.
The egg was still furiously rolling down the Cliffside, dodging sharp spikes of ice.
“Gah!” said Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico.
Then the egg landed on a ledge of soft snow, and the penguins breathed a sigh of relief.
But the ledge broke off!
“Gah!” said the penguins again.
The snow tumbled farther down the cliff with the egg in the center, forming a giant snowball as it rolled.
At the bottom of the cliff, the snowball hit the bow of an old abandoned whaling ship.
It cracked in half.
“Gah!” cried the three young birds.
Unharmed, the egg spilled out onto the ship’s deck.
“The old ship!” Kowalski exclaimed.
“No one’s ever returned from there alive.”
“Relax, Kowalski, There’s a bird down there now,” Skipper told him.
“Look, he’s fine.”
A tiny bird hopped across the ship when suddenly a huge leopard seal emerged from the water.
It opened its tooth-filled mouth and swallowed the bird whole!
The penguins shrunk back in horror.
“Leopard seals!" Skipper growled. “Nature’s snakes!”
“Aren’t snakes nature’s snakes?" Kowalski asked.
“How should I know?" Skipper asked.
“I live on the flippin’ frozen tundra!”
They watched as the huge seal climbed onto the ship’s deck, followed by two other seals.
They wriggled Their way toward the helpless egg.
“They’re going for the egg!" Skipper cried. “Gimme a way down there, ASAP!"
Kowalski thoughtfully stroked his chin with his flipper. “All one would have to do is collect thirty feet of kelp ...," he mused out loud.
The penguins didn’t notice, but the film crew was right behind them.
The director narrated in a whisper.
“Tiny and helpless, the baby penguins are frozen with fear. They know if they fall from this cliff they will surely die.”He nodded to his cameraman.
“Gunter, give them a shove.”
“... harnessing the jellyfish we’ve trained to obey simple voice commands-" Kowalski was saying, when a microphone pole reached out and bumped into the penguins. The three of them tumbled down the
“Now that’s more like it!” Skipper cheered.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
章 1その卵を停止 !あまりにも遠い過去に.スキッパー。コワルスキー。リコ。プライベート。彼らは、ペンギン、ペンギンがより。彼らはエリートの単位です。兵士。英雄。ペンギン受入保存動物園・水族館悪者から世界中から拉致されています。しかし、彼らの前に他の英雄のようにこれらのペンギンは謙虚な始まりから来た。南極大陸、どこにはじくし、若いペンギンの残りの部分と遊んだの凍結した荒れ地で孵化しました。当時、それだったちょうどスキッパー、コワルスキー、およびプエルトリコ彼らは戯れる weren't、彼らは長い行で行進している無限の時間を過ごした。幸いにも、ドキュメンタリーのクルーはフィルムをすべてキャプチャするあった。"も誰がどこで私たちに行進しているか?「若いスキッパー彼の友人に尋ねた。4 つの大人のペンギンは、過去によちよち歩き出しました。最初の 1 つを尋ねた「だれがか」。「私は何も質問 !」第 2 を発表しました。「私も !」第 3 を追加。「私も !」第 4 回を終えた。しかし、スキッパーが気でした。そこに並んで行進より生命へ多くなければならなかった。彼と彼の首先読みを伸ばしたが彼が見るすべてはより多くのペンギン。「まあ、結構、」船長は言った。"我々 だけ飛ぶよ行参照の前に自分のため。コワルスキー、プエルトリコ、従事する空中監視 !」2 つのペンギンたちつま先立ちで、彼らはできる限りハード短い羽ばたきに立っていた。