Se denomina Bajo Flores a la zona sur del barrio de Flores de la Ciuda翻訳 - Se denomina Bajo Flores a la zona sur del barrio de Flores de la Ciuda英語言う方法

Se denomina Bajo Flores a la zona s

Se denomina Bajo Flores a la zona sur del barrio de Flores de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Es una zona residencial de clase baja.

Está separada del resto del barrio al que pertenece por las avenidas Perito Moreno, Asturias, Varela y Castañares, gracias a la Ley 2329 sancionada el 10 de mayo de 2007 se han fijado sus límites con los del barrio de Nueva Pompeya. El Bajo Flores es uno de los barrios no oficiales de la ciudad.

Se caracteriza por sus casas bajas y su poca densidad poblacional, donde se destacan el Barrio Municipal Presidente Rivadavia, el Barrio Presidente Illia y la populosa villa 1-11-14. Allí se ubica la ciudad deportiva del Club Atlético San Lorenzo de Almagro y su estadio conocido como "Nuevo Gasometro".

También están las sedes de los clubes de rugby DAOM y Piñero, así como el campo deportivo del Club Italiano de Buenos Aires, donde hace de local, entre otros, su equipo de rugby; el "Complejo Futbolístico" de Argentinos Juniors, donde juegan sus divisiones inferiores; y si bien el estadio del Club Deportivo Español se encuentra en el vecino barrio de Parque Avellaneda, este le dio un gran empuje social en la zona (al ser el primero en instalarse), zona que incluye al Bajo Flores. También se encuentra el Depósito de Agua Flores y el tercer cementerio abierto en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, llamado San José de Flores.

La banda argentina de heavy metal Rata Blanca, tiene su origen en este barrio en el año 1986, y le dedica su canción En el Bajo Flores, del álbum Entre el cielo y el infierno (1994).
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Low flowers is called to the southern part of the District of flowers of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is a residential area of lower class.It is separated from the rest of the quarter to which belongs avenues Perito Moreno, Asturias, Varela and chestnut trees, thanks to the Law 2329 sanctioned on 10 May 2007 they have set their limits with the of the District of Nueva Pompeya. The lower flowers is one of the unofficial neighborhoods of the city.It is characterized by its low houses and its low population density, highlighting President Rivadavia Municipal District, the District President Illia and the populous villa 1-11-14. There lies the sports city of the Club Atlético San Lorenzo de Almagro and its known as "Nuevo Gasometro" Stadium.They are also the headquarters of MOED and Piñero rugby clubs, as well as the sports field of the Club Italiano of Buenos Aires, where local, among others, made his rugby team; the "football complex" Argentinos Juniors, where play its lower divisions; and while the Spanish Sports Club stadium is located in the neighbouring district of Parque Avellaneda, he gave a great push in the area (to be the first to be installed), area which includes the low flowers. Also is the deposit of water flowers and the third open cemetery in the city of Buenos Aires, called San José de Flores.Argentinean band of heavy metal white rat, has its origin in this area in 1986, and dedicates his song in the under flowers, from the album between heaven and hell (1994).
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
It is called Bajo Flores to the south of Flores neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is a residential area underclass. It is separated from the rest of the neighborhood that belongs avenues Perito Moreno, Asturias, Varela and Castañares, thanks to the Act 2329 enacted on May 10, 2007 have been set limits with neighborhood New Pompeii. Bajo Flores is one of the unofficial districts of the city. It is characterized by low houses and its low population density, highlighting the President Rivadavia, the District President Illia and populous town 1-11-14 Municipal District. There the sports city of San Lorenzo de Almagro and stage known as "New Gasometro" is located. They also are the headquarters of rugby clubs DAOM and Piñero and the sports field of Italian Club of Buenos Aires, where it Local, among others, its rugby team; the "football complex" of Argentinos Juniors, where they play their lower divisions; and although the Spanish Club Deportivo stadium is located in the neighboring district of Avellaneda Park, this gave him a big social push in the area (to be the first to be installed), an area that includes the Bajo Flores. There is also the Water Deposit Flores and the third cemetery opened in the city of Buenos Aires, called San José de Flores. The Argentina heavy metal band Rata Blanca, has its origin in this district in 1986, and dedicated his In the Bajo Flores song, album Between heaven and hell (1994).

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Called to the area south of the Bajo Flores Flores District of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is a residential area of low class.It is separated from the rest of the district to which it belongs by Perito Moreno Avenues, Asturias, Varela and Chestnut Woods, thanks to the Law 2329 adopted on 10 May 2007 have set Limits to the District of Nueva Pompeya. The bajo flores is one of The Unofficial Neighborhoods of the City.Is characterized by its low houses and its low population density, which highlights the district municipal President Rivadavia, el Presidente Illia and the populous Neighborhood Villa 1 - 11 - 14. There is the Sports City Athletic Club San Lorenzo de Almagro and his "New gasometro Stadium known as".It is also the headquarters of the moeds and Pinero Rugby clubs, as well as the Sports Field of the Club of Buenos Aires, which makes local, among others, its Rugby Team, the "Football Complex" of Argentinos Juniors, where they play their lower divisions; and while the stadium of club deportivo Espanol is in the neighboring District of Parque Avellaneda, this gave a great impetus in the Social area (being the first to settle), an area that includes the bajo flores. Also is the Water Tank and the Third Cemetery Flowers open in the City of Buenos Aires, called San Jose de flores.The Heavy Metal Band rata blanca, Argentina, has its origin in this district in 1986, and he dedicated his song in the bajo flores, from the album Between Heaven and Hell (1994).
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