1- Extract GTAV PSN PKG with pkgview 1.3, you'll get a folder called NPEUXXXX something like that with all the files in it. it will take a while to extract like 20 minute
2- Rename the folder you got to 'PS3_GAME' without quotations.
3- Go inside USRDIR folder, replace common.edat with common.rpf from the retail version inside this package you linked.
4- repeat step 3 for eboot.bin too.
5- Now go up one level from USRDIR, inside PS3_GAME, replace PARAM.SFO too
6- Now place ps3_disc.sfb from some other game doesn't matter which, next to PS3_GAME folder.
7- Now make a folder called GTA5 or whatever you like. Move PS3_GAME folder and the other file inside this folder
8- move this folder to your ps3 or external HDD. So for me it would be F:/GAMES/GTAV/ (there are no >4GB files)
9- Mount from multiman and play!
The game has mandatory install of 7GB and requires fw4.46 but works on rebug 4.30 with mutliman auto patching, playing from internal.
Heres a better guide this guide is not mine either. I take no credit for it.