コワルスキー、ぶつぶちます。リコの顔の努力から赤に調整。しかし、びくともしなかった。「船長、我々 ように見える飛べない !」コワルスキーを報告しました。スキッパーは彼の足ひれを開催しました。まあ、何かこれらのポイント」怒って彼に尋ねた。プエルトリコ、サイレント、グループのメンバー、見た思慮深く彼の足ひれの 1 つ。それから彼はハイタッチでそれとプロセーラーのための足ひれの 1 つをたたいた。プロセーラーのための目が広がった。「おっ !私はそれが好き!」彼は叫んだ。「ねえ、これかもしれない私たちのこと !何が我々 はそれを呼び出すつもりですか?Let's 電話それは、ええと... 高一 !」突然大きな白い卵はそれらを上にノック、ペンギンにロールバックされます。自分の足で戻ってとして転がり。"ヘイ !誰かを参照してくださいか?それは卵です !誰かが起こっている行くし、それを取得するか?」船長は叫んだ。最も近いの大人のペンギンを停止しました。彼らは見て別の 1 つで神経質。「それができない、"1 つは答えた。「まあ、なぜですか?」スキッパーに尋ねた。「それはそこに危険な世界」別のペンギンについて説明します。"と私達はちょうどペンギン。何もないけれど、知っているキュートでかわいい."「はい、なぜドキュメンタリー クルー撮影私たちが常にあると思いますか?「ペンギンに尋ねた。もう一つのペンギンは肩をすくめた。"申し訳ありませんが、子供します。我々 いくつかの卵を毎年失います。それだけで「自然とは。"右、自然。理にかなってを推測する"スキッパー答えたが、彼の目は冷酷な決意で狭めた後。「何か何か深いダウン私の腸のかなっているないすべてで私に語った。あなたは何を知っていますか?私は拒否"自然 !ペンギンの行進に大声で息を呑んだ。彼は戦いで、料金を導いていたようなスキッパー、フリッパーを発生します。"私とは誰ですか?」と彼は叫んだ。"Ya-ha!"彼は彼の腹に滑りやすい氷の上でスライドさせて卵後離陸。卵、崖の上の権利を新発売 !スキッパー、停止を試みたが彼はあまりにも高速つもりだった。彼は崖のヘッド スライディングした !彼は突然止まりました。彼は彼の首を craning、コワルスキー、プエルトリコ彼の足をつかんでいたし、彼を引いていたを見た。ペンギンを 3 台の崖の端に歩み寄るし、スキッパーは彼の足に飛び乗った。卵はまだ猛烈に降ろす、クリフサイド氷の鋭いスパイクを避けます。」ーん !」と言ったスキッパー、コワルスキー、プエルトリコ。柔らかい雪の棚の上に上陸し、卵と、ペンギンは安堵のため息を吸い込んだ。しかし、出っ張りが決裂 !」ーん !「ペンギンが再び言った。雪ロールそれとして巨大な雪だるまを形成センターでは、卵と崖を遠く転げ落ちた。崖の下部に、雪だるま式に増える古い放棄された捕鯨船の弓をヒットしました。それを半分に割った。」ーん !」3 つの若い鳥は叫んだ。無傷を船のデッキの上に卵をこぼした。「古い船 !」コワルスキーは叫んだ。「誰が今まではそこから戻った生きている」「リラックスして、コワルスキー、ある鳥がダウンしている今、」スキッパーは彼に言った。「見て、彼は大丈夫.」小さな鳥は突然巨大なヒョウのシールは水から現れたときに向こうの船飛び乗った。その歯充填口開き、鳥を飲み込んだ全体 !ペンギン恐怖に戻る縮小。「ヒョウのシール !」スキッパーうなった。「自然の蛇」!「ヘビ自然のヘビをではない」ですか?コワルスキー尋ねた。"どのように私は"知っておくべきですか?スキッパーに尋ねた。「私は flippin ' 凍結ツンドラ ライブ !」彼らを見た巨大なシールに他の 2 つのシールに続く船のデッキの上に登った。彼ら無力の卵に向かって自分の道をうごめいてください。「彼らは卵のつもりだ !」船長は叫んだ。「そこは、ASAP 方法ギミー !」コワルスキーは、思慮深く彼のフリッパーと彼のあごを撫でください。"すべての 1 つを行う必要があります...、昆布の 30 フィートの収集は".eu の大声。ペンギンに気がつかなかったが、映画の乗組員はそれらの背後に正しかった。ディレクターはささやくような声のナレーション。"小さなと無力な赤ちゃんペンギンは凍結の恐怖。彼らを知っている彼らは確実に死ぬこの崖から落ちるかどうか。彼は彼のカメラマンにうなずいた。"ギュンター、それらを与えるを突き出す。"... に従う簡単な音声コマンドの訓練を受けてきたクラゲを活用「コワルスキー マイク ポールを伸ばしたかペンギンにぶつかったと言っていた。それらの 3 を転げ落ちた、クリフサイド。「今それはそれ以上のよう !スキッパーを応援しました。
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Stop That Egg!
In the not-too-distant past . . .
Skipper. Kowalski. Rico. Private.
They are penguins, but more than penguins. They are an elite unit.
Soldiers. Heroes.
Saving penguins whohave been kidnapped from zoos and aquariums all over the world from bad guys.
But like other heroes before them, these penguins came from humble beginnings.
They were hatched in the frozen wasteland of Antarctica, where they waddled and played with the rest of the young penguins.
In those days, it was just Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico.
When they weren’t frolicking, they spent endless hours marching in long lines.
