You have taken the first step toward achieving your campaign goal by launching ‘Lamborghini L.A. vision concept’ on Indiegogo!
Tips on how to start promoting your campaign:
1. Reach out to friends and family
Before you blast your campaign out to the world, reach out to those in your network who you know will contribute. They can help you build up your initial base of funds so that you won’t be sending strangers and people from your wider network to an empty campaign.
2. Share your campaign — everywhere!
3. Promote your campaign and get featured
Our unique gogofactor determines which campaigns are featured on our homepage, newsletters, and social feeds! Find out how you can increase your gogofactor.
4. Talk to your supporters and followers
Reach out to your community frequently by posting updates and adding campaign information (we recommend that you update your campaign every 1-3 days).
Encourage your supporters to invite their friends along – more funds for you, more inspiration for everyone!
Read about How Disbursements Work to find out when you’ll receive your funds.
Please note that while running your campaign, you may get contacted by outside consulting firms through private comments that offer services in exchange for a fee. We suggest using your best judgment when evaluating the legitimacy of outside consulting firms.
Check out the Indiegogo Playbook for insights, best practices, and tips on running your campaign.
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