Luckily, a documentary crew was there to capture it all on film.
“Does anyone even know where we’re marching to?" young Skipper asked his friends.
Four adult penguins waddled past them.
“Who cares?” asked the first one.
“I question nothing!" announced the second.
“Me too!" added the third.
“Me too!" finished the fourth.
But Skipper did care. There had to be more to life than marching in line.
He craned his neck to look up ahead, but all he would see were more penguins.
“Well, fine,” Skipper said.
“We’ll just fly to the front of the line and see for ourselves. Kowalski, Rico, engage aerial surveillance!"
The two penguins stood on their tiptoes, flapping their short wings as hard as they could. Kowalski grunted. Rico’s face tuned red from the effort. But they didn’t budge.
“Skipper, we appear to be flightless!" Kowalski reported.
Skipper held up his flippers.
“Well, what’s the point of these?" he asked angrily.
Rico, the silent member of the group, looked thoughtfully at one of his flippers.
Then he slapped one of Skipper’s flippers with it in a high-five.
Skipper’s eyes widened.
“Whoa! I like it!" he exclaimed.
“Hey, this could be our thing! What are
we gonna call it? Let’s call it the, uh ... the high-one!”
Suddenly a large white egg rolled into the penguins, knocking them over.
It rolled away as they got back on their feet.
“Hey! Anybody see that? That’s an egg! Is someone gonna go and get it?”
Skipper yelled.
The nearest adult penguins stopped.
They looked at one another nervously.
“We can’t do that,” one replied.
“Well, why not?” Skipper asked.
“It’s a dangerous world out there," another penguin explained.
“And we’re just penguins. You know, nothing but ... cute and cuddly.”
“Yeah, why do you think there are always documentary crews filming us?" a penguin asked.
Another penguin shrugged.
“Sorry, kid. We lose a few eggs every year. It’s just nature.”
“Right, nature. I guess that makes sense,”
Skipper replied, but then his eyes narrowed with steely determination.
“Something ... something deep down in my gut tells me that it makes no sense at all. You know what? I reject nature!"
The penguin marchers gasped loudly.
Skipper raised a flipper like he was leading a charge in battle.
“Who’s with me?" he yelled. “Ya-ha!"
He took off after the egg, sliding on his belly across the slippery ice.
The egg launched right over a cliff!
Skipper tried to stop, but he was going too fast.
He slid headfirst off the cliff!
Then he suddenly stopped.
Craning his neck, he saw that Kowalski and Rico had grabbed his feet and were pulling him back.
Skipper hopped to his feet and the three penguins peered over the cliffs edge.
The egg was still furiously rolling down the Cliffside, dodging sharp spikes of ice.
“Gah!” said Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico.
Then the egg landed on a ledge of soft snow, and the penguins breathed a sigh of relief.
But the ledge broke off!
“Gah!” said the penguins again.
The snow tumbled farther down the cliff with the egg in the center, forming a giant snowball as it rolled.
At the bottom of the cliff, the snowball hit the bow of an old abandoned whaling ship.
It cracked in half.
“Gah!” cried the three young birds.
Unharmed, the egg spilled out onto the ship’s deck.
“The old ship!” Kowalski exclaimed.
“No one’s ever returned from there alive.”
“Relax, Kowalski, There’s a bird down there now,” Skipper told him.
“Look, he’s fine.”
A tiny bird hopped across the ship when suddenly a huge leopard seal emerged from the water.
It opened its tooth-filled mouth and swallowed the bird whole!
The penguins shrunk back in horror.
“Leopard seals!" Skipper growled. “Nature’s snakes!”
“Aren’t snakes nature’s snakes?" Kowalski asked.
“How should I know?" Skipper asked.
“I live on the flippin’ frozen tundra!”
They watched as the huge seal climbed onto the ship’s deck, followed by two other seals.
They wriggled Their way toward the helpless egg.
“They’re going for the egg!" Skipper cried. “Gimme a way down there, ASAP!"
Kowalski thoughtfully stroked his chin with his flipper. “All one would have to do is collect thirty feet of kelp ...," he mused out loud.
The penguins didn’t notice, but the film crew was right behind them.
The director narrated in a whisper.
“Tiny and helpless, the baby penguins are frozen with fear. They know if they fall from this cliff they will surely die.”He nodded to his cameraman.
“Gunter, give them a shove.”
“... harnessing the jellyfish we’ve trained to obey simple voice commands-" Kowalski was saying, when a microphone pole reached out and bumped into the penguins. The three of them tumbled down the
“Now that’s more like it!” Skipper cheered.
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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